Exercises for easy walking

Just two exercises aimed at increasing hip mobility will help you quickly and effectively correct your gait. They have no contraindications, and these inclinations are especially recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Raise your left leg in front of you to waist level and rest it on some object. Place your right hand on the thigh of the raised leg, and with your left hand and chin reach for its toe. Try to keep your back straight and not bend your knees. The exercises are repeated alternately for both legs in several approaches.

The second exercise will seem much more difficult to you. Do a swallow and rest your raised left leg on a sofa or chair. The right hand is placed on the chest, and the left hand is extended above the head and pulled to the toe of the raised leg. They look up. Start slowly and relaxed, with small bends, gradually increasing their amplitude if possible. Change legs and repeat in the same sequence.

At the end of the session, it is recommended to do several leg swings and 4-6 deep squats. The effect of an easy gait can be achieved quite quickly with these exercises. The main thing is not to neglect your studies and do exercises regularly.

Photo: artleo.com