How to “survive” the holidays and still stay in shape?

How to “survive” the holidays and still stay in shape?

Holidays are a time of fun, joy and meeting with loved ones. However, they can also be a challenge for those watching their figure. How to avoid losing control of your diet during the holidays and still stay in shape? In this article we will share with you some tips.

  1. Prepare for the holidays in advance. If you know there will be holiday dinners and parties, plan your day ahead. For example, if you have a heavy dinner ahead, it is recommended to drink juices in the morning, only soup at lunch, and eat a light vegetable salad before dinner. Never go to dinner hungry, as this will only increase the likelihood of overeating.

  2. Don't try to try everything. If you want to try everything, do it in very small quantities. Try to limit yourself to high-calorie, fatty foods. Give preference to seafood, poultry and vegetables. Avoid events with large buffets, as there is always a temptation to put more on your plate and eat it all quickly. Try to lean more on low-fat broths and foods rich in fiber (fruit and vegetable salads).

  3. Eat wisely. Don't reach for salted nuts or chips; before you eat this food, think about whether it's worth gaining extra weight because of it? If you still want chips, we recommend putting them on a plate to clearly control how much you eat. Avoid alcoholic drinks that contain milk, cream or juice, as they contain a high percentage of sugar. In order to drink less, give your preference to a glass of wine, drinking it with a glass of water.

  4. Be moderate in alcoholic drinks, most of which are high in calories. Try to avoid alcoholic drinks that contain milk, cream or juice, as they contain a high percentage of sugar. In order to drink less, give your preference to a glass of wine, drinking it with a glass of water.

  5. Play sports. Exercise will help you lose weight, reduce stress and give you energy. If you haven't exercised for a long time, start with the simplest thing - go up and down the stairs on foot, without using the elevator.6. Don't forget about water. Water helps reduce hunger, speeds up metabolism and improves digestion. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and during the holidays, make sure to drink water between alcoholic drinks.

  6. Don't forget about your goals. Remember that holidays are a temporary pleasure, but your health and figure are your permanent asset. Keep your goals in mind and don't let the holidays get you off track.

  7. Don't be shy to ask your loved ones for help. If you care about your diet and physical activity, ask your loved ones to help you with this. Ask if you can prepare healthier meals or suggest exercising together.

Overall, following these tips will help you stay in shape and enjoy the holidays without sacrificing your health and figure.