Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

Why do stretch marks occur on the breasts during pregnancy?

The skin on the chest is very thin and delicate, and therefore requires increased attention during the period of bearing a child. A sharp enlargement of the mammary glands leads to stretching, some fibers of the epidermis burst, and microcracks form.

Stretch marks look like stripes, initially reddish or burgundy in color; over time they fade and become less noticeable. At the same time, due to the lack of melanin in them, stretch marks do not react to ultraviolet radiation and do not change color when tanning.

The main causes of stretch marks during pregnancy:

  1. hormonal changes - caused by an increase in progesterone and estrogen, which increase skin sensitivity;
  2. decreased production of elastin and collagen in the layers of the epidermis;
  3. a sharp increase in body weight;
  4. a hereditary factor is considered the most likely cause of striae.

Striae do not cause discomfort, only minor itching is possible at the time of appearance. Such a cosmetic defect on the skin upsets many women, so you need to prepare for future changes. It is worth asking in advance what to do if stretch marks appear on the chest during pregnancy?

Prevention methods

Preventive measures are primarily aimed at reducing tension and nourishing the epidermis, both from the inside and at the cellular level. Therefore, from the moment of conception, you should follow some recommendations for caring for the skin of the mammary glands:

  1. The choice of bra should be based on maximum support for the mammary glands. Wide straps, precise cup sizes and skin-friendly fabric will help you maintain your shape.
  2. Optimal weight gain for each trimester. Excess body weight leads to the appearance of stretch marks, so you need to control this indicator.
  3. Physical activity recommended for pregnant women (yoga, swimming pool) saturates the body's cells with oxygen, increases tone and has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Thus, stretch marks on the pectoral muscles may appear to a lesser extent.
  4. The diet during the 9-month period should contain the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements in order to provide nutrients not only to the growing fetus, but also to the needs of one’s own body.

Adequate rest is not the last factor in maintaining tone; sleep patterns and daily activity are a very important indicator. At night, the epidermis restores its protective properties, regenerating the structure of the skin.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy at home?

Immediately after conception, when a woman realizes that she is expecting a child, and her body is subject to significant changes, it is worth taking care of her skin more carefully. But, if stretch marks begin to appear on the chest during pregnancy, then it is necessary to get rid of them immediately.

At home, a light massage of the mammary glands is used using olive, apricot or almond oils. Movements should be smooth, stroking, so as not to harm, but only tone the skin.

The main condition for preventing or reducing the appearance of stretch marks is the regular use of cosmetic methods, which can be alternated. In folk medicine, the most popular are:

  1. Scrubs do an excellent job of removing dead cells by exfoliating them. A natural product made from ground coffee will gently cleanse the skin. Sour cream or olive oil is also added to the mixture. Thus, the surface is prepared for further nutrition with cosmetic products.
  2. The lotion should be smeared after using a scrub, which is prepared on the basis of aloe juice, with the addition of vitamins A and E, as well as olive oil. The mixture nourishes the deep layers of the dermis, the skin becomes noticeably more elastic, collagen fibers restore their structure.
  3. Rubbing with creams with the addition of a few drops of essential oil (lavender, rosemary, nerol) will significantly reduce newly appearing stretch marks, due to the high content of vitamin E, which prevents cell aging.

The products should be used in combination at least twice a day. For greater effectiveness, scrubbing and cleaning of pores are first applied, and then vitamins are supplied through oils and lotions.


Professional cosmetics are produced taking into account the delicate position of a woman. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the instructions, which indicate the possibility of use during pregnancy.

The main functional components of cosmetic creams are moisturizing, nutrition and protection. The epidermis intensively loses moisture, so the product should normalize metabolic processes, prepare the fibers for the upcoming load, and also restore collagen and elastin tissue.

Photos and reviews indicate that the most popular among budget funds are Bepanten gel and Contratubeks ointment, which contain active substances that have a positive effect on scar tissue. After long-term, regular use, the synthesis of collagen fibers is enhanced and tissue elasticity is restored. Moreover, use is possible from the first month of intrauterine development, as well as during lactation, due to the presence of safe components.

Among the expensive products is Vichy cream, which improves tone, intensively moisturizes and activates collagen production, thanks to the presence of a component such as hydroxyproline. The texture of the cream is very delicate, without an intrusive odor, which is ideal during pregnancy, when the sense of smell becomes especially sensitive. Vichy is quite greasy and is not completely absorbed, so many attribute this characteristic to disadvantages, but this speaks more of its advantages, because long-term hydration occurs.

In the fight against striae, an integrated approach is required, it is necessary to adjust the daily menu, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and also exclude flour and sweet foods from the diet. At the same time, begin external influence on problem areas by using scrubs and various creams. But no matter what remedy is chosen, it is necessary to remember that stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy are easier to prevent than to deal with already formed stretch marks.

