Facial massage according to the Japanese Asaki system

Despite modern achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery, every woman, understanding the shortcomings of these methods, wants to find a natural and safe way to preserve youth. If you look at the beauty secrets of Japanese women, you can be convinced that they most likely have a magic remedy that allows you to look young even at an age when the first wrinkles traditionally appear.

You've probably come across articles about a typical resident of the Land of the Rising Sun, over whom the passing years seem to have no power, and at 42, a Japanese woman looks 20, while these mysterious girls continue to look twenty until old age.

If you delve deeper into the study of the intricacies of oriental cosmetology, you can find mention of such techniques as tanaka massage, or Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. Not only Eastern, but also European specialists sing odes to this method, having successfully adopted the positive experience of Japanese women in their work. After mastering the Japanese self-massage technique, the treasured 5 letters will become for you a kind of “code” into the world of beauty and youthful skin, which every fifth woman in this amazing country owns.

What this method is and what is the secret of the amazing youth of Japanese women will be explored in this article.

Yukuko Tanaka and Zogan massage for body and face

Stylist Yukuko Tanaka

The technique of Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan has been known in the east for many centuries and is constantly being improved. Translated, its name means “touch of the morning sun.” The effectiveness of this method has been proven by the beauty and youth of Japanese women at any age. The idea of ​​reviving the Asahi Zogan technique belongs to Japanese cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi. However, in the development and improvement of this idea, the main role belongs to Tanaka Yukuko, a popular female stylist today.

It was thanks to Tanaka-san that Asahi gained popularity outside of Japan. The impetus for the spread of the Japanese massage method by Yukuko Tanaka was the publication of her book “Facial Massage”, which literally “exploded” the cosmetology field and aroused great interest among beauty specialists and ordinary women.

What is Japanese facial massage Zogan?

This technique is based on the principle of stimulating certain points in the lymphatic system. During the session, the skin, facial muscles and even the bones of the skull are affected. This effect is achieved by increasing the speed of lymph movement, which leads to the removal of harmful decay products from cells. Cells cleared of toxins are renewed, which starts the rejuvenation process.

What results can be achieved

Japanese rejuvenating massage is a truly miraculous method that allows you to achieve visible results within a month after regular use. This happens thanks to:

  1. intensive effects even on the deepest tissues, which distinguishes it from standard rejuvenation techniques;
  2. performing a massage with the whole palm, and not just the fingertips;
  3. detoxification of skin cells by stimulating lymphatic vessels;
  4. toning, strengthening the muscles of the facial area of ​​the head;
  5. formation of a clear contour of the oval face;
  6. reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  7. improving skin color.

Asahi massage allows you to include the skin, connective tissue, muscles and facial bones in the process. Thus, the effect of this technique on the condition of facial skin is complex, which ensures its high effectiveness in the fight against age-related changes.

If you believe the reviews of those who have already tried the Japanese anti-aging facial massage described in the book by Tanaka Yukuko, it has a truly miraculous effect on the skin. This is confirmed by the fact that the question “Why do Japanese women look younger than their years, why do the years have no power over them?” It is constantly discussed on forums and in magazine articles, and does not lose its relevance today. On the Internet you can find many photographs of the Japanese beauty Masako Mizutani, whose face looks unusually young, despite her age “well over 40”.

Masako Mizutani with her daughter. Guess where the mother is and where the daughter is?

By adopting the secrets of Japanese women's youth, you can master an accessible natural way of preserving natural beauty. However, due to the fact that the technique involves an effect on the body’s lymphatic system, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Indications for Asahi massage

Every woman wants to have an attractive, well-groomed appearance, and therefore, having heard about such a miracle technique as Japanese rejuvenating massage, she will want to try it on herself as soon as possible. However, the author of the technique claims that Japanese self-massage is a rejuvenation technique that is not suitable for everyone. In view of its purposeful action, there are a number of specific indications for performing gymnastics for the Asahi face, namely:

  1. swelling of the face in the morning (a sign of improper functioning of the body’s lymphatic system);
  2. blurring of the facial contour due to age-related changes (for example, the presence of a double chin or folds on the cheeks);
  3. the appearance of wrinkles of any type: age-related or facial).

