
How to pump up huge arms?

How to pump up huge arms?

Having big strong hands is every man’s dream. Is not it so?

Otherwise, why are you here on our website with the eloquent name “hands of steel”?!

This short article will tell you how to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. No water! Everything is clear, short and concise to the point...

How to pump up thin arms?

How to pump up thin arms?

What to do if your arms are naturally skinny, and your bones also leave much to be desired? In any case, there is definitely no need to despair. Do you think these beefy guys on the cover were born this way? But perhaps their genetic data was not ideal. Nevertheless, they were able to fight through and overcome the flaws given to them by fate...

How to pump up your arms with push-ups?

How to pump up your arms with push-ups?

Many modern people have a false stereotype that it is basically impossible to get pumped up without visiting a gym or fitness club. What about our great-grandfathers? In their age there were no training equipment or sports equipment at all. But there were legends and rumors about the valiant silushka that have survived to our centuries...

How to pump up your biceps on the horizontal bar?

Back in ancient times, in order to assess the level of physical development of an athlete, he was asked to bend his arm at the elbow. Actually, nothing has changed since then. Every self-respecting athlete wants to have a lumpy ball on the inside of his shoulder. and the larger it is, the better!

How to pump up triceps at home?

How to pump up triceps at home?

The triceps extensor muscle makes up 60% of an athlete’s entire arm volume. Therefore, if your goal is massive, healthy arms, you must first of all focus on triceps training. Well, like a locomotive, he will pull your biceps along with him. Moreover, visiting the gym for all this is not at all necessary. Don't believe me? - read more...

How to pump up your biceps and triceps?

How to pump up your biceps and triceps?

In this article we will tell you how to effectively pump up the antagonist muscles of the arms. After all, it is collaboration that helps achieve amazing results. Train them in a comprehensive manner and an increase in productivity, and with it, success will not keep you waiting long....

How to pump up your biceps effectively?

How to pump up your biceps effectively?

All beginners, having barely crossed the threshold of the gym, dream of getting it, but those who have it don’t hesitate to show it off... Have you guessed the riddle? Of course, this is the biceps brachii - the most eloquent muscle, the degree of development of which is used to judge the general physical performance of an athlete...

How to pump up biceps at home?

How to pump up biceps at home?

To be strong, voluminous and sculpted, you don’t have to go to the gym. In this article we will tell you how you can quite effectively train your biceps shoulder flexor right at home, forgetting about new-fangled exercise machines and all other nonsense...

How to pump up triceps with dumbbells?

How to pump up triceps with dumbbells?

Effective exercises described in detail in this review will help you build impressive arms without leaving home. All we need are ordinary collapsible dumbbells, yeb your zeal and perseverance too, of course...

How to pump up biceps at home without dumbbells quickly?

How to pump up biceps at home without dumbbells quickly?

Beginners and people who are far from “iron sports” have a false stereotype: they say that you can only train powerful arms in the gym if you have high-quality equipment and an abundance of sports equipment, but at home this is simply impossible to achieve in principle...