Therapeutic rehabilitation simulator Fifth vertebra.

In order for the core of your body - the spine - to be strong and healthy, you must first of all be able to flawlessly carry out your daily movements. I think you have repeatedly heard how to bend over correctly, how to safely lift a heavy load and how to hold your back at the same time. Also, from childhood we are taught how to sit correctly in order to develop good posture. Moreover, note that in a healthy, active person, all these rules work at the level of a motor stereotype, in other words, almost automatically, without thinking.

Our body itself tells us how to do it correctly. Let's remember: how very young children do this, and no one taught them this - nevertheless, from the point of view of the physics of movements and biomechanics, their movements are correct...

Unfortunately, in the conditions of a modern sedentary lifestyle, with our eternal physical inactivity, we are gradually losing this skill, and it is for this reason that our spine needs to be additionally trained. Moreover, train not the first available back muscles, which, of course, also affect the spine, but primarily those that are directly responsible for its mobility and safety. After all, our entire spine is surrounded by many different muscles: there are voluminous and strong muscles that can cope with dozens, and for bodybuilders and weightlifters - even hundreds of kilograms. These are the so-called power muscles, familiar to every bodybuilder. But besides them, there are also small and short muscles that are significantly inferior in strength to the first. At first glance, they seem useless, they are responsible for imperceptible movements, but jewelery in their accuracy and complexity - these are the so-called safety muscles of the spine. It is precisely these elements of the muscular system of modern man that lose their natural activity. Moreover, even training on bodybuilding machines and performing all kinds of hard physical exercises, even with heavy weights, do not give us the results we need so much. Take a look at professional champion athletes: they have an incredibly strong, powerful back, but it is combined with a problematic, actually diseased spine. To return the spinal safety muscles to proper tone, specialized movements are required along a strictly fixed limited amplitude with a slight load. It is for these purposes that the technologically innovative Fifth Vertebra simulator was developed.

As a result of this training:

  1. Excessively mobile segments of the spine are significantly strengthened;
  2. “Lazy”, long-forgotten segments of the spine return to active life;
  3. The interconnection of all its departments, disrupted by stagnation, is restored and strengthened;
  4. A new (well forgotten) motor stereotype (that same automatism) is formed, ensuring and guaranteeing the safe functioning of your spine.

And in conclusion of our story about the miracle device “The Fifth Vertebra”, I would like to draw your attention to the small size of this innovative simulator. It folds up easily and takes up no more space than a stool. It weighs little (about 12.5 kg), is easily adjusted to suit any height, and is intended for collective use by all family members. This is such a useful thing!

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