Anti-cellulite massage technique at home

Cellulite is a problem that causes discomfort to millions of modern women. If blemishes on the face can be hidden by resorting to cosmetics, but with cellulite this trick will not work. Fat deposits have the appearance of an orange peel and are deposited on the back and sides of the thighs, knees, abdomen, and buttocks. They make a woman’s skin aesthetically unattractive and contribute to disruption of blood flow through the vessels. Below we will look at a process such as the anti-cellulite massage technique at home.


Classification of types of massages

It's no surprise that for a common problem like cellulite, there are several solutions. If your budget allows, then anti-cellulite massage can be done in a beauty salon, under the supervision of experienced cosmetologists. However, nothing prevents you from doing the procedures at home. With regularity of actions, their effectiveness will be the same as that of professionals.

Techniques and devices for getting rid of orange peel are varied. Let's look at them:

  1. Manual technique

The greatest effect in complicated cases can be achieved with the help of a salon massage. The master has the necessary techniques and adjusts the degree of pressure for each type of cellulite. You can fight cellulite in its early stages on your own.

  1. Massage tools

Hardware massage is performed using various devices: anti-cellulite brushes and vibrating massagers.


Vacuum massage is carried out using latex cans. To attach the jar to a problem area, you need to press on it and release the air - when it comes into contact with the skin, the device will pinch it. The purpose of drawing the skin into the cup space is to improve blood circulation and stimulate fat deposits to self-destruct. Banks are indicated for neuralgia.


  1. Lymphatic drainage

Massage is performed manually or using a device. Its action is strictly directed: from the tips of the arms and legs to the heart muscle. This is due to the movement of lymph towards the center of the body. Of all types of massage, lymphatic drainage is considered the most effective and gives a quick effect.


Contraindications to working on problem areas

Look for other ways to combat orange peel if you suffer from:

  1. Chronic skin diseases in problem areas;
  2. Viral diseases;
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  4. Blood clotting disorders;
  5. Varicose veins.

Finally, you should avoid anti-cellulite massage when carrying a baby and breastfeeding.

Massage technique

This type of massage is the most affordable. Moreover, its effectiveness in the fight against cellulite has been repeatedly proven by thousands of women. It is aimed at improving blood circulation and increasing skin elasticity.


The technique of manual anti-cellulite massage involves several sequential actions, the correct implementation of which guarantees a visible result.

Consider them:

  1. Apply a pea-sized amount of rich cream to the area to be massaged. Smooth the oil film over the skin with smooth movements;
    Tip: use coconut oil or special products to enhance blood flow for anti-cellulite massage. To reduce the burning sensation, mix this product with baby cream. Do not try to wash it off with water - this will greatly increase the discomfort;
  2. Start stroking the area where you are massaging with slow circular movements. Gradually increase the pressure until the movements become “squeezing”;
  3. Use the “squeezing” technique in the direction of the lymph nodes, but do not massage the lymph nodes themselves. In this technique, focus on the edge of the palm, it is the most rigid. If the fatty crust is very dense, you can perform this technique with the knuckles of your fist. Squeezing in the first sessions should take up at least 70% of the total massage time;
  4. Move on to the techniques for rubbing and kneading the orange peel. These actions stimulate the subcutaneous muscles, but in the first five sessions they are ineffective. Use them in larger quantities, starting from the 5-6th session.
  5. Soothe your skin while finishing problem areas. To do this, the skin can be gently stroked or shaken.

Thus, by making simple movements, you can carry out an effective anti-cellulite massage at home, the technique of which is simple to perform.

Number and duration of manual massage sessions

Anti-cellulite massage can be performed on one area for
session, or on all problem areas at the same time. In the case of a full massage, its duration will be 1 hour, with each area massaged for 3-25 minutes, this depends on the degree of neglect. The cervical, dorsal and pelvic areas are massaged for at least 20 minutes, and the stomach and chest for a little more than 15. Spend 10-12 minutes on the upper and lower extremities. The effect of the massage can be seen after 15 procedures. The first ten should be performed every other day, the remaining ones - every two days. For prevention, conduct sessions once every fourteen days.

