Exercises for the elasticity of the buttocks.

The gluteal muscles perform many functions in human life. They are involved in the rotation of the hip, in its flexion and extension, lifting the legs, turning the torso, as well as all kinds of tilts of the body. When performing the exercises discussed below for the elasticity of the buttocks, you can and should be diligent; do not be afraid of overtraining, because these muscles actively work throughout the day. They are quite developed from everyday work, and respond poorly to physical impact, which means you don’t have to be afraid to overexert them. The appearance of the buttocks depends entirely on muscle tone and fat deposits. And if you cannot change the shape of the pelvis, then you are quite capable of adjusting the amount of fat and giving muscle tone. You need to do everything until exhaustion, doing several approaches. Between approaches you should take breaks of several minutes. You should exercise every other day, and on rest days you should run or use other cardio and aerobic training options.

The most basic and easily accessible exercise that increases the elasticity of the buttocks, which can be performed by anyone in almost any conditions, is walking up the stairs. You need to walk one flight, stepping on each step, the rest one step at a time, if your step allows, then you can step over two. This activity can be performed on any steps: at home and in supermarkets, in the office and in the park. Constantly replace “elevator” with “stairs” and your buttocks will thank you with a gorgeous look.

When working out your butt using the set of exercises proposed below, be sure to watch the position of your back, because it must be straight, only then will the target muscles work effectively, otherwise there is a risk of causing annoying sports injuries. If you want to increase volume, then the approaches need to be performed with additional weight, if your goal is simply to tighten the muscles and you don’t need volume, then you need to do everything dynamically in several approaches with a large number of repetitions, but light weight.

  1. Stand on four points (knees and forearms). Hold a dumbbell with the required weight under one of your knees, lift your leg up so that your heel points straight up. Fix the position of your back, do not arch your lower back. Perform on both legs. You can also do it without dumbbells, but using weights, moving your straight leg back. Another important point: you need to raise your leg to the level until you manage to keep your back straight.
  2. Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands, and put weights on your feet. Move your leg back while tilting your body. The leg and torso should form one line. You need to perform it slowly and control the position of your back.
  3. Stand up straight, cross your legs. Without bending your knees, tilt your body forward as much as your back remains straight. Return to the original position. After performing it on one leg, change the cross on the other.
  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs and place them shoulder-width apart. Raise your hips as high as possible. After completing one set, hold your hips at the top for 20-30 seconds. Rest. Additionally, you can bring your knees together, also lingering at the top with your knees closed.
  2. While in the same position, straighten one leg along the floor, lift your pelvis, as in the previous exercise. You can also raise your leg to the ceiling and repeat.
  3. Place your foot on your bent knee and lift your hips. Perform on both legs. At the end of each approach, stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  4. Lying on your back, close your heels, resting on your hands and heels, lift your pelvis.
  5. Perform pelvic lifts in circular movements in different directions. Rolling loads have a beneficial effect on pumping the gluteal muscles and giving them elasticity.
  6. Lie on your stomach, close your heels and lift your legs as high as possible. Keep your back pressed, not allowing it to sag.

Well, what would we do without the king of the gluteal muscles - squats. They can be done in various ways. In the standard method, you lower your body, while your back remains straight and your knees do not go beyond the line of your body. It is enough to bend your knees to an angle of 90 degrees between your thighs and shins. Such squats are recommended for those who do not want to increase the volume of their butt. If your goal is to make your butt larger in volume, then you need to do deep squats until the back of the thigh and lower leg touch. It is important to clearly understand and keep this in mind...

You can also squat with weight transfer. Such squats are done like this: feet shoulder-width apart, a weight is placed on one leg, it can be dumbbells, a bottle of water or sand, or any other weight, but it should be comfortable to pick up. Squatting standardly, with your arm crossed, you take the load and place it at the other leg. Next, with your other hand, you again shift the load to the original leg. It is important to squat and not tilt your body, it should remain straight and not move, only your legs work.

And, of course, how can we do without lunges? It is lunges that specifically affect the gluteal muscles. In the gym, we recommend working with a barbell, or if it’s difficult for you, at first, with an empty bar. For homework, you can get by with dumbbells. You can hold them in the classic way at the shoulders, just like the barbell. Or in the position “at the seams” with the arms extended at the elbows down along the body.

If you don’t have dumbbells at home, it’s not a problem. Any available means of weighting will do: ordinary plastic bottles filled with water, a couple of bags or bricks, a backpack, or anything to effectively achieve our goal...

While pumping your buttocks, do not forget about rest for recovery and proper nutrition, and then the elasticity of your butt will be guaranteed!

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