List of foods that are prohibited for eczema

The content of the article:
  1. Nutritional Features
  2. Prohibited foods for eczema
    1. Microbial
    2. Allergic
    3. Dry
    4. getting wet
    5. Chronic

The list of foods for eczema is predominantly a protein-vegetable group of dishes recommended by dermatologists during periods of exacerbation and remission of the disease. It is no less strictly necessary to ensure that prohibited foods are not included in the diet, which are extremely undesirable for patients with eczema to consume.

Features of nutrition for eczema

People with this disease are strictly advised to follow a diet. Despite the fact that this is a dermatological disease, its nature is most often allergic, and therefore eating the “right” ones and excluding prohibited foods from the menu for eczema will help improve the general condition of the patient:

  1. Avoid complications of the disease;
  2. Reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease - itching, rash;
  3. Strengthen the immune system, which will “work” to eliminate signs of the disease, promote rapid regeneration of damaged epidermis.

For this disease, you should follow a hypoallergenic diet. On the Internet you can find many tables of products for eczema, which indicate the degree of allergenicity of a particular dish. The basis of the menu should be completely hypoallergenic products; during remissions of the disease, food that is characterized by moderate allergenicity can be introduced into the diet.

The category of completely safe products includes: lamb meat, watermelon, greens, prunes, pumpkin, gooseberries, turnips, apples, bananas, cucumbers, zucchini, low-fat fish, and fermented milk products.

Products for eczema with moderate allergenicity: lean fish, duck, rye, corn, lingonberries, bell peppers, potatoes, turkey meat, broccoli, peach, rice, rabbit, cranberries, buckwheat, apricots.

The duration of the special diet is determined by the attending physician, but on average its duration is about 3 weeks.

It is worth remembering that a diet for eczema is not a fast. The patient's diet should be complete, rich in nutrients and useful substances. A menu that is low in vitamins and minerals will lead to a worsening of the condition and relapses.

General recommendations for choosing foods for eczema are as follows:

  1. To avoid relapses, you should avoid eating highly allergenic foods. You can eat them in small quantities once every 3 days.
  2. It is recommended to include more carrots, herbs, cucumbers, rutabaga and other vegetables and root vegetables in your diet.
  3. It is necessary to include in the menu foods that increase hemoglobin levels and are rich in PP and B vitamins.
  4. In severe cases of the disease, you should avoid foods that have a moderate level of allergenicity.
  5. In case of relapses, it is useful to keep a food diary. With its help, it will be possible to determine which foods cause the reaction and eliminate them from the diet.
  6. You should exit the diet gradually, adding a new product every day that was previously prohibited for eczema.
  7. It is recommended to steam food. This is the optimal way to heat treat vegetables or meat and preserve nutrients.
Note! In the diet for eczema, there are no restrictions on the amount of fluid you drink. The patient can drink water, juices, and milk.

Prohibited foods for eczema

Different forms of this disease have different effects on the patient's condition. All of them require a special approach to choosing food. Let's look at what foods you shouldn't eat for different types of eczema.

Prohibited foods for microbial eczema

The basis of the diet for this form of the disease is vegetables, fruits and dairy products. As a rule, only a doctor is able to prescribe the correct menu.

List of foods for eczema that are strictly prohibited: chocolate, alcoholic drinks, pickles, cheeses, coffee, carbonated drinks, spicy foods.

You should not get carried away with store-bought products that contain large quantities of dyes and synthetic preservatives. Since spices and salt are also prohibited, it is recommended to add flavor to food using spicy herbs.

You can drink mineral water, but only without gas, so as not to increase flatulence.

Prohibited foods for allergic eczema

In most cases, the allergen in this form of the disease is food. These are the ones that should be excluded from the diet first.

What foods are not allowed for allergic eczema: fatty foods, exotic seafood, sweets, mushrooms, bright berries, grapes, nuts, store-bought sausages, bee products, eggs, citrus fruits, canned food.

The following foods should be strictly limited: fat milk and fermented milk products, semolina, pasta.

What is forbidden to eat if you have dry eczema?

For dry eczema, it is recommended to switch to a vegan menu. However, you should not eat citrus fruits, fruits, or brightly colored vegetables.

In case of relapses and exacerbations, you should not eat protein foods - meat, fish, cheeses. During remission, these products can be gradually introduced in small quantities.

Sugar must be replaced with fructose. And all sweets and confectionery products should be excluded.

In general, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of such foods for eczema: potatoes and dishes made from them, seafood (except lean river fish), fatty meat. Fried foods should not be included in the diet.

Prohibited foods for weeping eczema

This type of disease is recognized as one of the most unpleasant, bringing a lot of discomfort to the patient. To avoid complications, you should adhere to a strict diet and exclude any foods that could worsen the patient's condition.

Important! Even a small amount of a prohibited product eaten with this type of eczema can provoke an increase in the symptoms of the disease!

Sour fruits should be removed from the diet - citrus fruits, green apples, kiwi, as well as melons and watermelons. It is not allowed to eat various semi-finished products and fast food. The use of spices should be minimal. You should also limit protein foods if you have eczema.

You can compensate for the lack of meat in your diet with lean fish and cottage cheese. It is allowed to consume no more than 200 g of lean meat daily.

Products prohibited for chronic eczema

Any type of eczema is considered a chronic condition. However, some patients manage to suppress the disease and go into stable remission. For others, exacerbations occur regularly.

To avoid this, you need to be more strict about your menu and exclude a number of products. Among the prohibited foods for eczema are foods with difficult-to-digest fats: confectionery, fatty foods, flour products, pates, pork and lamb.

Also, with frequent exacerbations of the disease, you should avoid drinking alcohol, strong tea and natural coffee. Do not overuse canned food, store-bought mayonnaise, or sausages.

All bright fruits and berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, currants, pomegranates, grapes, blueberries) are also included in the list of prohibited foods for chronic eczema of the hands and feet.

What foods are not allowed for eczema - watch the video:


If you have eczema, you should be careful about the foods you eat, since diet is part of the treatment for this disease. To make a list of them, you need to consult a doctor. With exacerbations of eczema, the list of foods prohibited for consumption, as a rule, expands. During remissions, it becomes somewhat less.