Pelvic floor muscle training.

Sport is a necessity for modern man. It is very multifunctional, because thanks to it we have the opportunity to look good and are endowed with good health. Some training sets are designed for those muscle groups, forgetting about which we make our body weak, less resilient, and expose it to serious danger.

Pelvic floor muscle training.

According to our doctors, training the pelvic floor muscles is an integral part of intimate health for any person, regardless of their gender, age and level of physical development. Nowadays, although this activity is gaining new adherents year after year, unfortunately, it is not yet so popular among the general public. Perhaps this is why most people suffer from various diseases of the pelvic organs at different periods of their lives. However, this can be avoided without much effort! But first, let's answer one important question:

Why do we need pelvic floor muscles?

The pelvic floor muscles are those muscle groups that are designed to support the pelvic organs in women and men. Their health is significant for both sexes, but for women it is of particular importance, because keeping the uterus in the correct position, preventing its prolapse, and even the processes of labor are their job. They are also entrusted with “responsibility” for the proper functioning of the urinary system.

Unfortunately, despite the undeniable importance of the proper functioning of this group and keeping it in good shape, athletes are more passionate about completely different training. There is nothing to say at all about people who do not go in for sports - they are simply not interested in bothering themselves with sports exercises.

Meanwhile, a decrease in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles leads to very serious consequences. Here, for example, is just a list of women, and only a small number of them:

  1. too long and painful labor, often accompanied by various complications (ruptures, internal bleeding);
  2. the occurrence of urinary incontinence syndrome;
  3. a significant decrease in sexual activity and sensitivity, leading to complete apathy towards the process of intimacy;
  4. prolapse of the vaginal walls in women, complications of which are their prolapse;
  5. disruption of the hormonal cycle;
  6. bacterial vaginosis, which occurs due to too much dilatation of the vaginal opening.

The picture for men is also not much better...

The weakening of the pelvic muscles occurs gradually throughout a person’s life, but there are factors that contribute especially strongly to this:

  1. obesity,
  2. heredity,
  3. constant constipation and poor diet,
  4. physical education and training are too hard for a woman’s body,
  5. menopause period.

Pelvic floor muscle training.

Despite people’s low awareness of all of the above, this muscle group needs training and recovery processes more than others. To conduct such training, there are special courses, devices and even simulators, and of course, exercises developed by specialists, which will be discussed further..

Training this area is necessary for both men and women. The main meaning of the effect is slow or fast, consistent compression and then relaxation of the muscles in this area. In order to do this, the following exercise is recommended: take the position in which you feel most comfortable, relaxed, and can concentrate your attention to the utmost (usually this is a lying position). Then slowly squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, mentally count to three, and just as slowly relax them.

Another exercise is called “Awakening Fire”. Its essence consists of performing the following actions: consciously tensing the target muscles (while taking a deep breath), and then slowly, gradually relaxing them (exhaling). The minimum training duration is 10 approaches. The undeniable advantage of this activity is its accessibility...

The next exercise is called “Pause”. It comes from Chinese doctors who claim that those who perform this pelvic floor muscle training are especially “talented” in bed. When urinating, you need to immediately stop this process, and do this only with the help of the pelvic muscles. The main task is to do this really lightning fast. The exercise helps to significantly improve the blood supply to the genital organs of men and women.


Although the basic set of workouts is almost the same for both sexes, there are exercises designed for each of them separately. For example, before a woman starts training, she needs to learn to feel her pelvic floor muscles. To do this, you can resort to several effective methods.

When urinating, you need to spread your legs wide apart. We stop the process of urine excretion, make sure that we did it instantly, without delay, and continue it again. We repeat such “pauses” 2-3 times during one trip to the toilet. A few days after the start of classes, the woman does it without much effort.

The great advantage of such exercises is that you can do them absolutely anywhere, at any time - sitting in a cafe, attending a child’s matinee at school, and getting ready for bed. For maximum effectiveness of the exercise, it should be repeated 3 times a day, using standing, sitting, and lying positions. Number of repetitions – 15-20 times.

Kegel exercises on a fitball for women.

Fingers, balls and special devices.

We slowly insert the pre-disinfected fingertip into the vagina and try to slowly tense the pelvic floor muscles. An indicator of success when performing is that the vaginal muscles wrap around your finger, you feel significant tension. It is necessary to complete at least 6-7 approaches to tense and relax the muscles in this way. In addition, special balls and other devices developed by doctors are also suitable for such purposes. For example, special balls on threads made of various materials. The woman places the ball into her vagina and tries to hold it with just her muscles. The weight and size of the balls vary depending on the tone of your muscles.

We ride the elevator.

A more complex exercise for women, which allows you to achieve the greatest effect in training intimate muscles, is the “Lift” exercise. The initial stage of execution involves complete relaxation of the person and focusing his attention on the muscles of this group. A woman should imagine her womb as a tube consisting of muscles, which contains certain levels - “Floors”. For example, the muscles located at the entrance to the womb are the first floor. Then the second one, and so on...

It is necessary to slowly, consciously “move” from the first floor to the last, highest one. Straining the muscles of the first floor, you must fix this position for some time (about 5 seconds), and slowly engage the “second floor” group, each time rising to the floor higher. Having reached the “highest”, move down again. Correct execution requires training and effort, but the result is worth it! Believe me, your chosen one will appreciate it...

For men.

Kegel exercises for men.

Next, we will look at exercises that are recommended for men. And the first exercise has the following sequence: first, the man strongly strains his pelvic muscles. Hold the voltage for a long time – at least 10 seconds. Then comes a period of rest, and it lasts a similar amount of time. Such approaches with periods of tension and rest must be performed at least 10 times. After this, the actions are identical with one difference: we reduce the time to 5 seconds. And finally we repeat the exercises with 9 seconds.

Exercises for alternating relaxation and compression are also provided for men. We strain the pelvic floor muscles and hold them in this state for at least 2 minutes. It is better to do this exercise in the evening and morning. Increase the state of tension by 15 seconds daily.

This seems incredible, but the creator of this entire technique, professor of medicine Arnold Kegel, even for men recommended the above-mentioned women’s exercises with a finger and balls on a string, but of course, using another hole in our body - the neighboring one, which is present in both sexes. In his opinion, and research confirms this, the muscles of the anus are an integral part of the entire complex of the pelvic floor muscles, and it is also worth training. This will only have a positive impact on your intimate potential, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman...

Well, I think you found it interesting, and you learned a lot of new and interesting things. Adopt this newfangled technique, and you will be simply irresistible in bed! Just don’t overdo it, everything should be in moderation. The main thing is to remember that by paying enough attention to ourselves and our body, we not only have the opportunity to look great, but also have impeccable health!