Asahi gymnastics is an excellent way to overcome the problems described above, however, Japanese lymphatic drainage massage will only be beneficial if you have no contraindications to the procedure.

There are few of them, it is extremely necessary to take into account such nuances so that the Tsogan facial massage does not cause harm.

Contraindications for Japanese massage

For women, especially those over the age of 45, Japanese facial massage may seem like a panacea for the changes that inevitably appear over the years. However, there are a number of circumstances under which anti-aging Japanese anti-aging facial massage is strictly contraindicated. These include:

  1. the presence of diseases of the lymphatic system in women;
  2. pathologies of ENT organs;
  3. any manifestations of skin rashes, rosacea;
  4. pharyngitis;
  5. very sensitive and thin skin;
  6. weakened body (for example, with ARVI, chronic fatigue).

Due to the strong impact that Japanese facial gymnastics for wrinkles has on the functioning of the lymphatic system, carrying out such a procedure can dramatically aggravate the course of the described diseases and problems. Thus, ignoring contraindications to performing Japanese oil massage may not only not bring benefits, but also provoke many side effects.

If your health is in perfect order, you can safely begin the procedure sessions by using the services of a massage therapist, or by mastering this technique yourself.

By the way, Asahi massage is performed taking into account strict rules, which you need to know to achieve the desired effect.

Basic rules for performing Asahi Zogan

Revealing the secrets of youthful facial skin in her book, Tanaka Yukuko notes that every little detail is important, even the mood with which you perform the procedure affects the final effectiveness. You should not expect that Japanese anti-aging facial gymnastics will rejuvenate you if you ignore the basic rules of its implementation. Let's look at the features of performing the exercises that Asahi Zogan facial gymnastics involves.

This is the main rule, without which the rejuvenation effect will not occur - the ducts for the movement of lymph will be closed. Cleansing the skin is easy by washing with soap or a special cleanser, then wipe your face dry with a towel or napkin. If the dirt on the skin is very strong, the pores are clogged, it is flaking, or does not look the best, use an additional scrub.

Before mastering this rejuvenation technique, it would be useful to look into a book on anatomy and become familiar with the exact location of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels on the human body, since it is the impact on these points that provides the miraculous effect of Japanese facial massage against wrinkles. If we briefly characterize their location, these are places near the ears, behind the ears, occipital area, lower jaw, tongue and neck.

All movements should be followed in a certain sequence according to the instructions, and the pressure on the points should not be strong. Self-massage of the face in Japanese is a painless procedure, however, careless massaging of the lymph node area can cause discomfort.

During the procedure, your back should be perfectly straight, and if you can’t maintain your posture, it would be better to perform self-massage in a lying position.

  1. Use of aids.

If you delve deeper into the study of Japanese secrets of beauty and youth, you will find out that residents of the Land of the Rising Sun use special oils and creams when performing Asahi massage, the acquisition of which is quite problematic in our country. Therefore, for home treatment sessions, you can use natural oils, high-quality massage creams or an oatmeal mask, which will enhance its effect and help remove harmful substances.

Japanese facial massage technique

Mastering Japanese self-massage techniques is accessible to any woman. To do this, you initially need to learn a technique such as the “Japanese point”, which ends each of the exercises of the technique. It consists of using three fingers (index, middle and ring) to lightly press a point near the ears (that is, where the lymph nodes are located). It is necessary to apply pressure not with the tips, but with the entire length of the fingers at once, for about 2 seconds. After this, smoothly move down to the collarbones, without changing the intensity of the pressure.

The main exercises that are offered during Japanese lymphatic massage are performed for areas such as the forehead, eyes, lips, nose, lower face and cheeks. Let's take a closer look at the implementation features for each zone.

  1. In the forehead area, the procedure is carried out using three fingers (middle, index and ring), which must be pressed tightly to the central part of the forehead, and after three seconds, smoothly move to the temples, without stopping the pressure. Having reached the goal, turn the palms 90 degrees and move them down.
  2. For movements in the eye area, use the pads of the middle fingers, with which you need to touch the outer corners of the eyelids, then, sliding to the bridge of the nose, rest against it and linger for three seconds (this is the so-called “beauty point”). After this, you should increase the pressure and move your fingers in a circle just below the eyebrow area (at the edge of the eye sockets), stopping at the “beauty point”. Then the pressure is weakened, and the fingers return to the lower inner corners of the eye, after which the pressure increases again and a transition is made along the lower eye sockets to the outer edges of the eyelids.
  3. Self-massage of the lip area is performed with the ring and middle fingers. Place your fingers in the center of the chin, apply a little pressure at this point and hold for a couple of seconds. Afterwards, you need to move the indicated fingers around the mouth, pressing intensely. The movement ends in the center just above the upper lip, maintaining pressure at the point for several seconds.

