Vitamins against aging facial skin

You are young, take proper care of your skin, don’t smoke, don’t abuse alcohol, but wrinkles still appear? Your daily diet may be lacking in nutrients. To restore skin elasticity, you need to replenish the balance of vitamins in the body.

Vitamins recommended for taking

Wrinkles appear due to the breakdown of skin fibers, loss of elasticity or collagen. The appearance of folds is due to age-related changes, but wrinkles can also appear at a young age. There are several reasons for this: improper skin care, bad habits, environmental influences, diets and rapid weight loss, stress, unbalanced nutrition.

Retinol (vitamin A)

Thanks to vitamin A, also known as retinol, the body produces collagen, which helps connective tissues stay in good condition. Its antioxidant properties protect the skin from sun damage. Retinol is found in the following products:

You can also take vitamin A in capsules. Their vitamin content is 33,000, 50,000 or 100,000 IU (international units). They should be drunk twice a day, 10 minutes after eating.

The use of retinol can be compared to an injection under the skin: the substance penetrates deeply and smoothes out facial wrinkles.

Video: beneficial properties of vitamin A

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid nourishes the body not only with collagen, but also with elastin, which makes the skin strong and elastic. B5 will also help the skin recover after possible damage.

Products containing this vitamin:

Video: information about B5

Tocopherol (vitamin E)

Tocopherol is known for its ability to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. It can rightfully be considered the best in the fight against age-related changes. Soon after using the vitamin, the skin is quickly renewed. If the body lacks vitamin E, the skin becomes dry and fragile, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands worsens. Moreover, without this vitamin, retinol is difficult to absorb.

Products containing tocopherol:

  1. sunflower, olive, soybean, peanut, flaxseed oil;
  2. almonds, hazelnuts, cedar;
  3. spinach, broccoli;
  4. egg;
  5. salmon.

For women, the daily norm is 22 IU.

Video: use of tocopherol in cosmetics

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Vitamin C is another vitamin responsible for collagen production. Ascorbic acid tones the skin and energizes the body; without it, the synthesis of connective tissue would not occur. Typically, ascorbic acid is used when they want to improve the condition of the skin around the eyes and strengthen blood vessels. The vitamin is especially good at fighting fine wrinkles.

Products with vitamin C:

  1. rosehip, juniper, currant, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle;
  2. bell pepper;
  3. parsley dill;
  4. orange, kiwi, grapefruit, apples;
  5. garlic;
  6. potato;
  7. green pea;
  8. onion;
  9. tomatoes.

For women, the required intake of ascorbic acid is 60-80 mg.

Video: vitamin C in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes

Calciferol (vitamin D)

The youth of the skin directly depends on vitamin D. It has amazing restorative properties. Without calciferol, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus is impossible. Calciferol deficiency leads to slower cell growth and increases sweating. The vitamin is produced under the influence of sunlight, but you can make up for the deficiency with the help of vitamin supplements purchased at the pharmacy. Getting vitamin B from foods is very difficult.

Products containing calciferol:

The recommended daily intake is 100 IU.

Beauty vitamin (vitamin F)

Vitamin F is not as popular as the above. It is involved in regeneration and metabolism, for which it received the name “beauty vitamin”. Together with it, other vitamins better protect the skin from aging. It contains a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids that affect metabolism in the body and protect cells from premature aging. This explains the ability of vitamin F to restore youth.

We get vitamin F through the following products:

1 thousand mg is the norm of the vitamin per day.

Methods of use

You can use vitamins in several ways:

  1. food;
  2. taken in capsules;
  3. face masks;
  4. face creams.

Taking it with food is often not enough, since many vitamins simply disintegrate during heat treatment, for example, vitamin F. Therefore, to maintain youth, it is recommended to buy pharmaceutical products. For this purpose, pharmacies have special vitamin and mineral complexes. Aevit is in demand. It contains only vitamins E and A, which are considered the most essential for the skin.

Aevit can be used not only internally, but also applied as a mask. It is enough to crush one capsule and apply to the desired area.

Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off. I can’t say it’s immediate and super. But, the skin really became softer and more tender! And while I was smearing the contents of the capsule on my face, my hands were all in this oil and so as not to waste the goodness, I held it on my hands. And then I looked in the morning, my skin wasn’t so dry, I ran to the pharmacy and bought several packs at once! I applied it to my hands every day and my face a couple of times a week. As for the skin on my face, after about a month I noticed a difference: the skin became softer, more elastic, and my expression lines (I’m a very emotional person) were much smaller! Of course, I also used my everyday cream, but before that it did not give such a result.