Hardware massage against cellulite crust at home

Despite the fact that this device is relatively expensive, its effectiveness is several times higher than the effectiveness of manual massage performed at home. The device penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin and affects it for a long time. Consider home massage units:

  1. Vacuum


The device is an air compressor for creating a vacuum. When the piston moves up, air is sucked out, and when it moves down, air is pumped. When moving the nozzle, the skin rolls. The device stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, having a positive effect on the peripheral nervous system. The downside of this massage is injury to the skin, followed by the formation of hematomas.


Its effect is based on mechanical pressure. Two rotating rollers grab the problem area of ​​the skin, making it into something like a fold. Using a vacuum, the fold is smoothed out. The massage was named LPG, in honor of its founder, Louis Paul Gautier.

LPG massage is done over a disposable suit. Thanks to this, the skin does not suffer damage after the session.

  1. Vibrating massager


A device with attachments driven by a rotating element. It transmits vibrations to problematic skin, thanks to which the main fat deposits are broken down. Some massagers are equipped with an infrared irradiation function: this makes stimulation with such a device more effective.

Despite the advantages of using hardware massage, the fight can only be effective if there is a complex effect on the orange peel.

Getting rid of cellulite with folk and cosmetic remedies

Any anti-cellulite massage technique involves the use of cosmetics during the entire process of exposure to the skin. There are several such means:

  1. Coffee or salt

Apply ground coffee or salt to damp skin. Rub with soft, smooth movements towards the lymph nodes. This scrub removes dead cells from the top layer of skin and provides blood flow to the problem area. Do not overuse scrubbing: once every 10 days will be enough to obtain long-term results in the future.


  1. Clay, healing mud

These products are sold ready-made. Dilute the dry preparation in a small amount of liquid and apply to the area with cellulite. Let the product harden. During hardening, nerve endings are stimulated, so the skin may tingle or itch. Rinse off and begin massaging the problem area.


  1. Store-bought cosmetics

Their action is similar to that of a scrub prepared at home. Use before massage to warm up the skin. It is better if the cosmetics contain either algae or sea salt.


  1. Brush

Peeling can be done using a stiff brush or washcloth. Apply once every 1-4 days before massage.


  1. Essential oils

Use during massage as an additive to rich baby cream or massage oil. Daily baths with sweet orange essential oil will prevent the appearance of cellulite and help smooth out bumps on the skin in advanced cases.


  1. Honey

Rub honey with each anti-cellulite massage session, and after 15 procedures you will notice the result.


Essential oils and honey are strong allergens. Before using them, test for an allergic reaction or consult a doctor.

Dry rubbing against cellulite

Dry rubbing is considered the most traumatic technique for the skin. It involves rubbing dry skin with hard objects: a terry or waffle towel, a brush or a massage mitt.


The purpose of the procedure is to create conditions for a rush of blood to the upper layers of the epidermis. Three sessions can be performed per week, each lasting 5-6 minutes. After the dry procedure, be sure to moisturize your skin. Cream or rich body milk will do. Massage is dangerous and is not recommended for women with advanced cellulite formations. Do not rub on wet skin - this will cause bruising. Wet skin is prone to irritation.

Recommendations and safety precautions when performing anti-cellulite massage

Remember that anti-cellulite massage is not an innocent toy. If performed incorrectly, the body may be harmed. Avoid excessive bruising of the skin as this will impair blood circulation. Use simple rules:

  1. Choose the type of massage according to the individual characteristics of the body
  2. Consider contraindications and do not take risks if you have diseases from the list
  3. When massaging, direct movements from bottom to top, and not vice versa
  4. Stop massage immediately if the skin becomes unnaturally red.
  5. Before starting active massage actions, consult a doctor and cosmetologist.

Any type of anti-cellulite massage gives results. Its effectiveness depends on how comprehensively it is applied. It is impossible to achieve results by eating incorrectly or not doing basic exercise. Remember, healthy skin is achieved by completely healing the body from the inside. By using anti-cellulite massage, you help your skin achieve elasticity and beauty. See video


Anti-cellulite massage at home is an effective way to get rid of the “orange peel”, which does not require visiting beauty salons and the associated time and material costs. This method of getting rid of cellulite is based on a combination of mechanical and cosmetic effects on the cellulite area with your hands. Also ideal for maintenance procedures within a year after using hardware salon methods.