To make the description of the techniques clearer, lymphomassage is presented in pictures.

  1. The nose is massaged using the middle fingers, which are placed in the depressions at the wings of the nose, after which 5 sliding movements are performed from bottom to top and top to bottom. Then the ring finger also comes into play, intensively rubbing the back of the nose in the direction of the cheeks.
  1. The Asahi technique for the lower part of the face is performed with the middle fingers, which are pressed to the center of the chin, then moved upward towards the eyes. At the same time, the pressure is not weakened, and it is advisable to bend the corners of the mouth. Near the eyes, the fingers are fixed at a point for three seconds, after which the palms turn and spread towards the temples.
  2. Massaging the cheek area is done using the entire surface of the palms. To do this, the elbows should be folded together, and the hands should be opened with palms up, placing their bases towards the lips. Next, the palms are raised in the direction of the nostrils so as to completely cover the cheeks, and are fixed for three seconds. Then the hands are raised to the temples without stopping the pressure.

All these techniques are performed sequentially, one after another. Do not forget that at the end of each exercise it is necessary to perform the finishing technique described at the very beginning.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage in video in Russian

You can learn the Asahi Zogan self-massage technique from a video with Russian voice acting:

In addition, the Japanese lymphomassage by Asahi Tsogan can be watched on video with translated captions in Russian.

Asahi Zogan body massage

It is interesting to know that Asahi Zogan is intended not only for the face, but also for the body. Japanese body massage is a practice that allows you to effectively influence soft tissues and muscles, improving metabolism, stimulating blood and lymph circulation, and cleansing the body of toxins and accumulated deposits.

Asahi for the body has a tonic effect on the entire body, and its daily use can be compared, according to the author of the technique, with a walk of three kilometers.

The principle of action on the body of Japanese massage for the body is the same as for the face, namely the effect on the lymph nodes. This massage complex includes 20 exercises, each of which is aimed at stimulating lymph flow in a specific area of ​​the body. Consistent and regular performance of all the movements of the complex allows you to improve the general condition of the body, get rid of skin problems and excess weight, start metabolic processes and even overcome some chronic diseases associated with improper location of internal organs.

However, as in the case of the face, the effect will be achieved only if the technique is strictly followed, which has its own characteristics for each exercise. Due to the large number of techniques in this complex, it is best to familiarize yourself with the features of performing Asahi Zogan gymnastics exercises for the body using video instructions, of which there are quite a lot on YouTube today.

You can watch and study the technique using an online video tutorial. In this version of the video, the voice acting, unfortunately, is not translated into Russian, but the technique of the techniques is quite clear from the movements of the demonstrator.

Problems after Japanese massage and their solutions

Like any serious procedure, Asahi self-massage may cause side effects, such as:

- skin rashes;

- severe weight loss in the facial area;

- deterioration of the skin condition instead of the expected improvements.

The appearance of all these signs most often indicates an incorrect technique, the choice of a low-quality massage product, or abuse of sessions (for example, if you do them twice a day, weight loss can be so fast that your face will look unhealthy).

To avoid swelling on the face, it is advisable not to carry out the procedure before bedtime. The best time for a session is in the morning. And of course, make sure that the oil or cream is natural, high quality and suitable for your skin type.

So, the 5 letters “Asahi”, incomprehensible at first glance, hide the well-known Japanese massage technique, which allows narrow-eyed beauties to maintain a youthful appearance for a long time.

Japanese Asahi facial massage is one of the special massage techniques of modern cosmetologists, which is able to restore youth to a woman’s appearance in a fairly short time.


The technique is based on the fact that the master presses on the necessary points according to a certain pattern, due to which the speed of lymph movement increases. This fluid moves in the human body due to muscle contraction. It carries lymphocytes, which supply the tissues with blood.

