Workout workouts are gaining popularity, instead of a dusty gym!

For those who truly want to develop their body, there are no limits. Among non-sports people, there is an opinion that fitness should and should only be done in the gym. Any experienced athlete will only smile in response. There are many ways to exercise outside of the gym. This type of training is called workout. This can be a set of various exercises with your own weight:

  1. a) push-ups,
  2. b) pull-ups,
  3. c) exercises on parallel bars.

The main feature of such exercises is that they do not require special sports equipment; everything you need can be found right on the site near your home. This type of physical activity develops muscles well, maintains and strengthens the skeletal system. In addition, these activities take place mainly in the fresh air - and this is an important plus in the modern rhythm of life.

You might have seen groups of young people (including girls more and more often lately) who regularly work out in groups (or alone) on the playground near their house. Sometimes they perform such complex elements that you want to stop and admire.

Who are these workouts suitable for? There are almost no restrictions. With a properly developed program, almost anyone can do workout - both a beginner athlete and an advanced bodybuilder. There is a small exception only for overweight people - for exercises that use body weight, you must first lose weight (to avoid increased stress on fragile joints).

Workout training can be more aimed at building strength and endurance: these are various hangs and pull-ups on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, push-ups from the ground or any object, hanging abdominal exercises. It should be noted that such loads are regularly used in bodybuilding. Bodyweight exercises are extremely important for developing correct body proportions. Therefore, if you think that “hanging out on the horizontal bar” is not serious, know that this is an important component of advanced physical training programs. Not every gym regular is able to perform the entire complex of workout training without appropriate preparation - the load is very specific - and with the reasonable use of these opportunities, you can make a significant leap in results - even for athletes with impressive experience in bodybuilding.

By the way, performing exercises with your own weight is quite possible at home. For this task, you will need a horizontal bar (and it can be just a crossbar securely attached to the doorway), perhaps parallel bars and a desire to practice. You can train together – using each other’s weight, or simply enjoying working together. In any case, a partner in such a matter can only be beneficial!

With regular practice of such exercises, the body becomes fit, slender and muscular. Develops agility, flexibility, and grace. For those who have chosen workout as the main type of physical activity, it becomes a lifestyle!

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