You can also try the vitamin complexes Anuzol, Relief, Proctosan, Gepatrombin G.

Cosmetical tools

Nowadays, many companies are engaged in the production of anti-aging products. Popular: Vichy, Olay, Black Pearl, Nivea, Avene, L’Oreal. When choosing the right cream, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Age. Each category has its own cream: 25, 30, 35, 40, etc.
  2. Skin type. Not all creams are suitable for sensitive or dry skin.
  3. Places where wrinkles form: eyes, mouth, forehead, nose, cheeks.
  4. Time to apply cream. There are day and night products.

Many creams are very expensive, but there are also those available to almost everyone: Revitalif from L’Oreal, Nature Siberica, Skin Doctors.

Of course, it is completely impossible to get rid of wrinkles with the help of cream, since cosmetics only affect the upper layers of the skin. But this does not mean that the cream is not worth buying. It will help smooth out wrinkles and give the skin elasticity.

It is important to use the cream correctly for it to work.

  1. apply systematically;
  2. Clean your skin thoroughly before use;
  3. Apply the cream along the massage lines.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy cream; you can make it yourself. There are a huge number of recipes, here is one of them: a cup of fresh chopped dill, 5 g of dried violet, a few drops of oil of your choice (coconut, jojoba), vitamins A and E. Beat the ingredients in a blender until a porridge forms. Apply for five minutes and rinse with water. The cream not only prevents the appearance of wrinkles, but also whitens the skin.

Doctors recognized A, E and C as the most effective vitamins to add to cream.

Video: recipe for natural cream for wrinkles around the eyes

When purchasing cosmetics, pay attention to their composition. Vitamin A is contained in Avene brand cream. This company produces Avene Ysteal Plus. It is recommended for those with dry skin to get rid of the first wrinkles. There is also vitamin A in L’Oreal Revitalif cream. Olay, which produces an anti-aging cream with tocopherol and pantothenic acid, can be proud of other vitamins in the composition.

Shark oil is considered the best pharmaceutical cream. It contains vitamins A, D and E. You can use shark oil only 2-3 times a week. The cream is applied for half an hour, and the excess is removed with a cotton pad.

Promotes skin regeneration Panthenol with vitamin B5. It is produced in the form of a spray or cream. It must be applied regularly and in a thin layer. After application, you can massage your face so that the product is better absorbed. The course of application is a month. Then the skin is allowed to rest for two weeks.

Another product with a high content of pantothenic acid is Bepanthen. It is applied with light movements several times a day.

Before using any anti-wrinkle product, purchased or homemade, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it. Apply a small amount to the inside of your wrist or elbow and wait a day. If redness or itching occurs, it is better to refrain from using the product.
It is important to prevent an excess of vitamins, especially A, D and E, as they tend to accumulate in the body.


I am a practicing cosmetologist. And I say with confidence, Aevit is an excellent remedy. But taking it for more than 1 month can result in an overdose. Read the instructions before you start taking it.


I don’t like any chemicals; since I was 30 years old I have been using exclusively homemade face cream. I make a mixture of honey, yolks, almond oil and chamomile infusion, beat well and store in the refrigerator. The cream is very greasy, so I only remove it at night and after a couple of hours with micellar water. The skin is velvety, I don’t complain about wrinkles. Not suitable for everyone. Firstly, it is not particularly convenient to use. Secondly, there may be an allergy. However, expensive cosmetics are also not a panacea for deep wrinkles.


My cosmetologist told me about 8 years ago that a very good product for the skin is a mixture of vitamins A and E.


Until I was 25–27 years old, I mainly used moisturizing creams, and periodically took vitamins for my skin, nails and hair. Now during the day I use food - this is Radevit (it contains a lot of vitamins A E, D) and at night usually some kind of cream for the first wrinkles (most often Clarence brand).


Vitamins work wonders. With their help you can do so many things: improve vision, speed up wound healing, strengthen blood vessels, prevent skin aging. Vitamins are needed not only for a sick person, but also for everyone who cares about beauty.

With increasing age, after approximately 35 years, a gradual change in the structure of the skin occurs. The latter becomes dry, loses its healthy coloring, velvety, elasticity and tone, wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores appear, tissue ptosis occurs, and folds form. In other words, biological tissues gradually age, which is externally manifested primarily on the face, neck and hands. Why take nutritional supplements and vitamins against skin aging?

