Weekly training program for a weightlifter in the preparatory and competition months.

Once the load for each exercise is scheduled for each workout, the high-intensity barbell lifts planned for that week are distributed. Having a complete understanding of the content of each workout, they draw up a training plan for the week. This article discusses a weekly training program for a weightlifter in the preparatory and competition months. You can use a ready-made scheme, or adapt it to suit yourself by making small amendments and adjustments.

When drawing up training plans, you need to keep in mind that in the preparatory period for junior athletes, the highest training weight in snatch exercises should be 90-95%, in clean and jerk exercises - 90-92.5%. When working with maximum and sub-maximum weights, do not forget about a high-quality warm-up and all the necessary safety measures, because if these two points are not observed, you are at risk of an annoying sports injury. For example, if you work without a weightlifting belt, you will definitely be treated for a herniated lumbar spine, and if you regularly forget about mandatory aerobic exercise, you will inevitably damage your heart. So remember: safety must come first! With that sorted out, let’s return to the weekly training program for a weightlifter in the preparatory and competition month...

Exercises such as squats with a barbell with straight arms in the “spread” manner and overhead presses do not have to be performed separately - they can be combined with a snatch with a half-squat or a snatch, performing sequentially (without lowering the barbell) a snatch, a press behind the heads and squatting.

Now let's move on to planning training for the competition month.

The number of barbell lifts in various exercises in a monthly training session has already been determined above, and the volume of load for weekly cycles has also been determined. It remains to be seen what the training weight of the barbell should be in the main weight zones.

The highest intensity peak will be in week 1, where 36% of the total number of barbell lifts are at high intensity (83 lifts); somewhat less - in the 2nd (28%, 65 lifts), medium - in the 3rd (24%, 55 lifts) and small - in the 4th (12%, 26 lifts).

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