Mostly, stretch marks or stretch marks on the chest appear during pregnancy, especially at the end. The reasons may be.

  1. Increase in body weight.
  2. Swelling of the mammary glands.
  3. Breast augmentation.

Elasticity weakens and the skin stretches. If the necessary preventive measures are not taken in time, the formation of stretch marks cannot be avoided. Among other things, they may be a consequence of genetic predisposition. Then preventive methods will not be able to give the desired result.

How to remove stretch marks on the chest? They can be removed using home methods, especially if they are fresh formations - no more than six months. After stretch marks, they can develop into permanent scars, which will be almost impossible to get rid of using home methods.


Remove with oils

What are striae?

Fresh stretch marks on the chest look like vertical stripes several millimeters wide, ranging from pinkish to red or bluish-purple. Over time, the stripes fade and look more like thin scars.

Stretch marks on the chest are a cosmetic defect of the skin. Due to stretching of the skin, connective tissue appears in place of collagen fibers. At first, it is filled with blood capillaries, which is why the stretch marks have a pinkish color. After some time, the vessels gradually atrophy into connective tissue, and the stretch marks become white.

How can you avoid it?

The first step to eliminating the causes of defects on the breast skin is to review the composition of the expectant mother's diet. The following are subject to exception:

  1. flour, smoked products;
  2. ready-made sauces;
  3. fast food food;
  4. sweet carbonated drinks.

It is recommended to eat food enriched with proteins, vitamins, and a reduced amount of carbohydrates. Vitamins A and E are especially useful for skin elasticity. The synthesis of collagen and elastin can be ensured by consuming sufficient amounts of protein.

It is necessary to moisturize the skin in the first trimester of pregnancy. For this, natural oils such as olive or almond, flaxseed or grape are used; you can also use wheat germ oil.

  1. Protect and tone the skin.
  2. Moisturize it.
  3. Increase blood circulation.
  4. Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Prevent the expansion of skin pores and their clogging.
  6. Renew cellular composition.
  7. Smooth the skin.
  8. Stimulate the body's production of collagen.

However, before using any oil or cream, you must consult a doctor and take into account the possibility of allergic reactions to the components of the products used.

Elimination methods at home

At the first signs of stretch marks, you should try to get rid of them. If stretch marks on the breasts appeared during pregnancy, then they can be removed only after the recovery period and breastfeeding, when the shape and size of the breasts return to normal.


Uses of grape oil

If you don't know how to remove stretch marks on your breasts, a home treatment program can help. It is a set of mandatory activities:

  1. change in diet;
  2. water procedures;
  3. massage;
  4. use of cosmetic procedures and products.

Water treatments are not only a good preventive measure, it is an effective way to answer the question of how to get rid of stretch marks at home. During water procedures, the skin receives the moisture necessary for functioning, blood circulation increases, and cells are regenerated. A contrast shower is especially useful.

To eliminate skin defects, two types of breast massage are used, different in technique - manual and Taoist.

  1. During manual massage, circular stroking movements are performed from the nipple to the shoulder joint. During the procedure, the breast is held with one hand, and massage is performed with the other.
  2. In Taoist massage, rotational movements begin from the outer contour and move towards the center, with light pressure on the mammary glands. It is advisable to carry out massage from specialists to avoid negative effects.

When the stretch marks on the chest are red, that is, they are at the initial stage, you can get rid of them or at least make them less noticeable. It is recommended to use coffee or honey peeling, clay wraps, and rubbing in various vegetable oils.

Masks with aromatic components such as incense, ginger or rosemary improve the nutrition of skin tissue and increase metabolism. At home, natural products are used to prepare masks - honey, olive oil, milk, cream, eggs, etc.

You can use ready-made products - creams, masks, as well as gels and lotions. They must contain:

  1. vitamins A, E;
  2. vegetable oils;
  3. amino acids;
  4. protein hydrolysates;
  5. lactic, hyaluronic acid.

Let's present the best anti-stretch mark creams on the market.

Product name Method of application Terms of use
Mama comfort cream Use twice a day - morning and evening, rub in with light massage movements until completely absorbed From 3-4 months of pregnancy and in the postpartum period
Avent cream Apply to problem areas, excluding the nipple area Can be used even during lactation
Mustela cream An excellent preventative, used as stretch marks appear. Can be used after childbirth, during breastfeeding.
Vichy cream Preventive agent, applied daily to problem areas

From the 4th month of pregnancy - for prevention.

Corrective course – 2.5 – 3 months.