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Main types and mechanisms of facial aging

Age-related changes in tissue are a natural physiological process of aging. Some of the main factors and mechanisms involved in it are:

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  1. aggressive influence of ultraviolet rays, damaging deep skin structures and promoting the formation and accumulation of free radicals in tissues;
  2. free radicals, which are molecules of reactive oxygen species with a high degree of oxidizing ability. They are capable of entering into chain reactions with proteins, lipids, and various compounds with the formation of more and more free radical molecules. By entering into biochemical reactions with protein molecules of collagen and elastin fibers, which are the basis of the dermis and give it shape, firmness and elasticity, free radicals disrupt the structure of collagen and increase the rate of its aging. Antioxidants, represented by some vitamins, enzymes, peptides and amino acids, can reduce their effect;
  3. destruction of the hydrolipidic mantle, which protects the skin from excess moisture loss and the influence of ultraviolet rays, is involved in maintaining the biocenosis and constancy of the acidity of the skin surface, etc. The destruction of this protection is also greatly facilitated by free radicals when interacting with lipids and with the formation of the corresponding chain reactions.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the influence of the main factors, skin manifestations of aging are distinguished according to the following types:

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  1. “Tired face”, which is formed in the form of a complex of signs - moderate swelling or puffiness of the face, drooping corners of the mouth and outer corners of the eyes, increasing the depth of nasolabial folds, the appearance of small facial wrinkles; changes are more noticeable towards the end of the day, their severity decreases after rest. This type of aging is typical for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  2. Finely wrinkled - the skin of the face is dry, porous, with numerous perioral and periorbital wrinkles with an almost completely preserved oval of the face and an almost complete absence of bags under the eyes. This type is more common in people with a “sharp” face shape, thin skin and a slightly pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Large-wrinkled, characteristic of persons exposed to additional negative factors. It is characterized by pronounced changes in the contours of the face and its oval, formed as a result of tissue ptosis, the formation of a double chin and “jowls,” as well as pronounced “bags” under the eyes, eyebrow folds, deep wrinkles in the periorbital and frontal areas.
  4. Combined - which simultaneously includes various characteristics of the three types described above.

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Aging of the entire organism, including the skin, is programmed and does not depend on the individual. However, under the influence of many factors, early, premature aging occurs, which depends on the influence of the environment and, often, on the women themselves - on their lifestyle, character and diet, smoking, lack of physical activity, etc.

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Vitamins against aging facial skin

For women, at least for most of them, a very important task is to preserve and maintain the skin in good condition, especially the youth and beauty of the skin of the face, neck and hands. The main task of cosmetology and cosmetologists is to help women solve this problem.

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For these purposes, various procedures are used, external cosmetics containing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc., designed to compensate for the lack of biologically active components in the skin and protect it from the aggressive effects of the external environment, as well as from the main culprits of its aging - free radicals . However, almost all (even expensive) external agents have only a short-term superficial effect, without affecting its deep structures.

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At the same time, a deficiency in the body itself of these and other biologically active substances contributes to a more rapid disruption of the structure of collagen fibers, increased dryness of the skin and its sagging, accompanied by peeling of the epithelium. In addition, the structure of the nails is disrupted and their fragility increases, hair loss occurs, the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles and folds form early on the face, neck, hands, etc.

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Thus, no matter what and no matter how many necessary components are applied to the skin in the composition of external products, it will still need the most basic ingredients. It is possible to eliminate the presence of their deficiency in the body and thereby influence the condition of the skin by preferentially introducing them inside the body.

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However, it is not always possible to do this only with the help of proper nutrition, especially in the spring, when most of the vitamins found in vegetables and fruits have already been destroyed. In this regard, it is recommended to take various vitamin complexes and dietary supplements (BAS), including or consisting of vitamin-mineral complexes, which helps to relatively adequately balance the diet, support the body and have a positive effect on appearance.

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Researchers at an institute at one of the children's hospitals in the United States have established the importance of the optimal content in the body of a number of certain biologically active compounds in reducing the risk not only in terms of skin aging, but also the aging of the entire body, as well as the occurrence of premature mortality.

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It has also been established that the population of many developed countries has a deficiency of one or more substances that are significant for the body. And, despite the fact that this deficiency is not expressed to such an extent as to lead to the corresponding disease (scurvy, rickets or spasmophilia, etc.), it has its consequences in the long term. For example, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium and vitamin D are essential components of enzymatic systems involved in repairing cell DNA, reducing the effects of free radicals and preventing cell damage due to oxidative stress, as well as ensuring the health of blood vessels and preventing early aging of the skin and the whole body.

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What vitamins slow down skin aging?

