Methods of using essential oils - Inhalations


Inhalations are done for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and viral infections, psychocorrection, regulation of blood pressure, for menopausal disorders, pain in the heart and stomach due to nervousness, during the recovery period after illness and in other cases.

Inhalations can be cold (inhalation of the smell from a bottle, aroma medallion, aromatization of clothes, accessories, bed linen, wet cleaning with the addition of essential oils to water, spraying scented water, smelling salts) and hot (aroma lamp, air humidification, hardware methods of inhalation, aromatization of air in a bathhouse, sauna).

Cold inhalation. Cold inhalation is done when the first signs of colds, headaches, decreased mental activity, nervous stress, motion sickness, etc. appear. Apply to natural fabric folded in several layers or a handkerchief 5-7 kasang essential oil. Inhale the aroma through your nose, you can alternately inhale through the left and right nostril. Breathethe conversation should be deep and calm. The duration of the procedure is 3-7-10 minutes. You can inhale the aroma from the bottle.

Hot inhalation. Currently, every pharmacy sells a small assortment of inhalers for personal use. It is best to purchase a Machold type inhaler. A simple inhalation technique allows you to quickly obtain a good therapeutic effect.

Unless the doctor has indicated otherwise, the procedure is carried out every 2-4 hours for 4-5 minutes. If necessary, inhalation can be repeated after 1-2 hours. If the dosage is not indicated, use no more than 3-4 drops of essential oil.

Treatment continues as long as signs of the disease persist. For oil inhalations, it is better to mix essential oils with olive, peach, almond, camphor or sea buckthorn oil.

If you don't have an inhaler, you can use a simple home method. Pour hot water (45-50°C) into a small container, add essential oil, cover your head with a towel and inhale the aroma for 5 minutes. Carry out the procedure no more than 2-3 times a day.

After inhalation it is better to rest (1-1.5 hours). For 40-60 minutes after the procedure, essential oils continue to have an effect on the inflamed mucous membranes, so it is better to avoid eating during this time. It is not advisable to go outside for 1.5-2 hours in the cold season, as otherwise the disease may worsen.