Safety when playing sports

When playing sports and other outdoor activities, you can prevent injuries by following the safety precautions required for the specific activity and wearing appropriate protective equipment (a helmet).
Wear safety glasses when engaging in any activity that could cause eye damage. The right shoes can also protect you from injury. When playing contact sports, wear protective equipment that is your size. And above all, follow the rules of the particular sport you are involved in.
If you don't know how to swim, it's better to learn now. Always have lifesaving equipment on hand when on a boat or near water. When diving into the water,
Be sure to check out the dive site. Always supervise children near water, in a pool or in the bathtub. Two thirds of all drownings involve people who accidentally fall into the water.
When jogging or walking, choose your route carefully. Exercise only in well-lit, humane areas. Avoid busy motorways. If you exercise outside in the evening, wear fluorescent clothing that reflects light and move against traffic.