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All vitamins contribute to maintaining a healthy appearance and normal functioning of the skin, but the main ones are “A”, “E”, beta-carotene, which is an isomer of carotene, as well as coenzyme q10. All of them have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

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Vitamin “C,” which also belonged to this group, was found to have a very weak antioxidant property, but it takes part in the synthesis of some substances with antioxidant properties, including the synthesis of “vitamin E.” Vitamin “K” helps normalize blood microcirculation and preserve the natural coloring of the face, “D3” affects the absorption of calcium and stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen proteins.

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As a rule, it is recommended to take not individual vitamins, but vitamin complexes to maintain youthful skin, which include vitamins with a predominant antioxidant effect in combination with macro- and microelements. In women after 35 years of age (usually at 40-45 years of age), many skin problems are explained by a decrease in the synthesis of estrogen in the body. Therefore, they are recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes with the addition of phytoestrogens, which partially replace their own sex hormones and help increase the sensitivity of the corresponding skin receptors and other organs to their own estrogens. Phytoestrogens are found in soy, hops, clover, beans, sesame, etc. They help slow down skin aging and normalize metabolic processes in it, prevent excessive dryness and the formation of wrinkles.

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Dietary supplements to slow down skin aging

In many countries, their use has become familiar and quite commonplace, since it is believed that their correct selection and proper use help eliminate the deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, etc.

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Long-term and correct course use of these drugs with supporting courses can solve not only many cosmetic problems, but also improve overall well-being and prolong a person’s active lifestyle. In particular, the cosmetic effect of biologically active additives is manifested in the restoration of normal skin function, its hydrolipidic membrane, reducing the severity of age-related manifestations, improving its condition in the presence of acne, acne or seborrhea.

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These products are not medications and cannot replace appropriate treatment. The purpose of their use is to replenish the basic components necessary for the body and missing in our diet. Some experts believe that they have a pronounced effect on the basic regulatory and metabolic processes in the body. Many people do not understand the difference between vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes produced synthetically (sometimes with the addition of various phytoextracts) and dietary supplements offered by the pharmaceutical industry.

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The latter are made from natural substances that contain active components in a biologically accessible state, which explains their fairly easy absorption with the rare development of adverse reactions. Dietary supplements should be taken only in quantities recommended by a specialist and in the correct ratio of the main ingredients.

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For example, it is not allowed to take alpha-lipoic acid if there is a deficiency of B vitamins, and the latter cannot be taken for a long time without simultaneous intake of magnesium, since with a relative deficiency of the latter, calcium ions are washed out from the bones. Such nuances are known only to experienced doctors. Therefore, it is not recommended to take these drugs on your own, especially if you have any diseases or are taking medications.

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The combined use of cosmetics (creams, gels, etc.) with biologically active additives makes it possible to achieve a manifold increase in the positive effects of the former on the skin. To maintain youthful and beautiful skin, when choosing dietary supplements, you need to pay attention to the presence in their composition of vitamins, microelements, phytoestrogens, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which were briefly discussed above, pre- and probiotics.

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Particularly important dietary supplements for youthful skin are collagen (in capsules or powder) and hyaluronic acid in tablets or capsules. They are also produced in combination with other components - with individual vitamins, with a complex of vitamins and minerals or other dietary supplements. For example, hyaluronic acid can be combined with collagen, chondroitin sulfate, omega-3 acids, coenzyme Q10, tamarind, etc.

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To summarize, a common question to answer is what is the effectiveness of vitamins and nutritional supplements. The effectiveness of the former has been proven a long time ago, but only on condition that the presence of their deficiency has been established. With regard to food dietary supplements, it is necessary to understand that they are produced by extraction from various complexes of inorganic and organic origin. This process for manufacturing companies is quite complex, lengthy, and sometimes unprofitable.

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Many doctors express great doubt about the benefits, necessity, or at least advisability of taking these drugs (especially hyaluronic acid and collagen) orally, since there are no convincing and unbiased studies of the benefits and effectiveness of taking most dietary supplements. Their most important drawback is that even in the pharmacy chain there are quite a lot of counterfeits, since dietary supplements are not medicines and do not require testing. In addition, suggestible people, as a result of viewing advertisements, gradually begin to haphazardly and uncontrollably take these drugs in unlimited quantities, which leads to a harmful effect on the body and psychological dependence on them.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015 15:52 + to quote book

Age-appropriate cosmetics are usually more expensive than regular ones. And during a crisis, it is not always possible to fight wrinkles with creams and serums from famous brands. Do not despair! There is a solution - your first aid kit.

