Ear massage to stimulate the whole body

Ears are one of the important human organs, the health of which largely depends on our attention and care. The auricle contains about 120 active points, by acting on which you can activate the body's reserve forces and improve the functioning of internal organs.

A properly performed ear massage procedure will also help cure various diseases, for example, otitis media. Of course, ear massage cannot completely replace drug therapy. However, massage therapy can definitely contribute to a faster recovery.

In this article, we will look at several ear massage techniques that will relieve anxiety and stress, improve brain function, stimulate and set the body up for complete recovery. This procedure has no contraindications, the technique is available to each of us.

Active points of the ear

Ear massage to relieve anxiety and stress

This ear massage will help cope with anxiety, stress, give complete relaxation to the body, relieve tension, anxiety, and teach you to let go of all problems.

  1. First of all, we get healing warmth: to do this, we intensively rub our palms against each other.
  2. We place our palms on the ears: the right palm on the right ear, the left palm on the left.
  3. We close our eyes, tune in to relaxation, and slowly lower our shoulders.
  4. Using slow circular movements, rotate your palms clockwise. We massage only the outer part of the ear.
  5. After a minute, we begin to rotate in the opposite direction.

Ear massage for healing, tuning and stimulation of the body

All movements are performed at a smooth and slow pace.

  1. We clasp the ear with our thumb and forefinger and begin to slowly knead it over the entire surface of the auricle for 1 minute.
  2. Let's move on to the earlobe. Using your thumb and index finger, gently pull the earlobe down several 5-10 times.
  3. We rub our palms together and apply a warm palm to our ear. A person should feel warmth coming from the center of the palm.
  4. We place both palms on the ears so that the center of the palm is located in the center of the ear, and the fingers are on the back of the head.
  5. Gently and smoothly press on the head 5-10 times.
  6. Then close your eyes and breathe calmly for 1 minute.

Ear massage to improve brain function

The earlobe is energetically connected to the brain; there are active points on it, by acting on which you can stimulate the work of the brain. By massaging the right earlobe, the left hemisphere of the brain is activated, massage of the left earlobe stimulates the work of the right hemisphere.

  1. We clasp the earlobe with our thumb and forefinger and begin to gently massage for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Then we move to the middle of the outer edge of the auricle, continuing to gently massage.
  3. We wrap our thumb, index and middle fingers around the auricle and gently turn the ear in a circle.

These massage techniques are suitable for strengthening the body in case of all ear diseases. You can find out more detailed information about the treatment and prevention of various ENT diseases on the websitehttp://stopotit.ru/