The effectiveness of anti-cellulite self-massage

Anti-cellulite massage at home is slightly inferior to the hardware one, since the force of the hands is not enough to crush the adipocyte membrane or penetrate into the deeper layers of tissue, but it perfectly eliminates the signs of grade 1 and 2 cellulite, having a direct effect on cellulite tissue:

  1. increases lymph and blood flow in the affected areas;
  2. stimulates the flow of oxygen to cells;
  3. launches metabolic processes;
  4. increases skin turgor;
  5. enhances muscle tone and the production of collagen septa.

Anti-cellulite self-massage helps relieve puffiness, smoothes skin texture, improves skin color and makes it more elastic.

Manual anti-cellulite massage technique

Anti-cellulite massage at home should not cause pain or discomfort. When performing the procedure, it is not recommended to apply strong pressure, as this will lead to vascular trauma and swelling, which limits normal blood circulation and interferes with the outflow of lymph.

The correct massage technique consists of the following elements:


1. Stroking

This element should begin and end the procedure. The palms need to be placed with the base down, and, using a little pressure, make straight-line movements in the directions of the muscles. You can make circular and zigzag movements on the buttocks. Effect: improvement of capillary blood circulation.


2. Patting

Use the pads of your fingers or the back of your fist to slap the problem area. Effect: activation of cell functioning.


3. Kneading

It is necessary to grab a part of the skin and tissue with your hand, and then squeeze without applying strong pressure. Effect: increased muscle tone and destruction of cellulite tubercles.


4. Pressure

You should clench your fist and press it alternately on different parts of the problem area. It is recommended to apply pressure for 2 – 3 seconds.


5. Rubbing

It is necessary to place your hands on the problem area and, performing circular, spiral or linear movements, shift the position of the tissues (without sliding your hands). Effect: increasing skin tone, reducing fat, removing excess fluid.


6. Pinching

It is recommended to perform several pinches of different strengths, treating the entire problem area with them.

The intensity of massage movements should not be too strong or too weak. The correct pressure increases blood flow and causes slight redness of the skin.

Recommendations for performing manual anti-cellulite massage

Massage for cellulite at home should be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. skin and hands should be dry and warm;
  2. the procedure should begin with slow movements and gradually increase the pace;
  3. self-massage is recommended to be carried out in the morning or late in the evening, before going to bed (2 hours before meals and 3-4 hours after);
  4. The session should take 30–60 minutes and take place at least once a week. To obtain the best effect, it is recommended to conduct an average of about 15 sessions, 10 of which with a break of 1 day, and the rest distributed over several weeks (perform 2 procedures every 7 days);
  5. The direction of massage movements should be towards the heart. In the abdominal area you should act especially delicately;
  6. The thighs on their inner surface have a cluster of large lymphatic vessels. No massage movements should be made in this area;
  7. You can use a special anti-cellulite cream or essential oils.

Anti-cellulite massage at home can be performed not only as the main procedure to combat the problem, but also as a maintenance treatment, conducting 1 session every 14 days.


  1. infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  2. acute period of chronic or infectious disease;
  3. during pregnancy and lactation, during menstruation;
  4. varicose veins in the problem area;
  5. oncology.

If the skin is hypersensitive, massage for cellulite at home should be carried out in a lighter version.

Other types of home massage against cellulite

Cupping massage


Has anti-cellulite and fat-burning effects. To carry out the procedure, you need to take several silicone jars that create a vacuum and lubricate their surface with cream or oil. Having placed the jars on the problem area, you need to move them in a circular direction. Effect: active movement of blood through the capillaries and destruction of the fat layer.

A cupping massage session should take no more than 20 minutes. As soon as the skin turns red, you can move to another problem area. After finishing the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour, then take a shower and use anti-cellulite cream.

Hardware massage


It involves the use of various massagers for home use, which the market is now filled with. They come in manual, roller, vacuum, and also in the form of vibration and electric massagers. Almost all devices are equipped with several replaceable attachments and have expanded functionality. When choosing a massager, you need to take into account the type and effectiveness of the device, additional features and a list of contraindications.

Honey massage


The main element of anti-cellulite massage with honey is patting. The skin smeared with honey is easily pulled back, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and subcutaneous fat. Honey contains special acids that promote the breakdown of fats. The skin becomes smooth, radiant and tightened, metabolism is activated, toxins and impurities are eliminated. Before performing a massage, you should properly prepare the honey mixture.