Thanks to its activation, cells are restored faster and decay products are eliminated faster. All this together leads to the fact that a woman becomes approximately 10 years younger in just a few sessions.


If we touch on history, the idea of ​​lymphatic drainage massage comes from Japan and belongs to cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi. And stylist Tanaka Yukuko has already introduced her own elements into this technique, thus making the procedure much more effective. This massage has several advantages:

  1. Blood circulation and lymph circulation improves.
  2. Unnecessary fluid and toxins are removed from under the skin.
  3. Puffiness of the entire face is eliminated, and bags under the eyes disappear.
  4. The skin acquires freshness, clear contours appear around the oval of the face.
  5. Wrinkles smooth out and become less noticeable, and in some cases smooth out completely.
  6. The skin in the neck area is tightened and the double chin effect is eliminated.

The correct Asahi Zogan massage technique according to the system of Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, common mistakes

The very scheme of Japanese Asahi facial massage is designed to influence muscles located both superficially and deeply. They, in turn, activate the flow of lymph. Therefore, any touch begins directly from the lymph nodes.

The massage involves only two fingers of the right and left hands. This can be the index and middle or, depending on the convenience of the massage therapist, the middle and ring.

The main rule is that all movements are performed towards the central zone from peripheral, according to the lymph flow. From the submandibular nodes - to the ears, from the parotid to the temporal lobes.


Touches should be smooth, but without pressure. Massage of the nasolabial folds is performed towards the sides, and wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out with light movements from the temples.

It is important to know that massage performed using the Asahi method has a number of features. It is imperative to strictly differentiate the methods of influence, depending on what type of face a person has.

For thin, fat, round, square or oval, completely different systems are selected. All properties of this procedure should be taken into account so as not to cause unintentional harm.

Exist the main mistakes that beginners encounter:

  1. You cannot begin Japanese Asahi massage for the face without prior knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes located on the neck and face.
  2. It is imprudent to perform the procedure without first cleaning the skin.
  3. Massage is recommended for people who have impaired lymph flow, but it should not be performed by those who have a tendency to dry out.
  4. This procedure is contraindicated for persons with pronounced vascular pathology due to the fact that the technique itself is aimed at increasing blood flow, and this can increase the appearance of spider veins on the skin.
  5. You cannot perform exercises without applying a special base.
  6. It is under no circumstances recommended to use force when pressing on the lymph nodes.
  7. It is contraindicated to perform massage if the skin has pronounced inflammatory processes and swelling.

Ignoring the basic rules and carelessness when performing lymphatic drainage massage leads to serious violations. A careless attitude towards your body can cause long-term treatment to follow instead of the expected result.

Lymphatic drainage massage Asahi Zogan for rejuvenating the entire face, treating swelling, slimming the cheeks

Many young women complain that their faces often swell after sleep and their cheeks become puffy. To correct the situation, you need to work with the central part of the face. You should clench your hands to form a fist.

All work will be carried out by the outer part of the index fingers. They need to squeeze the two nostrils, and then move towards the temporal lobes. This exercise must be done 3 times in a row.


The second exercise is aimed at lifting the face. Your elbows and palms should be brought together directly in front of your chest. Then turn your palms up and open your hands. The palms must be placed in front of the lips. Their base is located in the central part of the chin.


Raise your palms to your nose, but do it with pressure, while placing them on your cheeks. Fix this for exactly 3 seconds, then lower your face and make a “smile”, pulling it towards your ears. Then bring your palms to the temporal lobes and complete the exercise. This exercise is also done in 3 approaches.


  1. Facial swelling subsides.
  2. The skin becomes elastic and tightened.
  3. “Cheeks” are eliminated.
  4. An oval face appears.

Japanese massage technique Asahi Zogan for women against sagging cheeks in 10 minutes a day

Another pressing problem is sagging cheeks. To prevent this phenomenon, Asahi suggests the following exercises. It is necessary to firmly press the ring and middle fingers to the center point of the chin.

Applying pressure, you should perform sliding movements to the outer corners of the eyes. Without catching your lips. After freezing for 3 seconds, turn your palms and move them to your temples.


Exercise two. The elbows, like the palms, are in their original position. They need to be folded so that you hold them in front of you. Then open your palms up so that they are at the base of your lips. Using slight pressure, lift them to the nostrils, so that the cheeks are covered.

