Kegel exercises at home.

We continue to study the same name advanced techniques, developed by the most famous American gynecologist today Arnold Kegel, who in the mid-twentieth century made a breakthrough in the study of sexuality and human libido. He developed a world-famous set of exercises for training the muscles of the perineum, both women and men, giving incredible, amazing results in the shortest possible time. Do you want to increase your sexuality level? Discover new, hitherto unexplored horizons in the art of love for yourself and your partner? – then you have come to the right address, because these trainings are aimed specifically at achieving these goals...

Many people, having heard about this technique for the first time, and not yet understanding its essence, turn to medical specialists with a typical frequently asked question: how to perform Kegel exercises at home? Well, let's find out how the creator of this concept, professor of gynecological sciences, teacher at the Department of Medicine at the University of Southern California, Arnold Kegel, answered this question.

Below is his verbatim answer, translated into Russian:

“Why exactly at home? My methodology so universal and simple, which can be used not only at home! You have a unique opportunity to train unnoticed by your CHEF and colleagues right at work, if you are an office clerk. You can do this in a subway car on the way to work. You can perform these exercises while sitting in a hairdresser's chair, standing in slippers at the stove in your kitchen, and also while in a traffic jam right behind the wheel of your car... Yes, anywhere! In a word, my exercises are available to everyone, everywhere - the main thing is that you have the desire and a few minutes of free time. That's all. For example, one of my patients made a rule for herself: she performs exercises according to my method every time she is in the elevator, every time she goes up or down - a few minutes is enough to work the target muscles, and at the same time, the time in the elevator does not pass so uselessly. I recommend! Plus there is a clear permanent system — and this is the most important thing for my technique! One specific workout, even a super-intense one, costs nothing. It is important to constantly regularly practice throughout for a long time, then the result will definitely come - I promise you that!”

  1. Kegel for women,
  2. Kegel for men,
  3. Kegels for pregnant women.

Also, for all those who want to learn more about this technique, we recommend that you read this article - it will give you answers to all the remaining questions. Enjoy reading! And don't forget to leave your comments...

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