1. Remedies for hemorrhoids - for rejuvenation and freshness of the skin

This is a “star” secret: Hollywood beauties and top models know how to refresh and smooth the skin after a stormy, sleepless night. Kate Moss loves to use hemorrhoid ointment, applying it to dark circles under her eyes and puffy eyelids. “It works instantly!” she claims, showing off smooth, fresh skin. Remedies for hemorrhoids reach the deepest wrinkles and effectively smooth them out. The effect is achieved thanks to the shark fat contained in ointments and suppositories. It, along with other active ingredients, promotes compaction and regeneration of tissues and eliminates swelling.

How to use: apply ointment or hemorrhoid suppositories melted to a creamy state (for example, in a water bath) in an even layer on problem areas - skin around the eyes, forehead, neck, décolleté - and leave until completely absorbed.

2. Aspirin scrub mask

Acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin, is not only suitable for oral administration. Aspirin perfectly eliminates redness and irritation, cleanses pores and evens out the skin.

How to use: dilute 4 aspirin tablets in 20–30 g of water, add 1 tsp. honey, apply the mixture to problem areas (face, neck, décolleté) and leave for 10 minutes. Then massage the skin with the aspirin mixture as a scrub and rinse. The result is on your face!

3. Retinoic ointment - for wrinkles

Retinoic ointment successfully fights not only acne, but also, as practice shows, wrinkles. Retinol is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, a leader in the fight against aging. Retinoic acid and its derivatives in the ointment stimulate collagen production and cell regeneration processes. As a result, the skin is smoothed and renewed.

How to use: Apply a moderate amount of ointment to previously cleansed skin with massage movements.

4. Liquorice (licorice) root for age spots

Licorice (licorice) for bronchitis and colds - a taste from childhood. However, licorice will also bring many benefits to adults. Liquorice root extract regulates the production of melanin in the body and helps get rid of age spots, evens out skin tone and tightens the facial contour.

How to use: you can make a decoction by pouring boiling water over the licorice root. Wipe your face with the cooled infusion. Another option: pour olive oil over the licorice roots so that the oil completely covers them, and simmer in a water bath over very low heat for 10 hours. Apply the resulting licorice oil to your face morning and evening.

5. Solcoseryl for deep wrinkles

Miracle ointment for older ladies. Solcoseryl promotes collagen production, significantly improves blood circulation and restores damaged skin tissue. Fans of this ointment note a significant reduction in even very deep wrinkles with its regular use.

How to use: Apply to the face, neck and décolleté instead of night cream before going to bed every two days. You can also apply a thin layer of Solcoseryl ointment to the skin around the eyes using gentle movements.

6. Vietnamese “Star” for facial skin tightening

This burning ointment is a storehouse of natural oils, acids and extracts. It quickly (almost instantly!) and effectively removes bags under the eyes, reduces swelling, and refreshes the skin.

How to use: Gently apply a little ointment to the very bottom of the circles under the eyes. Avoid the area directly around the eyes!

7. Smoothing zinc ointment

Zinc is included in baby diaper creams, protecting the skin from chafing and redness, as well as in products for acne and acne. Its particles perfectly reflect ultraviolet radiation, which causes skin aging, and also fight inflammatory processes. Cosmetologists use zinc ointment to eliminate wrinkles. The result is noticeable after the first few days of use.

How to use: Apply the ointment in an even thin layer to all problem areas of the skin. Be sure to combine zinc ointment with well-moisturizing products, as it dries out the skin and can cause peeling and dehydration.

8. Hydrocortisone - crow's feet tamer

If the network of facial wrinkles becomes more and more noticeable, you can use hydrocortisone ointment as an emergency aid. This hormonal remedy for allergies and skin inflammation retains moisture well, that is, it actually creates swelling that straightens wrinkles. Botox effect on the face!

How to use: Apply to fine lines around eyes and lips. Before applying, test on a small area of ​​skin to see if the ointment will cause an allergic reaction.

9. Vitamins A and E for youthful skin

Cosmetics manufacturers add vitamins A and E to many anti-wrinkle products. So why not use vitamins in their pure form? This way they are better absorbed by the skin and do not clog pores. Vitamins A and E are sold in capsules and have a liquid consistency, so they can be used in the same way as skin oil. A and E are the main anti-aging vitamins.

How to use: Puncture a vitamin capsule with a needle and apply the oily liquid directly to the wrinkles. Let it soak in and after half an hour, blot off any remaining product with a napkin. Add a few drops of vitamins to your face masks.