Stay in this turn for 3 seconds, after which you can release the pressure and spread your palms to your temples.


  1. The skin becomes elastic.
  2. Excess liquid is removed.
  3. The original contour is restored to the face.

Asahi Zogan anti-aging massage for wrinkles: minus 10 years, Japanese technique
Massage aimed at rejuvenating the skin ranks first in demand. First of all, his exercises are aimed at eliminating wrinkles in the forehead and nasolabial folds.

To make the grooves on the forehead disappear, you need to use two fingers to smooth out the upper part located directly above the eyes using light zigzag movements. First from right to left, then vice versa and then again in the same direction.

It is important that the movements are gentle; there is no need to try to move the skin.

And to prevent nasolabial folds, the following exercise is used. The thumbs on both hands should be placed directly under the chin in the center. At this time, do the rest of the nose girth.

It should look like your nose is between your palms. The hands are folded in a praying pose. Extend your palms towards your ears, as if you were doing a face push-up. The task must be repeated three times.


  1. The skin regains its healthy appearance and full of vitality.
  2. The woman becomes much younger than her years.
  3. Small wrinkles and folds are smoothed out.

The effectiveness of Asahi Zogan rejuvenating facial massage at different ages: whether it helps or not

In addition to the frequency of Japanese Asahi facial massage and the professional qualities of the cosmetologist, there is another factor that influences the result - age.

The older a woman is, the less active her lymph outflow will be, which means rapid aging of the skin, premature sagging, the appearance of wrinkles and swelling. Therefore, at a certain age, attention should be paid to the corresponding problem areas.

At the age of 20, neutral techniques are used to maintain youth and preserve beauty. At the age of 30, you should take into account the prevention of the appearance of bags under the eyes, dark circles and puffiness of the face.


At the age of 40, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles, especially on the forehead and nasolabial folds. Maintain the tone of the lower part of the face and prevent sagging cheeks.


At the age of 50, exercises are selected in order to maintain the tone of the muscles of the lower part of the face and the chin itself, which is especially important for this age.


At 60 years old, a woman needs to not skip the neck area, cheek lift and base of the face.

Self-massage at home: short version for 6 minutes a day, implementation schemes, lesson in pictures

Japanese Asahi facial massage is good because it does not require special equipment other than the hands of a cosmetologist. This means that it can be done at home. But if we talk about quality, it would be fair to note that only a trained person can provide a massage at a high level.


Here is a sample diagram. You need to start with mastering the final exercises that should end each session:

  1. Using three fingers (without using only the thumb and little finger), you need to press on a point located near the auricles in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.
  2. In this case, the touch is made not with bunches, but with fingers along the entire length.
  3. This lasts about 2 seconds.
  4. After this interval, you should smoothly move to the collarbones, maintaining the intensity of the touch. This movement is the main one and it needs to be mastered first.

You need to massage the forehead area with the 3 fingers indicated above, pressing it to its center. And after 3 seconds, slowly move to the temples. Turn your palms exactly 90 degrees and move them down. Finishing with the same finishing movement.

When eliminating wrinkles around the eyes, you need to touch the outer corners with your fingertips. And then slip into the inner corners, the famous “beauty spot.” Stay there for three seconds.


The pressure should be increased slightly. The movement itself is performed in a circle, slightly lower than the eyebrow line. Fix at the outer corners and hold for 3 seconds. Return to the inner corners, along the lower eyelid. And execute the completion again.

When the turn comes to the lips in the Japanese Asahi facial massage, the middle and ring fingers must be placed in the center of the base of the face, then press and hold them. Move them in a circle, pressing intensely. Fixate above the upper lip and stay in this state for several seconds.


When massaging the central part of the face, you need to press the middle of the chin with three fingers and move towards the eyes. Apply pressure without releasing. Fix near the eyes for 3 seconds and turn your palms towards the temporal lobes.

If, while performing these exercises, you notice that the skin is covered with wounds or pimples, then be sure to stop the session. This type of Japanese Asahi facial massage is contraindicated for you.

The pressure itself should be quite strong, but it should not cause pain. Before starting, sit comfortably, keep your back straight, nothing should distract you from the procedure.

