Mandatory conditions for muscle growth.

Many guys, and girls too, when they start visiting the gym, want to build up muscle mass in the shortest possible time. At the same time, some do not even take common sense into account and rely on some dubious drugs or a whole bunch of amino acids purchased in sports nutrition stores. But it is worth noting that rapid muscle growth is only possible with an integrated approach. Based on the experience of many athletes, I would like to highlight three main components that will allow you to build muscle mass without harm to the body. These are rest, nutrition and training. Training is put in last place for a reason, because by eating well you can build up mass without increased stress, but training hard while eating poorly is a direct path to a rapid decrease in muscle mass, and even to exhaustion of the body.

I would like to take a closer look at these key factors. Nutrition should be as high in calories as possible and include a sufficient amount of protein to promote muscle growth. It is necessary to take carbohydrates as a source of calories, because fat is not suitable for such purposes. Avoid sugar, it can harm the body and it will be quite difficult to build muscle mass. The optimal number of times to write is at least five times a day. At the same time, the number of calories should be individual - determine for yourself how many calories your body requires.

Proper rest and recovery are an integral part of muscle growth, because it is during the process of rest that they grow. Many people mistakenly believe that muscles grow during training, but this is clearly a misconception. During training, you damage muscle fibers, and in the process of healthy sleep and the absence of any physical activity, the desired increase in muscle mass occurs.

Many teenagers nowadays use drugs that have anabolic properties to accelerate muscle growth. Although they are effective, they have a wide range of side effects and can seriously undermine the condition of the body. To accelerate muscle growth without compromising your health, you can introduce milkshakes based on gainers into your diet. You can buy them in sports nutrition stores. In addition to the fact that they do not harm health at all, they are able to ensure muscle growth even with insufficient nutrition.

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