Dry brush massage


The procedure is performed on dry skin before taking a shower and consists of direct rubbing and circular movements directed towards the heart. This massage perfectly removes dead skin particles, stimulates metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow, and also eliminates cellulite tubercles. To carry out a dry anti-cellulite massage, you need to carefully choose a brush and follow the rules for caring for it.

Anti-cellulite massage at home, carried out regularly, can lead to complete elimination of the symptoms of “orange peel” in a few months. Self-massage is always much cheaper and easier, because it can be done at a convenient time. The technology for performing manual anti-cellulite massage is not so complicated, but you need to be patient and persistent, and then the result will not be long in coming.

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Prevention and modern methods of combating cellulite: salon procedures, massage, body wraps, anti-cellulite creams, diet, exercises.

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Every girl has orange peel to one degree or another. The main feature of this metabolic disease is that it is very easy to get, but almost impossible to get rid of. Anti-cellulite massage is a fairly effective way to eliminate tubercles, and the result is noticeable after the first sessions.

Types of anti-cellulite massage

Massage for the treatment of cellulite is classified by technique. There are three types:

  1. Manual. The simplest and most common. Performed by qualified specialists, it is the best way to combat the first stages of cellulite. It can be carried out using special mixtures to speed up metabolism or in a “dry” way. It is characterized by high pain; bruises may remain after the session;


    Manual abdominal massage
  2. Hardware. In turn, it is divided into vacuum, ultrasonic, vibration, electric current, LPG gas and press. Used to affect orange peel above grade 2. The procedure is painful only in the first sessions, bruises do not remain.
  3. Canning. This is an anti-cellulite and fat-burning massage, which is carried out with cupping. In a professional salon, cosmetologists use vacuum machines that create a vacuum in certain areas. At home, it is carried out with ordinary cups to warm up the body. Like the manual one, it leaves bruises, but is known for minimal pain.

Massage techniques can also be divided according to the methods used. Manual can be plucked, lymphatic drainage and warming.

  1. Pinch. This technique involves capturing and working on small areas of problem areas. A practicing massage therapist using this technique will help you get rid of cellulite in 10 sessions. To speed up and consolidate the effect, it is recommended to review your diet and lifestyle. It's painful, but effective;
  2. Lymphatic drainage. It is performed only by professionals - it is very difficult to do it yourself. Unlike the pinch method, lymphatic drainage involves large areas of the body, which are kneaded and twisted. From the outside, the scheme resembles working with dough. This technique effectively deals with tubercles at stages 3 and above of cellulite, and also helps improve blood flow;


    The result of lymphatic drainage technique
  3. Warming up. It is easy to do on your own, and in addition to treating cellulite, it helps you lose weight. During the session, a wrap is made (most often, honey), after which the skin is massaged with light slaps. This allows you to warm up the deep layers of the epidermis, restore muscle tone and relieve tension after working out in the gym. This is one of the few techniques allowed during pregnancy.

Separately, it is necessary to say about anti-cellulite massage in the bathhouse. In the steam room, the body not only heats up, but begins to carry out all internal processes several times faster than usual. You can treat the areas with orange peel with your own hands using a special massager or trust a specialist.

How to properly do anti-cellulite massage in a bathhouse

The sauna is an ideal place for massage treatments. Due to the high temperature, blood vessels dilate and blood flow increases, which helps flush toxins and various harmful accumulations from the body. This massage can be performed manually, using a special track massager and a bath broom.


Anti-cellulite massage in the bath

  1. Manual technique involves patting, pinching and stroking problem areas. This allows you to even out and tighten the skin, significantly improve its appearance, and also speed up metabolism. But, at the same time, the effect will be noticeable only after 5 procedures. The technique is used exclusively in the initial stages of cellulite;


    Manual foot massage technique
  2. Banya broom – the oldest massage instrument of our ancestors. Oak is considered the most practical - it has medium hardness and heals the skin, but combinations of branches can be used for anti-cellulite practices. This type of massage is characterized by combinations of patting, stroking and quilting movements. The technique is prescribed to get rid of cellulite of grade 2 and above.
  3. Track massager found only in specialized steam rooms. Provides a machine on which you can install different attachments. A significant advantage of such a massager is that there is no need for a massage therapist - you can easily perform all the movements yourself. With its help, you can stretch the most problematic areas - the back and back of the arms.