It is preferable to do the exercises in front of a mirror so that you can make sure that you are performing them correctly.


Japanese Asahi facial massage must be carried out in a prepared state. Without negative thoughts, with an attitude towards a positive result.

Features of performing Asahi Zogan facial massage in specific cases: the opinion of a specialist doctor

Quite often the question arises whether there are any contraindications to its use after cosmetic procedures. Each case must be considered individually.

After Botox injections

After a Botox injection, there is a general prohibition on any physical impact on the face. It lasts about a month. But after thirty days, such exercises are both permitted and encouraged. Because with their help you can improve a woman’s appearance.

But before taking active steps, you need to consult a specialist.

After fillers

Fillers allow women to perform contouring of problem areas of the lips, eyelids, chin, and nasolabial folds without surgery.

But after this procedure, you are prohibited from touching your face for the next six hours. If you violate the recommendation, a hematoma may occur.

But there is no need to talk about massage for the next thirty days. But in some cases it is prescribed specifically to ensure uniform distribution under the skin. In this case, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist.

After facial cleansing

In beauty salons you can find such a service as facial cleansing. Is it allowed to combine this procedure and massage according to the Asahi system? To answer this question, it should be noted that cleaning can be done in different ways: manual and mechanical, as well as using an electric current laser or ultrasound.


In some cases, cosmetologists perform a massage after manual cleaning. It stimulates collagen production. This substance quickly restores damaged skin. But when deep cleaning you should not resort to this service, since it can cause harm to those areas of the skin where microtraumas have appeared.

Therefore, there is no way to do without additional consultation regarding permission to perform massage after cosmetic procedures.

Prices for Asahi Zogan massage in major cities of Russia: what does the cost depend on

This service is very popular and is offered in most salons. The cost of a massage depends on the level of the clinic and the duration of the session. The price of cosmetologist services in Moscow and St. Petersburg is approximately the same. They range from 1500 to 2000 in 30 minutes.

So a fifteen-minute session in Novosibirsk salons will cost about 300-400 rubles, the same as in Yekaterinburg. So a fifteen-minute session in Novosibirsk salons will cost about 300-400 rubles, the same as in Yekaterinburg.

How often should you do an Asahi Zogan massage for rejuvenation: recommendations from experts

Experts recommend performing massage 2 times a day. For one session, 10-15 minutes are enough. And if the results are positive, after a while you can switch to 2 or 3 times a week. Everything will depend on the condition of the skin and the intensity of the recovery processes.

Reviews from cosmetologists, results, photos before and after Asahi Zogan massage course, how the face changes

Japanese Asahi facial massage is quite effective. But for how much, it’s best to ask specialists about this. Most reviews will be positive. During the massage process, a multifaceted effect occurs, which can be seen in the next photo.


By learning how to do the Japanese Asahi facial massage yourself, you can significantly improve your appearance.

Massage result:

  1. The process of cleansing the skin is activated. Horny scales are removed, along with dust particles and microorganisms that clog the pores.
  2. The functioning of the sebaceous glands improves.
  3. Blood circulation and lymph flow are activated, the skin is better nourished, and venous blood does not stagnate.
  4. The skin becomes velvety and elastic, acquiring its healthy state.
  5. Resistance to external irritants increases.
  6. The skin becomes smooth and elastic, thanks to improved muscle tone.
  7. Metabolic processes occur faster and pimples, blackheads and age spots disappear.
  8. The number of wrinkles on the face is noticeably reduced.
  9. The shape of the face becomes more pronounced and clear.
  10. The double chin is removed.
  11. The emotional background improves, the happiness hormone is produced.

Useful videos in Russian about Asahi Zogan massage

Video demonstration of the principles of Japanese Asahi facial massage:

Japanese Asahi massage for face lift:

Japanese Asahi facial massage (ZOGAN) from Yukuko Tanaka has a noticeable rejuvenating effect: wrinkles are reduced, the skin becomes more elastic, smooth and firm, the oval of the face is tightened, bags under the eyes disappear and swelling is removed.

Interesting exercises, worth trying, but I recommend watching the video. This way the technique is clearer and more clearly visible.

