Do-it-yourself sports town, track, path or health path - is it real?

Place to build a small sports town found in every yard. Of course, there will be no football field, cinder running tracks, or stands for spectators, but the simplest sports equipment and facilities will not only attract children and adults to exercise, but will also allow for exciting competitions.

Design organizations have developed various types of backyard stadiums. Some are located on a plot of 42x26 m or in a residential area. They include a block of mutually combined volleyball/basketball and badminton courts and a children's sports town equipped with 13 sports equipment and exercise equipment (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Courtyard stadium with a combined basketball and volleyball court:

1 — curved handlebar; 2 — a hill of tires; 3 — circular ladder; 4 - wide bench; 5 - bars; 6 — movable rod; 7 - path made of logs; 8 — wall for practicing ball strikes; 9 — strength simulator; 10 — running reels; 11 - labyrinth; 12 - circular guide rail

The stadium of the second type is located on an area of ​​about 1100 m2, it is equipped with a court for playing handball (Fig. 2). Includes 14 sports equipment and exercise equipment.

Rice. 2. Courtyard stadium with handball court:

1 — uneven-high crossbars; 2 - bars; 3 — gymnastic complex; 4 — running reels; 5 — circular guide rail; 6 — a hill of tires; 7 - double log; S - target and gymnastic ladder with crossbars; 9 - wide benches; 10 — ring walker; 11 — movable rod; 12 - strength trainer

An even smaller stadium occupies an area of ​​25x20 m in the courtyard of a large house. It includes a combined block of volleyball and badminton courts and a children's sports town, equipped with 10 equipment and exercise equipment (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Courtyard stadium with volleyball court:

1 — throwing wall; 2 - wide bench; 3 — a hill of tires; 4 — ring walker; 5 — circular guide rail; 6 — strength simulator; 7 — movable rod; c - uneven-high crossbars; 9 — running drum; 10 - two logs (flat and round); H - wall for practicing ball strikes

Rice. 4. Courtyard stadium with sports and training complex:

1 - gymnastic ladder; 2 — running drum; 3 — uneven-high crossbars; 4 — wall for climbing; 5 — power projectile; 6 — movable rod; 7 - bars; 8 — throwing wall; 9 - two logs (round and flat); 10 — two rows of tires (vertical and horizontal); 11 — climbing apparatus; 12 - labyrinth; 13 - two wide benches

Particular attention is paid coating. First, the turf layer and surface soil cover are removed from the surface. The underlying soil remains, it is leveled, thoroughly moistened and compacted. Then the main and intermediate layers of the coating are prepared, crushed stone is laid and evenly distributed (again compacted, moistened, leveled) in several layers to the required thickness.

Base composition:

  1. slag,
  2. brick rubble,
  3. gravel,
  4. coarse sand.

To ensure drainage of the coating, the intermediate layers are made of gravel, crushed stone or slag.

When completing the installation, the surface of the created area is covered with a special composition of several components - clay (25-30%), the rest in various proportions can be:

  1. slag,
  2. slaked lime,
  3. ground brick, etc.

Top coating consists of asphalt rubber or rubber bitumen materials to which various dyes are added. Underneath it is the first coating, containing bitumen mixed with mineral sand as a binder, and sand as a key filler, as well as rubber crumbs. This is followed by a second coating, including bitumen with sand, and fine rubber crumbs as the main filler. Such coatings are economical, hygienic, quite elastic and durable.

Backyard sports grounds are equipped with light coverings and lighting.

“Natural” versions of sports facilities are often created. Natural conditions are used for this. In forests, cultural parks, recreation areas, ponds and public gardens you can find health paths, illuminated ski slopes and cross-country running distances, hardening bases, "forest stadiums".

“Path”, “trail”, “health route” is a section of a square, park, forest or stadium, including a marked distance of 1-5 km for measured walking, jogging and a site equipped with sports equipment and exercise equipment. There are different health routes separate And mixed type.

At first, a walking and running track surrounds the sports and training complex. Classes usually begin after walking and running along the health path.

Mixed trails are built so that walking and running alternate with exercises on simulators. Sports equipment and exercise equipment (“green stations”) are located in a certain sequence every 100-300 m (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Closed health track:

1 - boom; 2 — broken staircase (rubber); 3 - labyrinth; 4 - bars; 5 — strength trainer (rocking chair); 6 — uneven-high crossbars; 7 - log with a board to secure the legs

Such health routes are divided into open, where the start and finish are in different places, and closed, which combine the start and finish in one place.

At the very beginning of the track, a board 40-80 x 100-200 cm is installed indicating the general layout of the route, and near each simulator or station there is a stand 20-40 x 40-80 cm with pictures and text explaining how to perform exercises and determine the load value.

Treadmills vary in shape and configuration - circle, ellipse, labyrinth, etc. The width of the track is usually no more than 2 m.

For enthusiasts and amateurs...

Of course, all of the above sports facilities are very interesting in their design and are extremely in demand at the moment - I think the residents of any house would like to have one of these complexes in their yard or somewhere nearby. The question arises: can public sports facilities such as a sports town, a trail or a health path be built with one’s own hands, so to speak, purely by the efforts and resources of the enthusiastic residents themselves?

It’s just important to understand that the construction of a children’s sports town or any other structure from the above facilities is no joke. You can’t do it with your own hands alone, because you need a clear project and development plan for the building to fit into the overall semantic concept. Secondly, any buildings, structures and structures must meet existing standards. No one has yet canceled safety, and a sports device created with one’s own hands, although it is necessary for everyone, must be safe. This is a very important point, which typical “homemade enthusiasts” usually completely neglect, but in vain...

Construction is carried out at the expense of budget funds reserved for housing construction or funds initially provided for major repairs of buildings. The funds of various organizations can be centralized within a microdistrict or city. In addition, sources of construction financing can be money received by individuals for collected waste paper, scrap metal, and from other similar legal sources...

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