    Manual massager-path

Technique for performing proper anti-cellulite massage in a bathhouse:

  1. Use a brush or oak broom to gently stroke the body from heels to shoulders. For massage for the purpose of losing weight or treating cellulite, it is recommended that the main effect be applied specifically to problem areas. For example, the broom should stop on the thighs and buttocks, or repeat circular movements on the stomach;
  2. The next step is quilting. The effect begins with minimal pressure - the tips of the broom are lightly pressed against the problem areas. After a few minutes the pressure increases. It is important to do this stage professionally - the entire result depends on it. It is during quilting that excess moisture leaves the cells;
  3. Next, patting is performed. Depending on the degree of cellulite, the specialist determines the intensity and duration of the effect. Be prepared for the massage therapist to hit you very hard in the later stages.

To enhance the effect of a massage in a bathhouse, you can use a honey or oil mask. The frequency is determined individually. On average, at least 8 sessions will be required to achieve long-lasting results.

Anti-cellulite cupping massage of thighs and buttocks

To carry out this massage, you will need to prepare certain devices - cups. Almost all the girls saw bruises after an anti-cellulite massage - they are the recognizable features of the cupping technique. This type of exposure is performed using cans or a special vacuum apparatus. For high efficiency, it is recommended to use jars of different diameters or different massager attachments.


Cans for vacuum massage

Banks are:

  1. Glass. Previously they were used for all such procedures. They heat up quickly and maintain the desired temperature for a long time, but at the same time they are very inconvenient to use. Plus, they are incredibly difficult to buy now;
  2. Plastic. They are actively used for anti-cellulite massage at home due to their accessibility and ergonomics. They heat up at an incredible speed and, due to changes in pressure, provide self-discharge - they are easily fixed on the skin. Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to highlight their fragility;
  3. Glass with plastic lid. They are used in most clinics and specialized massage rooms. They combine the advantages of glass and plastic jars, without having the disadvantages of prototypes.

There are also various techniques for performing cupping massage - on dry or moisturized skin. The cans do not slide on a dry body, so the impression of intense impact is created. In fact, this is not true. The effect is much higher if anti-cellulite massage oil is applied to the skin before the session.


Creating a vacuum on the skin

How to properly perform cupping anti-cellulite massage on the stomach at home:

  1. Before the procedure, take a shower and scrub. Afterwards, the skin is not wiped dry, but lightly soaked with a towel. This is important for the normal distribution of the anti-cellulite composition;
  2. On the abdomen and waist, movements have a clear direction - from top to bottom. The jar should move from the middle of the waist to the navel, rotate around it and return back. With normal pressure and technique, the epidermis is necessarily redder;


    Cupping massage scheme
  3. The stomach can be massaged for no more than 5 minutes. But such sessions are allowed to be held every other day.

The sequence of movements is important. You can’t just go and start massaging the problem area. If we are talking about legs, then the front surface is worked on first, then the back. Similarly, if we are talking about the stomach, then along with this area you need to work on the back.

Vacuum abdominal massage at home

The benefits of hardware massage are undeniable - it is simple, safe and incredibly effective. The vacuum device itself is an installation that consists of a power supply and a working attachment (this is MVT-01, roller B-flexy and Slim Body). You can use a variety of attachments for combined body treatment. The most popular are roller and vibration.


Manual vacuum device

How is anti-cellulite hardware massage performed:

  1. As in many other techniques, skin preparation plays an important role: scrubbing, light stroking movements, applying a specialized anti-cellulite cream. Afterwards, the necessary attachment is installed on the device and other preparatory manipulations are carried out (selecting a mode, adjusting the intensity, etc.);
  2. The effect is carried out along the massage lines of the selected area of ​​the body. If anti-cellulite therapy is done on the stomach, then all movements go from the waist to the navel. Afterwards the nozzle returns to the starting point and the actions are repeated;
  3. The duration depends on the identified problems and goals. The device is used for a minimum of 10 minutes; if a light roller device is used, then you are allowed to massage the skin for up to half an hour.

