Standing barbell row to the chin

Exercise Standing barbell row to the chin is one of the main basic exercises in building massive, pumped deltas. Despite the fact that the main emphasis in the load is on deltoids (in particular on their front and middle heads), the back, legs, biceps, neck and some other groups are also involved in the work.

  1. How to properly perform barbell rows while standing?
  2. Scheme of the exercise “Barbell row to the chin”
  3. The simulator is an analogue of the chin pull

How to properly perform barbell rows while standing?

  1. The exercise is basic, performed standing - which means we will need weightlifting shoes, a waist belt and other safety accessories.
  2. Don't forget about warming up. When performing cold chin pulls, you can easily tear or pull the lower back muscles.
  3. In this exercise, dumbbells are not our helpers, since we need as narrow a grip as possible. An alternative to a barbell can be a spring expander or a block device.
  4. We grab the barbell in the very middle of the bar, as narrow as possible. A grip with your hands wider than your shoulders is no longer considered effective. We use a grip (palm and fingers towards you),
  5. Exhaling, slowly pull the barbell along your torso towards your chin.
  6. Let's fix ourselves in the final position for one or two seconds,
  7. And, inhaling, we slowly lower the projectile to its original position.
  8. Without stopping at the bottom point, we begin a new cyclic movement.

We monitor breathing and correct technique:

  1. We don’t hunch our back, we keep it straight.
  2. We bend our legs slightly at the knees.

As with many other exercises, we try to prevent cheating:

  1. No body swing
  2. We do not use the force of inertia,
  3. We don't help with our feet,
  4. We don't help with our backs.

Scheme of the exercise “Barbell row to the chin”

The simulator is an analogue of the chin pull

This time we present to you, as a video example, a short video from our all-beloved, immortal Volodya Turchinsky. In this lesson he will reveal some of his fitness secrets for successful training:

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