We draw up a step-by-step training plan in the gym for men

Any training with physical exercises, incl. strength training, carried out: both in the gym and at home or on the street, both with external weights and with the weight of one’s own body, both under the supervision of a trainer and independently, must consist of three mandatory parts: preparatory (warm-up, stretching, warming up ), the main part of the training and the final phase (cool-down, relaxation and relaxation exercises). In turn, the warm-up part may contain an additional phase: the so-called special warm-up. We will study all the subtleties of these constituent elements of training for men in this short review...

So, it doesn’t matter: whether you visit a newfangled sports club, or go to Uncle Tolya’s rocking chair in the neighboring village, your training must necessarily consist of the following components:

Preparatory phase of the lesson (warm-up). Conducting a high-quality warm-up is one of the most important conditions for prompt injury prevention. Warm-up has a general effect on the body and a local effect on ligaments and muscles. It increases body temperature. The muscular system and ligamentous system become more elastic, the range of motion in the joints increases, and the motor response improves.

It is better to start the warm-up with light jogging or exercises on cardio equipment, then floor exercises, joint gymnastics, exercises that increase flexibility (stretching, warming up) and coordination. The warm-up phase should not exhaust you or lead you to fatigue. Its task, on the contrary, is to cause a qualitative surge of strength. The duration of a typical classic warm-up is on average 15 minutes.

Special warm-up, according to the plan of any lesson in the gym, is carried out immediately before performing a strength exercise. It is not limited only to warming up the main working target muscle groups, but is in fact also an excellent means of optimizing movement technique in each specific exercise. It is carried out with purely symbolic weights (25-35% of your one-time maximum) and approximately contains 12-15 repetitions.

Main part consists of a set of strength exercises.

At the initial stage, it is recommended for men to primarily include exercises with barbells and dumbbells in their training plan, and, of course, with their own body weight. These exercises best develop intermuscular coordination and balance. They are most effective when working on the formation of strength qualities and muscle mass. However, it must be emphasized that during this period at least 27% of the load should be aerobic work (cardio exercise), associated with intense exercises of a monotonously cyclic nature:

  1. I. running,
  2. II. swimming,
  3. III. Cardio exercises.

Exercises performed on simulators provide selective isolated and accentuated effects on certain muscle groups, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of training.

The final phase of the training is carried out for about 5-10 minutes with the main goal of returning the body to its original relatively calm state. The content of the final part of the workout should include exercises to restore breathing, as well as to relax and stretch the muscles and ligaments.

Well, we've figured out all the phases that any well-designed training session includes, and now you know how to independently build your own gym workout plan for men. Read about how a similar plan is built, but now for the fair half of the population of our planet, as well as all the nuances of building specifically women’s training, as well as its difference from the men’s program...

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