Safety rules during training and the effect of steroid drugs on the bodybuilder’s body

When working out with maximum and sub-limit weights, there is a high probability of obtaining injuries. At best, you will get away with a bruise, sprain or dislocation; at worst, it is quite possible to damage and vital organs or their systems. Moreover, it is not even necessary to drop the projectile from your hands or lose your balance. You can even technically correctly complete an approach with the planned number of repetitions, but at the same time “ruin” your heart, raise your blood pressure and “earn” other bad charms. In view of all this, it is necessary to understand how vitally important it is to comply with everything safety rules during training with heavy weights. Remember: your health is one thing, and so is your life. Nobody will give you a second try. Therefore, be careful and attentive. Take care of yourself!

We will not discuss safety precautions in detail in this article - the topic has already been covered far and wide. We provided comprehensive information on this issue in our previous articles, but now we will only focus on useful additional advice and wishes...

When performing strength exercises, you must adhere to the following: recommendations:

  1. Carefully select the weight of the equipment/weights for each new exercise, having first studied and mastered the technique of performing it with a light equipment.
  2. Avoid frequent loads on the spine area during one session, use a special weightlifting belt, and at the end of the workout, unload the spine by hanging on a monkey bars or crossbar.
  3. When working with maximum weight, it is necessary to wear straps or canvas bands on the wrist to grip the bar.

Another important rule: in case of relative medical contraindications, you need to exercise carefully, carefully monitor your well-being and be sure to periodically consult with your doctor.

Are anabolics harmful or beneficial?

As you know, “iron sport” has now become very "chemical". Almost all newly minted bodybuilders are interested in sports pharmacology, dietary supplements, supplements, tablets, powders and other steroid chemicals. But here’s the question: “Are anabolics harmful or beneficial?” No matter how hard doctors try to dissuade, interest in this problem is heating up more and more. And no matter how much they repeat about harm of steroids and their negative side effects, young athletes persistently continue to be interested in all kinds of pharmaceutical drugs with anabolic effects such as methane, tamoxifen, phenylpropionate, deca and others...

In bodybuilding, like in no other sport, not only experienced, but also novice athletes try to use anabolic steroids to accelerate the growth of strength and muscle mass. According to available literature data, during a random check of Moscow bodybuilders, anabolic steroids were found in the body of 50 percent of those examined, which indicates the reluctance of athletes to recognize the danger of their destructive effect on the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands, leading to heart attack, cancer, infertility , impotence and other “delights of life”. In women, in addition, atrophy of the mammary gland occurs, hair growth occurs on the face, as well as throughout the body. It is also worth adding that everyone who takes anabolic steroids experiences premature aging and all sorts of mental disorders (irritability, moral depression).

As you can see, despite the achievements of modern pharmacists and their constant desire to create clean and harmless drug to help bodybuilders, all their attempts are still in vain. And medicine, as before, screams at us loudly about the harm of steroids and other anabolic drugs... Maybe we should listen? What do you think on this issue? – leave your opinions on the topic in the comments... Let's find out who thinks what!

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