Exercises for the pectoral muscles for girls with and without dumbbells.

The dream of every girl is to have beautiful, toned and firm breasts. But how to achieve this? Can we really rely only on nature? - but no! We ourselves have the power to change and qualitatively improve our appearance with diets, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, a rational daily routine, and, of course, regular physical work. After reading this article to the end, you will clearly know how to pump up the pectoral muscles of a girl. At the same time, we will consider: both training in the gym and working on yourself at home...

So, we have the desire, we promise to try hard, but how to get the perfect bust? How to attract coveted male gazes to the upper half of your torso? It is quite possible to make this dream come true if you perform a special set of exercises, and you can conduct training both in the gym and at home...

But we want to warn you right away: by performing the exercises for the pectoral muscles described below for girls with and without dumbbells, it is not the mammary glands that will be pumped, but the chest muscles. Therefore, you will not be able to quickly switch to a larger bra size... But when you bring these muscles to the required tone, the effect of the training done will be no worse than from plastic surgery. It is also important to carry out parallel work in terms of proper nutrition. It's no secret, for example, that cabbage has a very good effect on the growth of women's breasts. And in our business, as they say, as in war, all means are good!

First, let's consider physical work with your own body weight...

  1. Wide grip push-ups.
  2. Lying dumbbell flyes.
  3. Dumbbell or dumbbell pullover.
  4. Isometric chest training.
  5. Arsenal of a gym or fitness club.
  6. Conclusions.

Wide grip push-ups.

Push-ups are a great at-home option for training your pectoral muscles. In addition, these simple movements are very simple to perform, and they are presented in numerous variations. If you have just started doing push-ups, you need to do it as follows:

  1. Place a special mat under your feet, but not too hard, because at first you will be doing push-ups on your knees. And only then will you be able to do them fully, like men.
  2. Kneel down, cross your legs behind you, take the starting position - place your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider and begin to perform cyclic lifting and lowering. The number of push-ups depends entirely on your strength.
  3. It is important that your elbows diverge to the sides and not down (toward your feet) - it is with this technique that we use the target muscles as much as possible.
  4. During such training, breathing is important, therefore, when moving up and, accordingly, exerting tension, you need to exhale, and when moving down until your chest contacts the floor, you need to inhale.

Lying dumbbell flyes.

To pump up the chest area, flattening and raising dumbbells on a strictly horizontal or slightly sloping bench is suitable. Of course, it is best to carry out this work in the fitness room, since there is a large number of equipment with various weights, as well as a special bench for adjusting the inclination. However, you can more than pump up your pectoral muscles using dumbbells at home.

You should choose equipment with an optimal weight for you, but it is important to understand that with equipment that weighs 1 kg, even with 50 repetitions, you will not get much of a result. Therefore, train your chest with dumbbells from 5 to 15 kg - minimum, and then you will achieve the desired result.

Starting position: lie on an inclined bench so that your back fits tightly against it. When choosing dumbbells with serious weight, it will be very difficult to perform the exercise on your own, so you will need the help of a sparring partner.

Execution technique: sports equipment should move slightly below shoulder level. You can raise them at the same time, bring them closer to each other, but you should not turn your hands perpendicular to the torso, they should be in the initial position. You should feel tension and stretching in the pectoral muscle. Try to work harder with it, keeping your hands out of the work as much as possible.

Dumbbell or dumbbell pullover.

Another great exercise for the target muscle group in question is the pullover. Lying on your back, clasp dumbbells or one dumbbell in your hands. Without bending your elbows, perform cyclic abductions of the projectile up/down relative to your body. The effectiveness of the exercise will be higher if you lie not on the floor, but on a bench, then a greater amplitude will be available to you. Try to work cleanly, linger at the end points of the trajectory, do not succumb to the force of inertia..

Now let’s study the work without any sports equipment at all...

Isometric chest training.

If you basically don’t have dumbbells or any other sports equipment, you shouldn’t despair. Isometric training methods will come to the rescue. The exercise for bringing your palms together is the simplest static exercise for the chest muscles. To perform it, you need to stand upright or sit on a chair, bring your palms together and forcefully hold them in this position, pressing one hand into the other. It is required to remain in this static position for as long as possible. Then let your hands rest and repeat the exercise again.

Now we are waiting for additional work on ourselves in the gym...

Arsenal of a gym or fitness club.

In addition to the homework discussed above, working on yourself in the gym, additional exercises are added to all of the above:

  1. Barbell and its press on a horizontal bench or in a Smith machine.
  2. Butterfly pectoral muscle trainer
  3. Bringing hands together on a cross-over.
  4. And other simulators and devices.

As you can see, the arsenal of options for influencing the chest muscles is quite wide and varied, so if you wish, you can work hard on yourself to improve it...


How to enlarge a girl's pectoral muscles? - you got the answer to this question. You need to understand that only a healthy diet and constant training will help you keep your body in constant tone. Try to lead an active lifestyle, take special supplements for ligaments and joints. The presented sports nutrition preparations contain useful elements that ensure the proper functioning of your body at the time of intense physical exercise. Be healthy!

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