How to stop waking up in the morning: tips for desperate night owls

Why are people divided into night owls and larks, but there is no work schedule? If getting up in the morning is akin to torture for you, and your boss is already threatening fines for being late, read our material!

Let's face it - this world is unfair to owls! All important matters are resolved before lunch, work starts at 9.00 and there are fewer people in the gyms in the morning. How can you remake yourself and learn to wake up without waking up? Let's move to the bright side together!

Sleep correctly

The key to an easy morning is quality sleep. At night, no heavy food or active mental work. We take the equipment out of the bedroom, allow ourselves a maximum of 10 minutes of social networks before bed, ventilate the room and read the most boring book in the world for 20 minutes. If after such manipulations you cannot fall asleep before 23.00, read about folk methods for insomnia.

Choose your rise time

Even the most noble impulse “like waking up at 5 am for yoga” will end in failure if you start doing it abruptly. Reduce the number on the alarm clock gradually, 5 minutes a day - today 7.30, tomorrow 7.25 and so on. Protect your body from stress.

Set up your music

Setting your alarm clock to your favorite or very energetic melody is the most common mistake. You need to come out of the sleep state slowly, then the awakening mechanism in the body works correctly. Play a calm, neutral melody without words, or even better if it starts quietly and gradually becomes louder. And when you wake up, turn on something quickly and sing to your health.

Create a plan for your morning

A person can perform half of the processes automatically. If you can get up but can't wake up, automate yourself. Develop for yourself a morning behavior algorithm (routine) that will not change. For example: kitchen - glass of water with lemon - exercise - shower - yogurt - makeup - breakfast - hairstyle - clothes. When the body remembers these processes, you will stop freezing, wasting valuable time and being late for work.

Make the most of it the night before

This is a banal piece of advice, but the most effective for optimizing morning preparations. Think about your makeup, prepare your clothes, food for breakfast, put your lunch in boxes. This takes at least 40 minutes in the morning, and you can happily spend it in bed.

Motivate yourself

Find something that brings you more pleasure from waking up early than pain. Set aside something very desirable for the morning, such as a cake or beautiful lipstick, a surprise for your loved one or a new episode of Game of Thrones. Basically, something so cool that you'll wait until the morning just to get it.

Insure yourself

If you are one of the people who cannot be awakened by even a running pack of wild elephants, play it safe. If you live with someone, ask to be woken up at a precise time (5 minutes after your alarm) and warn them that you are being sneaky. If you have a pet, do not pour a lot of food into the bowl in the evening; in the morning you are guaranteed to be woken up by barking or desperate meowing. If you are alone, ask your friend to wake you up, but set her call to the loudest and most eerie ringtone so that you have a chance to hear her.

While following all these rules, remember that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Believe in this cherished number with all your heart. And even if your biorhythms don’t work, you will also have faith, desire and aspiration.