Diet against double chin. Especially for facial slimming!

A beautiful woman only needs one chin, and the rest must be quickly gotten rid of. And you can do this yourself. The main thing in this matter is a clear sequence of actions and persistence.

What is the first thing you pay attention to when you meet someone, run into an old friend, or see your favorite actress on TV? Of course, on the face. We study people from top to bottom, and the main role in the impression a person makes on us is played by his face. A thin face reduces your weight in the eyes of others, while a full face, on the contrary, adds weight.

There are no diets that only work on one part of the body. But, if you follow certain rules, your face will lose weight first. The double chin will disappear, the skin will look cleaner and healthier. The first results will appear within a few days, and this will be an excellent incentive in the fight against extra pounds.

Step 1. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. If you drink too little, your body automatically goes into saving mode and tries to retain as much precious moisture as possible. As a result, fluid is “deposited” and causes swelling of the face, arms and legs. If you drink enough, excess moisture is removed from the body. The healthiest options are still mineral water or green tea.

Step 2. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits at least three times a day. Vegetables and fruits also contain large amounts of liquid. In addition, they are rich in fiber. And if during the break between lunch and dinner you eat an apple or carrot salad, you will be full, which means you won’t reach for cakes.

Step 3: Stop drinking alcohol. Any alcoholic drink dehydrates the body. And lack of moisture leads to swelling. Not to mention that alcohol is one of the highest calorie foods in the world.

Step 4: Take more calcium. If you take in at least 1.2 mg of calcium every day, you will lose weight faster. To do this, it is enough to drink 3 glasses of milk or eat 800 g of cottage cheese.

Step 5. Every day, eliminate 250 calories and burn 250. To lose a pound, on average, you need to burn 3,500 calories. Try getting rid of 500 calories a day, and very soon you will notice changes - first in your face, and then in your figure. We divide these 500 calories in half: 250 need to be burned through physical activity, and 250 should be “cut” from the menu for the day.

Step 6. Less salt. The more salt you consume, the greater your risk of edema. The most salt and preservatives are in semi-finished products. Know that giving up salt also normalizes high blood pressure.

Step 7. Strength training. If you lose weight through diet alone, your skin will inevitably become loose and begin to sag. Therefore, the diet must be combined with strength training. This keeps your muscles toned, and the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn while moving.

Charging for the face:

  1. Stretch your lips, tense your muscles as much as possible and pronounce the letters I, A, U.

  2. Open your mouth wide and curl your tongue tightly.

  3. Pull your cheeks in, then inflate them one by one.

  4. Smile with one half of your mouth, lowering and lifting the corner of your mouth.

  5. Look at the ceiling with your neck craned. Turn your head to the sides without lowering your chin.

Follow these simple rules - and you will quickly forget about the hated double chin!