How to distribute barbell lifts of submaximal and maximum weights?

Naturally, if an athlete easily copes with the load presented in the table of the previous article, then the number of lifts of the barbell of submaximal and maximum weights can be increased, and vice versa, slightly reduced if the athlete cannot cope with such a load, but the number of lifts should be such as to ensure increase in results. Therefore, the number of barbell lifts of submaximal and maximum weights for each athlete at each individual stage of his training should be optimal.

Significantly exceeding the optimal number of barbell lifts of submaximal and maximum weights in snatch and jerk exercises can lead to overwork and decreased results. In this case, even if he achieves excellent athletic shape during training, the athlete will not be able to show good results in competitions, since his body will not have time to recover after a lot of work with high intensity. If an athlete does not perform enough of these lifts, he does not achieve the required athletic form.

How to distribute barbell lifts of submaximal and maximal weights in snatch and jerk exercises? – we will give a comprehensive answer to this question. In the preparatory month, the total number of lifts in snatch and jerk exercises is distributed over 4 or 3 weeks (if one of them is planned as recovery). In the competition month, lifting submaximal and maximal weights is performed mainly in the first 3 weeks.

If an athlete participated in competitions in the last week of the previous month, then the number of such lifts in the monthly training is slightly reduced, and in the 1st week they are included in a small number or completely excluded.

In the 3rd week of the competition month, up to 35% of the number of lifts of submaximal and maximum weights in snatch and jerk exercises planned for the month can be performed. An additional increase in the number of such lifts this week is advisable only through jerk exercises. In push exercises, an increase can be planned no later than in the 2nd week.

The time for performing the last lifts of submaximal and maximum weights depends on the weight category and individual characteristics of the athlete. Thus, athletes of lighter weight categories lift the barbell of these weights later. All athletes require more recovery time after the clean and jerk than after the snatch.

In snatch exercises, a barbell weighing 90-92.5% is lifted in 5-9 days, 95-97% - in 6-12 days, 100% or more - 7-15 days before the start of the competition, about push exercises a barbell weighing 90- 92.5% rises 5-13 days, 95-97.5% - 7-15 days, 100% or more - 9-18 days before the start of the competition.

The increased intensity of physical and mental stress when lifting heavy, submaximal and maximal weights in large quantities creates the danger of “overtraining”. To prevent this from happening, each weekly cycle requires training that includes lifting only medium and light weights. Also add a sports nutrition product such as BCAA to your diet, and then you won’t be afraid of any overtraining, well, with reasonable loads, of course. Don’t forget about the quality of rest and the completeness of recovery. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day, add a sauna, massage and other relaxing treatments to your schedule...

I think we were able to comprehensively tell you how to distribute barbell lifts of maximum and submaximal weights in the preparation of a weightlifter - if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

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