Chest style dips

Dips belongs to the subgroup of bench press exercises. It is usually used as a pre-workout warm-up. Exercise has an excellent effect on lower And external parts of the pectoral muscles. The correct technique among reputable bodybuilders is considered to be the presence of constant leaning the body forward at all stages of the movement of this exercise.

Experienced bodybuilders actively use dips, the so-called chest style, with an additional hinged burden. There are a lot of opportunities to hook the gimbal. For example: belt hooks on which plates (barbell discs) are attached. Weight vests, loaded backpacks, neck bags and other devices are also used. Some athletes use additional loads of over one hundred kilograms or more.

Chest style dip technique:

  1. Balance your position on the bars.
  2. Bend your knees.
  3. Bending your elbows, slowly lower yourself, holding at the bottom point for a second, squeezing.
  4. When squeezing, exhale.
  5. When lowering, inhale.
  6. Try to exclude rocking, movement by inertia and other elements of cheating.
  7. Again, the key point is the movement of the elbows during the exercise. If the elbows, when lowering, move backward parallel to the bars and your body, then the maximum load in the exercise is on the triceps, and the pectoral muscles are practically disabled. Remember: The movement of the elbows should be perpendicular to the bars and the body of your body - then the entire emphasis of push-ups is on the pectoral muscles.
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