Hello, friends! Isn't it great when a woman looks younger than her age? Today I would like to continue the topic of massage, which I started in the article about lymphatic drainage facial massage. Today I’ll tell you about one of the types of this massage - Japanese facial massage. Judging by the reviews, it perfectly helps fight wrinkles.

Who invented

This method of massage has been known since ancient times. But brought to perfection and presented in practical form by the Japanese stylist Tanaka Yukuko. In 2007, she presented the world with the book “Facial Massage”. This work generated positive reviews and lively debate among both readers and critics.

Have you noticed how young the women of the land of the rising sun look? Their beauty is often characterized by longevity, refined features and snow-white skin. Maybe we should adopt their beauty recipes?

The well-known name of this amazing massage is Zogan, which literally means “creating a face.” In RuNet it is better known as Asahi (or “morning sun massage”)

Cosmetologists and dermatologists recognize lymphatic drainage massage as rejuvenating, as it affects the lymph flow pathways.

Basic recommendations for implementation

You can master the ability to properly massage your face. There are instructional videos available for this. The best option is to do 1-2 sessions in a salon with a professional. Then you can do the massage yourself. This way, you can understand the technique of performing the procedure.

Just remember, Tsogan procedures are not a one-time session. Regularity is required to achieve the rejuvenation effect.

The main rule is that all manipulations with the face must be carried out exactly according to the location of the lymphatic pathways

This massage is therapeutic in nature. To gradually get rid of wrinkles, just a little effort when pressing on the face is enough.

  1. Cleanse your face first. To do this, use your favorite cleanser: micellar water, foam or gel. Remove any remaining moisture with a paper napkin. It is good to do the procedure in the morning.
  2. Before starting, apply a special oil-based massage product. Can be replaced with moisturizer or cosmetic milk. But I still recommend buying an oil base.
  3. Carefully study the video instructions in this article. You must clearly know which areas of the face to press on.
  4. at the end, be sure to remove the remaining oil base (cream) with a napkin and wash with warm water.


Japanese facial massage + video in Russian and techniques in pictures

I tried to describe everything in detail and clearly with pictures, videos and comments. Perform the 10-year back technique daily for the first 2-3 weeks. Next, reduce the intensity to 2-3 times a week. For better understanding, I recommend watching the video.

In addition, depending on age, different Asahi techniques are used.

Asahi 2 after 40 years

More aimed at age-related changes: helps improve skin tone, smoothes the wings of the nose, “lifts the cheeks.”

  1. Make fists with your thumbs on top of your index fingers
  2. Place your fists near the base of the nasolabial folds. Slowly move along the line of the nasolabial folds to the chin. The fists should meet in the middle of the chin.
  1. Extend your fists, elbows pointing to the sides. Apply pressing movements from bottom to top along the edge of the cheekbones to the ear area. Repeat 3 times with finishing movements.
  1. Place the pads of your fingers on your chin. Apply a little pressure and hold for 3 seconds at this point. Next, move your fingers to the corners of your mouth and also hold for 3 seconds. Move your fingers up to the wings of the nose and again apply a small 3-second gentle pressure. Next, move your palms to your ears and perform the final action. Repeat three times.
  1. Place the fingers of one hand on your cheek. Place the fingers of the other hand on top. Press your fingers firmly onto the skin and move your fingers up to your ear. Then one hand goes to the final action, and the other moves along the edge of the lower jaw to the chin. 3 repetitions with finishing actions.

Asahi 2 after 50 years video

Fighting sagging cheeks and the formation of jowls on the skin of the face. Repeat each exercise 3 times.

  1. We form our fingers into fists. From the corners of the mouth along the lower jaw we move with pressing movements to the ears. Then we do the final step. Repeat three times.
  1. Smoothing movement from nasolabial folds from top to bottom. First on one side, then on the other.
  1. Place your right hand on your left. Press your palms to your face in the temple area. Pressing on the skin, move towards the auricle. Next, one hand goes to the final action, and the other moves along the lower edge of the chin. This is done on both sides of the face.
  1. Place your palms on your cheeks. Press down on your face as if lifting your cheeks. Move slowly towards your ears. Then take the final action.

Asahi 2 after 60 years video

It’s time to add elements of massage to the previous exercises to eliminate sagging chin and neck. Repeat each exercise 3 times.