Video: doing a vacuum massage

Manual massage technique

Cellulite in the legs is the most common problem for girls. In almost 80% of women, the accumulation of adipose tissue and lymphatic fluid is based on the lower part of the body. Lymphatic drainage massage will help remove tubercles.


Pressure on problem areas with fists

This is a special technique for influencing fat deposits, in which the master aims to manually crush and remove rotting lymph from the cells. After the first session, volumes may decrease by 0.5 centimeters. And this is a huge achievement for stagnant liquid.

How is lymphatic drainage massage performed on the thighs and buttocks:

  1. The skin must be scrubbed and wiped with a stiff brush. If you don’t have one on the household, then a hard terry towel will do;
  2. Anti-cellulite cream is applied to the heated skin for massage; for the thighs it is better to take a product with a warming effect. For example, Eveline or L'Oreal;
  3. The first movements help warm up and prepare the epidermis. With open palms, gently stroke the skin from the knees to the hips and repeat the movements on the back of the legs. So you need to warm up for about 5 minutes. Afterwards, light tingling begins, turning into movement of skin folds;
  4. This is a very unpleasant stage, so it’s difficult to do it yourself. In addition, effective massage requires strong hands. An experienced master will cope with the task without any problems, but a beginner who has watched the video on YouTube “How to do an anti-cellulite massage” is unlikely to;
  5. After such massaging, strips of skin are pinched and drawn from the bottom up. This technique is often used by Thai massage to restore strength. The main signs of a good result are redness and soreness of the skin.

You need to repeat sessions twice a week, but only a professional massage therapist can say for sure.

Honey massage

This type is not considered a separate part of massage techniques, but rather is a complement to them. Reviews claim that no orange peel cream can replace a honey anti-cellulite massage.


Cellulite correction with honey and vacuum

Why you need to combine honey and the described procedures:

  1. This product is rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the skin, making the fibers more flexible and durable. With regular use, the likelihood of cellulite re-formation decreases;
  2. By itself, honey helps remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, it also warms up the skin and cleanses the epidermis of dead cells;
  3. This is the softest and easiest way to massage yourself. Of course, it will not replace a full-fledged lymphatic drainage massage, but it will be an excellent addition.

To carry out anti-cellulite honey massage of hands and other parts of the body, the product is heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven and distributed evenly over the skin. There is another way - apply the sweetness to your palms and simply pat the problem areas until the honey is completely absorbed.

Video: procedure for performing anti-cellulite honey massage at home

Benefits and contraindications

What are the benefits of anti-cellulite massage? It helps eliminate the external aspect of problems. Even if you lose weight or regularly visit the gym, the hated bumps will appear through thin women’s skin. And with sudden weight loss, cellulite may even increase. Massage will shrink cells, speed up the exchange of lymphatic fluid and help normalize metabolism. It will become a real magic wand for athletes who are trying to remove cellulite formations with strength training.

Contraindications for anti-cellulite massage:

  1. It is prohibited to perform sessions on the abdomen, chest and back during pregnancy and lactation. After a caesarean section, massage is allowed only six months later (but even here everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body);
  2. Vacuum and lymphatic drainage techniques are strictly prohibited for varicose veins or other diseases of the blood vessels, circulatory and excretory systems;
  3. It is believed that massage should not be performed during menstruation. This is not entirely true. If menstruation is painful and heavy, then it is not recommended to act on the abdomen and waist area. Legs and arms can be safely massaged using any available means;
  4. It is not recommended for a nursing mother, or immediately after childbirth, to conduct a session in a bathhouse.

How often should you do it and the expected effect?

The intensity of the course is determined by the master in the beauty salon strictly individually. A variety of factors are taken into account: the speed of recovery of the body, the degree of neglect of cellulite, the lifestyle and capabilities of the client. At home, it will be normal to do self-massage 2 times a week for 20 minutes.


Anti-cellulite massage: before and after the procedure


Before and after anti-cellulite massage


Photos before and after anti-cellulite massage

If you still doubt whether anti-cellulite massage helps, we suggest looking at the before and after photos. If you regularly follow the recommendations, exercise and control your diet, you can achieve complete elimination of cellulite within 4 months from the start of the course.