Kegel exercises

As the great Philosopher Sigmund Freud said: “We are our desires”.

Every person, be it a man or a woman, wants to be loved, desired, seductive and sexually desired by the opposite sex...

Do you want to boost your sexual libido?
Do you want to improve your sexual performance?

– find out how a modern, innovative technique that has gained incredible popularity in recent decades will help you with this.

But let's take things in order...

This is not the first time we have mentioned that modern man practically does not look after his physical development and health. It is not uncommon for us to turn a blind eye to certain “problems” until they truly become a “headache” for us. This article will describe pelvic floor muscles, features of their development, and a list of characteristic symptoms that are a signal to turn to this intimate topic...

So, if you have identified symptoms such as urinary incontinence, as well as difficulties in sexual life, this is a reason not only to go to the doctor, but also to do Kegel exercises. Such problems can arise at any period of life, in women, men, and even children. In this regard, the following directions of this methodology have been developed:

  1. female Kegel,
  2. Kegel for pregnant women,
  3. Kegels for men.

These exercises were developed in the mid-twentieth century by A. Kegel. At first they were intended only for women. But later practice showed that using such training healthy And men. They are quite varied and suitable for people of all ages. The curious thing is that, initially created as medicinal, Kegel exercises, having proven their effectiveness and usefulness, have received widespread recognition and began to be used by healthy people in for preventive purposes, and subsequently, for increasing and strengthening sexual libido.

Well, and, of course, the most unique thing about this technique is that the physical procedures performed are extremely simple and do not require special skills or any special training. In fact, this is simple moves, which we carry out in our everyday life, but only rarely and instinctively, and not at all to the extent to be in good physical shape and healthy. When training using the Kegel method, we perform the same movements, but consciously, purposefully and cyclically, several dozen times, training internal narrowly targeted, specific muscles that so lack load from our normal, everyday life.

A significant advantage of this healing technique is that to use it you only need... your own body and that’s it! You don't need any complicated exercise equipment, sports equipment, or weights. You don't need special clothing or equipment. You don't need absolutely anything, except maybe a small amount of time allocated to perform these movements. Moreover, you need time: not an hour, not two. Just a few minutes per workout is enough. In this case, there can be from one to several workouts during the day - the more, the better. But without going to extremes, of course, you also need to know when to stop.

Another reason why these workouts have gained incredible popularity around the world is that they are discreet, and therefore accessible. Kegel exercises can without a doubt be classified as so-called “hidden or invisible training”. What does this mean? – all training movements are so simple and unnoticeable that you can easily carry them out:

  1. sitting in an office chair at my computer,
  2. standing on public transport on the way to work,
  3. lying behind the TV,
  4. reading the latest newspaper,
  5. sitting in a cinema, combining useful things with a pleasant movie viewing,
  6. and so on…

So, all you need is:

  1. own body,
  2. a few minutes of time
  3. concentration on performing movements.

As mentioned above, these exercises involve the pelvic floor muscles, located between the pubic and coccygeal bones. Such exercises allow women strengthen your muscles without outside interference, increase vaginal tone, which will subsequently have a positive impact on achieving the peak of pleasure during sexual activity with a partner. Kegel exercises for men will help resist diseases such as prostatitis And erection problems.

Read more about each of the areas of this technique using the links at the beginning of the article.

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