We lose weight from sex! Eight enjoyable exercises

In terms of energy expenditure, sex is equivalent to moderate work. While doing it, you lose up to 300 kcal per hour, and during orgasm - more than 400 kcal. Great news, unless you consider that on average, sexual intercourse lasts no more than 20 minutes, and orgasm lasts less than 30 seconds. So that's a measly 100 kcal. And it’s good if every day.

That is, in order to keep yourself in shape, regular sex is clearly not enough. But who said that this should happen three times a week for 20 minutes in two long-bored positions? After all, if you take the matter seriously and with soul, then sex fitness will completely replace routine exercises in the gym.

An additional bonus, so to speak... Not to mention the pleasure received in the process, not only by you, but also by your partner. So, let's start training. The main requirement: you need to do everything yourself, and let your partner rest.

Timetable of classes:

  1. Arms and shoulders. You sit on the floor facing each other and wrap your legs around your partner's waist. With one hand he rests on the floor, and with the other he holds your back. You lean back slowly... Train your shoulder muscles beforehand with push-ups.

  2. Pectoral muscles. It is good to train them in a knee-elbow position, making more movements and arching their back. Circular movements of the pelvis are useful. As an additional workout, push-ups are suitable.

  3. Abdominal Press. Lie down on the table so that your buttocks are on the edge. Alternate movements of different depths and slowly rise to kiss your partner. It is important that his back remains straight. Practice in advance by doing lying down torso raises.

  4. Buttocks. Your partner is lying down, you are on top. Alternate slow and fast movements with maximum muscle tension. Workout: leg raise while lying on your stomach.

  5. Hips. Stand facing your partner so that your eyes are at the same level. Raise your leg and place your foot on his shoulder. Make movements by bending your knee. Pre-squat, leaning on the wall.

  6. Waist and back. Lie on your back with your legs on your partner's shoulders. Try to touch your shoulders with your knees and raise your pelvis. Stretch your spine by bending over.

  7. Pubococcygeal muscle. Train it with contractions in any position. The “woman on top” pose is especially effective. Kegel exercises are also very helpful.

  8. Heart. Regular sex is an excellent workout for the cardiovascular system. Pulse and blood pressure increase, blood flow increases.

Of course, we do not advocate engaging in only such purposeful sex. Any affection with a loved one is useful and brings joy! Regular intimate life rejuvenates a woman from the inside and makes her more attractive on the outside.

Happy training!