  1. Place your fingers under your chin. Slowly move along the edge of your chin up to your ear. Perform the final action.
  1. For this exercise you will need a napkin or towel made of natural fabric. Press the towel to your chin for 5 seconds. Next, run your fingers from the middle of the chin along the edge of the face. The fingers move in the other direction, not as usual, but forward. Take the final action. This is done on both sides of the face.
  1. With an open palm, grab your chin. Go down slowly along the entire neck.

For a better understanding of how to perform the techniques, check out the training video:

What problems may arise after a massage and how to solve them

If everything is done correctly and carefully, no problems will arise. But in some cases, some troubles may arise:

Skin rash

As I wrote above, you can’t do a massage if you have skin rashes. You will spread more irritation. At this time, it is better to take a course of soothing masks or white clay.

If irritation is caused by massage, then the rash will be localized in the area of ​​the lymphatic tract.

  1. stop massage until the rash completely disappears;
  2. change the massage product;
  3. Remove massage oil (base) more thoroughly after the procedure.

Facial weight loss

For those who already have a doll-like face with sunken cheeks, this can cause inconvenience. To avoid this, you need to reduce the number of sessions.

If your face becomes flat and expressionless, this massage is not suitable for you at all. Switch to another type of facial gymnastics.

Morning swelling

Check out where this problem is coming from. I described the most basic reasons in the article “causes of puffiness under the eyes.” Maybe it has something to do with nutrition. It is better not to massage at night. This may cause swelling in the morning.

Zogan massage is called “Morning Sun” because it is best done in the morning. How to quickly get rid of swelling, see another article.


It appears in the form of blood vessels and stars on the face. If you have this disease, lymphomassage can be done with caution, and even better, consult a doctor. If these signs appeared after the Asahi massage:

  1. exclude exercises in the area of ​​rosacea;
  2. use a special cream for the treatment and prevention of rosacea;
  3. use scrubs and peels less often;
  4. avoid temperature changes.

Japanese facial massage – reviews from those who have experienced its effects

Karina: I have been doing massage for a week. I chose virgin coconut oil as the oil. I love! Only positive effect.

Tatiana: Hello! And I had a bad experience. I am 35 years old. I had a massage for 14 days. Signs of swelling and nasolabial folds became even more pronounced. The face somehow became haggard. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Adelia: And Asahi’s self-massage really works. After a week-long course, my cosmetologist noted improvements in my face. And the opinion of a professional is worth a lot!

Lydia: I liked everything. When I started doing massage (about 3 months), I didn’t find any warnings about a thin face. Now I have a problem and “have something to fight with.” Girls, pay serious attention to this moment!

Margot: I started doing massage for 2 weeks. I chose peach oil for myself. I didn’t feel particularly rejuvenated. The skin tightened up a little and that’s it. I don’t notice a great effect on the color and pores of my face. Although, maybe 14 days is not enough?

Tamara: And my skin condition immediately improved. And then somehow my face seemed to sag. The folds around the nose became more visible. It didn’t seem to stretch it much. As soon as I stopped, everything quickly fell into place. But I did everything right.

We understand perfectly well that massage alone is not enough. Of course, you need to take care of yourself from the inside too: eat right, drink clean water, don’t get nervous.

The use of additional care products is very important at any age. Especially after 40. I often see reviews like this: “The skin is saggy.” You need to train your facial muscles the same way you train your body muscles in the gym. I recommend doing special gymnastics for the face, which keeps the muscles toned. I plan to write an article about her soon 🙂

Do not forget about the use of special anti-aging products. Compliance with an integrated approach is the key to beauty and youth!

Indications and contraindications

Japanese Zogan massage as a remedy has a number of indications and contraindications.

  1. prevention of premature aging;
  2. increasing skin tone;
  3. fight against wrinkles;
  4. swelling of the face;
  5. improvement of skin color;
  6. getting rid of double chin.
  1. colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, ENT diseases, runny nose);
  2. diseases of the lymphatic system;
  3. inflammatory processes on the skin of the face;
  4. rosacea (only with doctor's consultation);
  5. do with caution in case of autoimmune diseases (Werlhof's disease);
  6. For those with a thin face with a small layer of fat, it is better to work only the upper part of the face, because This procedure promotes facial slimming.

During critical days, it is better to refrain from facial massage.

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