Breathing of the testicles and ovaries

The first sexual exercises that I would like to introduce readers to are called “testicular breathing” for men and “ovarian breathing” for women. They are simple and pleasant to perform for both men and women.

The man sits on the edge of the chair and focuses his attention on the testicles, and the woman on the ovaries. Taking a deep and smooth breath, the man, through an effort of will, slightly contracts the muscles of the perineum, pulling up the testicles. The woman contracts her labia and mentally directs energy from the ovaries to the perineum. As soon as sexual energy begins to increase, consistently direct it to the coccyx, sacrum, spine, neck and head. Repeat the exercise nine times. Having filled the brain with sexual energy, men give the energy flow a circular movement counterclockwise, and women clockwise. This exercise is also repeated nine times.

Press the tip of your tongue against the alveoli. Imagine how the energy passes through the body through the tongue and accumulates in the area below the navel. This exercise strengthens the pelvic area and saturates the brain with sexual energy (jing qi).

Breathing of the testicles and ovaries

Breathing of the testicles and ovaries