Six Healing Sounds

Before you begin completing the lesson tasks, you need to become familiar with the exercises known as the “six healing sounds.” There are special sounds that have a calming and healing effect on the internal organs of a person.

Taoist yoga, which is the focus of our research, focuses on the processes occurring inside the human body. The “six healing sounds” exercises allow you to establish direct contact with the five most important organs: lungs, kidneys, liver, heart and spleen. In addition, Taoists identify the so-called “triple heater” as an independent organ, which is not an organ in the literal sense of the word. Structurally, it covers three areas of the body: upper, middle and lower. The “Triple Heater Sound” is used to regulate and balance the temperature conditions between the three mentioned areas. Healing sounds regulate and establish balance between the five organs or five elements in the human body, which is the basis of the exercises, since health and emotional state are largely determined by these elements. Most of the book is devoted to restoring balance and harmonization of the five elements in the human body, and the practice itself begins with the “six healing sounds” exercises.

Sounds are produced without tension or any effort whatsoever, exclusively on exhalation, in a standing, sitting or lying position. While performing the exercise, a person mentally penetrates with consciousness into a specific organ. An experienced person makes sounds so that others cannot hear them; they appear as if from the organ itself. This helps develop the ability to sense the processes occurring inside the human body.
When performing the “six healing sounds” exercises, color correspondences play a huge role. Each of the five organs or five elements has its own color. By making a healing sound while exhaling and mentally surrounding the organ with the appropriate color, a person speeds up the harmonization process. Below is a table showing the correspondence of internal organs to sounds, elements and colors.

Organ ElementT Healing sounduk Color
Lungs Metal S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S White
Kidneys Water Chew Blue (or black)
Liver Tree Sh-h-h-x-x-x-x Emerald green
Heart Fire H-a-u-u-u-u Red
Spleen Earth H-u-u-u-u Yellow
Triple heater - H-i-i-i-i -

Sound for the lungs
1. Focus on the lungs.
2. Take a deep breath (while doing the abdominal or reverse breathing exercise).
3. Close your teeth and open your lips slightly.
4. Press the tip of your tongue against the upper alveoli.
5. As you exhale, slowly say the sound “s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s.” Feel the heat release from your lungs.
6. Imagine white light surrounding your lungs.
7. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
Sound for the kidneys
1. Focus on your left and right kidneys. They are located on either side of the spine, approximately just below the hypochondrium.
2. Take a deep breath.
3. Slowly and as silently as possible exhale the healing sound “who-u-uh-y.” At the same time, lightly press your palm onto the solar plexus area.
4. Visualize blue or black light surrounding the kidneys and feel the heat being released from them.
5. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
Sound for the liver
1. Focus on the liver. It is located on the right, just below the hypochondrium.
2. Take a deep breath.
3. Exhaling slowly and as silently as possible, pronounce the healing sound “sh-h-h-h-h-h-h”.
4. Imagine an emerald green light surrounding your liver and feel the warmth it radiates.
5. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
Sound for the heart
1. Focus on your heart.
2. Take a deep breath.
3. Open your mouth slightly, round your lips and pronounce the healing sound “h-a-u-u-u-u”.
4. Visualize your heart surrounded by a bright red light and feel how it generates heat.
5. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
Sound for the spleen
1. Focus on the spleen. It is located on the left, just below the hypochondrium.
2. Take a deep breath.
3. Exhaling slowly and as silently as possible, slightly round your lips and pronounce the healing sound “h-u-u-u-u”. Feel the spleen releasing heat.
4. Imagine that it is surrounded by yellow.
5. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
Sound for triple heater
1. Take a deep breath.
2. As you exhale slowly and as silently as possible, pronounce the healing sound “h-i-i-i-i.”
3. At the same time, imagine how a huge warm wave descends from the head, passes through the chest and through the solar plexus area into the lower abdomen. Feel how your fingers and toes begin to radiate heat.
4. Repeat the exercise at least three times.