Sanosan cream Used twice a day, applied to problem areas Safe for pregnant and lactating women Lierac cream Twice a day for at least 3 months Pregnacare cream Twice a day - morning and evening Used from the second month of pregnancy and after childbirth - until the end of feeding Cream Chicco Used twice a day Maximum safe for the baby both during pregnancy and after it Baby Teva cream Twice a day Completely safe for mother and baby from pregnancy Clarins Cream Used twice a day From the beginning of pregnancy

The cream for stretch marks on the chest is rubbed in with light movements, without stretching the skin.


This is what stretch marks on the chest look like

Medical methods for getting rid of stretch marks

Stubborn stretch marks on the chest cannot be removed using home methods. The scars will only discolor and even out. White stretch marks can only be removed with the help of qualified specialists in beauty salons or specialized clinics. Treatment for stretch marks will depend on the degree of their severity, health status and, importantly, financial capabilities.

Aesthetic medicine can offer the following ways to get rid of stretch marks:

  1. chemical peeling;
  2. laser peeling;
  3. mesotherapy;
  4. microdermabrasion;
  5. microcurrents.

When treating stretch marks, immediate results are not possible. If the stretch marks are young, treatment can last 4-5 months. In advanced cases, you will have to work hard for at least one year. So, you need to be patient and give your body some time. The result will be beauty and good mood.


about the author: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Graduated from the Kuban State Medical University, internship in the specialty "Genetics".

During pregnancy, the expectant mother gains additional body weight (normally no more than 10 kg), the mammary glands swell and, as a result, enlarge. This process happens quickly, so the skin does not have time to adapt to rapid changes and does not produce enough collagen.

Causes of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

Microcracks, popularly called stretch marks, form in the subcutaneous tissues. Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy are common., but you shouldn’t be afraid of them, because today there are many methods and means to combat them: from home prevention to cosmetic procedures.

Stretch marks on the breasts during pregnancy are a problem for most women. At an early stage, you can get rid of stretch marks using folk masks

During what period of pregnancy do stretch marks occur?

Striae on the chest can appear during different periods of pregnancy - it all depends on the elasticity of the skin. If the skin stretches well and has sufficient elasticity, then stretch marks do not appear at all, regardless of how much excess weight was gained and whether prevention was performed.

Basically, the phenomenon in question begins to appear at 3-4 months, when the woman’s body weight increases significantly and the skin is stretched. Often, stretch marks begin to appear after childbirth, during breastfeeding.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy?

You can get rid of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy if they are at the initial stage of appearance (bright pink or reddish in color). To do this, you can use special creams developed for expectant mothers, homemade masks, light peelings, and self-massage.


In addition, you need to monitor your weight so that a sudden jump does not provoke stretching of the skin.

Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy: how to get rid of them

As soon as stretch marks on the chest begin to appear during pregnancy (this can be noticed by the fact that the area of ​​skin where the stretch mark will soon appear begins to turn pink, itch and itch), you need to act immediately. The sooner treatment begins, the more positive the result will be.

You need to moisturize your skin well with creams, lotions, and oils. However, before using the above remedies, you must check each of them for an allergic reaction.

An excellent remedy for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy is morning and evening massage:

  1. On moisturized skin Using heated palms, stroke in a circular manner from the nipple to the shoulder, while holding the breast with your free hand.
  2. From the outer contour move towards the center in a circular motion, again, using warmed palms, lightly pressing on the mammary glands.

Note! Stretch marks on the breasts that appear during pregnancy can heal and turn white. Such stretch marks are eliminated with the help of cosmetology immediately in the postpartum period.

Modern cosmetology presents the following methods for eliminating stretch marks: chemical and laser peels, laser resurfacing and nanoperiolation, microdermabrasion, fractional phototerilysis.

Creams for stretch marks on breasts during pregnancy

Shilajit is considered one of the most effective remedies for stretch marks.. It is necessary to mix 1-2 g of the product with baby or any other fatty cream to the desired consistency and leave to brew for 15 minutes.

Apply the prepared mixture to clean, steamed skin using circular movements, moving clockwise. Do this procedure at night. With regular use, stretch marks become less visible, and after 1-2 months (depending on the depth of the stretch marks) they disappear completely.

It is important to know! Real mumiyo is produced in Altai and is sold in the form of a thick black mixture. You should not buy mumiyo, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, since there is very little mumiyo itself, and it will not help you get rid of stretch marks.

You can prepare other homemade creams for stretch marks:

  1. Mix baby cream (200 g), aloe juice (2 tbsp.), orange or tangerine essential oil (5-6 drops). Let it brew and can be used twice a day.
  2. Mix olive oil with orange or tangerine essential oil, add cinnamon. Use twice daily.
  3. Coconut oil mix with aloe and essential oils. Can also be used twice a day.


Many cosmetic lines for expectant mothers produce ready-made creams. The most effective of them are shown in the table.

