An example of using calculation tables to plan a weightlifter's load

We continue to study the nuances of planning the physical work of a weightlifter of a highly qualified level of training. In the previous article we looked at the calculation table; In this article we will see with specific examples how to use it. So, our dear readers, we present to your attention an example of using calculation tables to plan a weightlifter’s load...

The number of barbell lifts less than 70% in a monthly training session is determined by subtracting the number of high-intensity barbell lifts (71 + 38 + 18) from the total load in the snatch exercises (300). In snatch exercises, the athlete must perform 173 (300-127) lifts of a weight less than 70%. The number of lifts of a barbell of various weights and in push exercises is also determined.

The number of lifts by weight zones in barbell squats is distributed as follows. Since in the 70-79% and 80-89% weight zones 20% of the total volume of squats (345) should be performed, and 90-99% - 25%, the required number of lifts in these zones is calculated (69, 69 and 86, respectively) lifts). Then (using the table from the previous article) determine the number of lifts of the barbell weighing 100% or more (it is 61 lifts). All other lifts are performed with less than 70% weight.

In push rows with a barbell weight of 80-89%, approximately 17% of their total number and 90-99% -50% are performed. In this regard, first determine the number of lifts in these zones, then (according to the previously discussed table) - the number of lifts of the barbell weighing 100% or more, and lastly - the remaining lifts performed with a weight of less than 80%.

Maximum lifts (100% or more) in squats with a barbell and push rows are distributed between weekly cycles in the same way as the intensity of the load, the remaining lifts - in the same way as its volume.

Therefore, in the 2nd month the athlete should lift in snatch exercises: in the weight zone 70-79% - 65-70 kg, 80-89% - 72.5-80 kg, 90% or more - 82.5 kg or more ; in push exercises, squats with a barbell and push pulls - 82.5-92.5 kg, 95-102.5 kg, 105-115 kg, 117.5 and more, respectively.

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