Ectomorph body type or eternal karma?

As you know, all people according to their body type are divided into asthenics, normsthenics and hypersthenics, or in another way: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. We are all different: some from birth have excess subcutaneous fat and a tendency to be overweight, some, on the contrary, have eternal thinness, and maybe even anorexia, well, the most ideal option is the golden mean or harmonious balance: everything is in its own way place and nothing superfluous. The point is clear: for serious bodybuilding, the most optimal is a normsthenic body type. It is best to sculpt an ideal proportional and balanced body from it, because it already initially has some balance. Ectomorphs always have to fight to increase body weight and, accordingly, to increase volumes, which will be given to them with great difficulty. Endomorphs grow by leaps and bounds and actively progress in both volume and strength, but along with their growth, their eternal problems also grow - excess subcutaneous fat, which they have to fight mercilessly and unconditionally...

We are often asked by our regular readers: which body type is the most challenging in terms of bodybuilding? And our answer is, of course, asthenic. Because, in our opinion, it is easier for endomorphs to deal with their disadvantages, if only because at the moment there are a huge number of specialized sports nutrition preparations, with the help of which they can cleanse themselves of everything unnecessary. Well, properly planned drying also bears fruit. But hypersthenics are growing by leaps and bounds! Which, of course, is a huge plus for bodybuilding. Asthenics are another matter. They gain weight disastrously slowly. And people suffering from pronounced anorexia can always remain on the starting line, without really crossing it. What’s most offensive is that even the most modern sports nutrition preparations, while certainly helping in this matter, still cannot work a miracle overnight and transform you from a sliver into a thug. How then to deal with this misfortune? And yet, is it an ectomorph body type or an eternal karma that you can never cope with? Well, we’ll give you some useful tips...

  1. Nutrition. Asthenics need to eat day and night in order to break this eternal karma. Introduce yourself the rule of eating every 2 hours, and as many times a day as possible... At the same time, do not bother at all about extra calories and the possible appearance of subcutaneous fat - we will remove all this at the drying stage in no time. You are an asthenic person - for you this is a piece of cake.
  2. Sports nutrition. A typical ectomorph simply cannot cope without specialized supplements. Therefore, we primarily rely on creatine, supplement our diet with protein, and also do not forget about amino acids. We don’t even remember about fat burners yet - again, we will need them at the drying stage. Now our main task is to gain weight.

  3. Gym training and its planning. A well-thought-out training program for an ectomorph is probably a third of the whole matter. We focus on basic exercises. After all, it is multi-joint movements that build the athlete’s strength and increase his muscle mass. Forget about isolating exercises and narrowly targeted simulators for now - let mesomorphs indulge in them. By the way, they need this very thing more. But for us this is a waste of time and another step back.
  4. Aerobic training. Of course, you should never ignore the cardio introduction if you don’t want to have heart problems later. However, for an asthenic person, aerobic work, especially running, should be practically reduced to zero. Because a load of this type reduces weight and volume even more, and we, of course, cannot lose them - we already have a shortage of them!
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