Fitness, bodybuilding demotivators

In the previous article we listed main motives, moving a person before and during training on his body. However, along with them there are also "bodybuilding demotivators", making you lose faith and give up. Let's look at them in more detail according to the degree of harmlessness, starting with small ones and ending with quite serious ones, and also turn to the question: how can we still make them work on our side:

  1. Fear. This is the most common feeling that occurs when:
    1. fear of failure,
    2. fear of failure of set goals and objectives,
    3. fear of taking the next step, increasing the weight lifted, and so on.

    On the one hand, fear is a fairly harmless thing. It is not physical pain or loss of anything. This is simply emotional anxiety that forces a person to constantly think about possible failure, about not achieving the desired result, about turning events in a different direction. On the other hand, fear forces us to look at things soberly. After all, in the rush to achieve your goals, you can overestimate and underestimate your capabilities. It forces you to look for ways out of a seemingly hopeless situation, to find a softer and more profitable approach, to protect yourself in certain situations. Under the influence of fear, the heartbeat increases, which releases adrenaline into the blood. And this, when used correctly, only gives an additional push and incentive for active training.

  2. Non-compliance with the regime. It's just a vicious circle. For many people, the inability to maintain adequate exercise, nutrition, and rest schedules is demotivating. They are constantly tormented by the thought that they didn’t train well, didn’t eat enough, and didn’t get enough sleep. Having missed a workout, they decide that they can put an end to all classes. It is important to understand that what happened yesterday has already passed and you just need to avoid wrong actions and situations in the future. But, just under no circumstances should you give up everything and give up because of some small mistake.
  3. Lack of self-confidence. Probably every visitor to a gym in St. Petersburg, Moscow or any other, even the most seedy town, looking at photographs of his idol, said or at least heard the words “I can never be like him.” Remember that thought is material. Do not say such words to yourself and do not listen to those who try to instill such thoughts in you. A little effort and the result will make you realize the opposite.
  4. Regression. This is one of the most terrible things that affects a person’s emotional background and his psyche. It suppresses the desire for further development. If there is no visible result of training, a person simply gives up and begins to regret the pointlessly wasted time in the gym, proper nutrition instead of his favorite fast food, walks in the fresh air instead of a noisy party with beer and chips. Why do something that is not visible anyway? At this moment, it is important not to give in to emotions and experiences. You need to carefully review your training routines, find and eliminate mistakes. We must try to understand what is wrong with nutrition and rest. The main thing is to gain strength and find the mistake. And after this, progress will not be long in coming; a “second wind” will definitely open.
  5. Personal problems. Only they are probably indisputable in this case. In the life of every person, perhaps an event can occur that will turn his worldview and existence upside down. In this case, it is impossible to advise you to close your eyes and continue training. Since the human psyche is individual, and the reaction to certain life situations is unpredictable. It would be most appropriate to say that “time heals.” Therefore, if your cherished desire for excellent sports shape is really great, after some period you will definitely return to achieving it, also with new strength.

Well, to sum it up: pay attention psychological state no less than physical fitness; in case of failures, do not rush to extremes, but find the strength to reconsider the situation and unearth the mistake. May you always have the strength and arguments to fight emerging demotivators, and then success in fitness and bodybuilding will be guaranteed to you!

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