Popular creams for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

Name Cost (rub.) Main active ingredients “9 months” From 300 Shea butter, grapefruit and wheat germ oils give softness and elasticity to the skin, promote collagen production, and tone. “Mustella” From 2500 Elastoregulator, lupeon, arabinogalactin. These substances are extracted from plants. They improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. “Pregnacare” From 550 Menthol helps relieve irritation and itching, panthenol moisturizes and softens the skin, lavender oil eliminates redness, and calendula and aloe vera extracts prevent premature aging. “Avent” From 500 Seaweed extract is ideal for the elasticity of the dermis. Almond oil, papaya oil and shea butter enhance lymphatic metabolism and help remove excess fluid from the body. “Mama Comfort” From 300 Fruit acids and hyaluronic complex enrich the dermis with necessary nutrition, moisturize it, and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. “Vichy” From 1500 Thermal water helps the skin regenerate faster, and glycerin retains moisture in the dermis. "Dr. Nora" From 2500 Bio-organomineral complex saturates the skin with vitamins, plant wax emulsion deeply moisturizes it, extracts of avacado, jojoba, aloe, orange, thyme, rosemary oils rejuvenate the skin and nourish it with vitamins to maintain its elasticity. "Collistar" From 2000 A complex of 4 amino acids blocks elastase, which breaks down elastin.

Cream against stretch marks on the chest should be used only after the body has had an allergic reaction to the product and after consultation with a specialist.

The body of a pregnant woman is not predictable, so any ingredient present in the composition can cause negative reactions. It is worth choosing a cream with a natural composition; chemical components should be present in a minimum amount.

Olive oil and its properties for stretch marks on the chest

Olive oil contains a rich source of vitamins and microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, moisturizes and nourishes the dermis well, helps it produce collagen, as a result of which the skin becomes elastic and smooth.


Olive oil should be rubbed into the skin with massage movements 1-2 times a day until it is completely absorbed. You can add a couple of drops of any essential oil to the product in question. Essential oils of rose, bergamot, lavender and rosemary are especially good for eliminating stretch marks.

For a better effect, you should choose high-quality directly pressed oil. It can be either rubbed into the skin or consumed orally regularly (1-2 tsp per day).

Homemade masks for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

  1. Coffee mask with mumiyo. To prepare one of the most effective masks you will need: mummy 1 tsp, ground coffee 1-2 tsp, orange or eucalyptus essential oil - 5-6 drops, baby cream, warm water - 1 tsp. Dissolve mumiyo in 1 tsp. warm water, add coffee, essential oil. Cream is necessary to combine the ingredients, so its amount is added by eye. Apply the mask onto warm skin using active movements. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. Apply 2 times a week.
  2. Fresh grapes perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. It is necessary to apply the grape pulp to the affected area of ​​the skin and leave to absorb for 20-30 minutes.
  3. A mask made from sour cream and oatmeal also has a good effect. Sour cream moisturizes the skin well, and oatmeal provides a gentle peeling, eliminating dead cells. Ingredients: oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l., fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l. Pour hot (0.5 cup) water over the flakes and let them swell; drain off excess water. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled mixture. l. sour cream and leave for 30-60 minutes, but preferably overnight. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator, bring to room temperature and apply to skin. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with cold water.


Important to remember! Homemade masks should be done regularly, at least 2 times a week. It is good to combine them with creams and massage.

The effectiveness of massage for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

Regular breast massage helps to sufficiently increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, stimulates blood circulation, helps get rid of congestion in the skin, preventing stretch marks from appearing.

When performing breast massage yourself, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. all movements should be soft and smooth;
  2. movements always go clockwise;
  3. massage is performed only on moistened skin.

For massage it is necessary to use various oils and fatty creams. Cedar oil is considered ideal for breast massage, as it helps the skin recover faster.

How to prevent stretch marks from appearing on the chest (prevention)

During pregnancy, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent stretch marks. To do this, you must first of all monitor your weight. It should not increase quickly and exceed the norm. In order to gain weight gradually and not go beyond the norm, it is recommended to follow a special diet.


The diet should contain all the necessary vegetables and fruits, lean meat, cereals rich in vitamins and microelements. Consumption of harmful foods (smoked meats, sweets, sauces, etc.) should be kept to a minimum.

You should also engage in moderate physical activity. Yoga, swimming, and walking in the fresh air are very beneficial for expectant mothers.

All of the above methods also serve as prevention; they can and should be used even in the absence of stretch marks.

Do not be afraid of the appearance of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy. There are many methods to prevent their appearance, such as: moisturizing the skin, massage, using homemade masks and creams, ready-made creams for stretch marks.

In addition, you need to control your weight and exercise. If stretch marks do appear, they can be removed during the postpartum period using various cosmetic procedures.

Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy and how to get rid of them, watch this video:

This video will tell you how to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy: