How to replace bread

Giving up bread is a great solution on the way to an ideal figure. However, what to do if you really want a piece of fragrant and freshly baked bread, which, unfortunately, smells throughout the entire store. Let's figure out how you can replace bread with benefits for your figure and health.


Lavash is made from just three ingredients: water, flour and salt. Without adding yeast, flavorings, flavor enhancers, etc. This is an ideal alternative to bread for sandwiches in a healthy diet. You can wrap chicken, vegetables, cheese in pita bread - a great option instead of the usual sandwich with sausage.

Rye bread

Rye bread is a storehouse of fiber. It is healthy and, despite the fact that the number of calories in it is not inferior to white bread, the quality of these calories is completely different. Rye bread is rich in vitamin B, selenium, manganese and other useful components, thanks to which this type of bread normalizes blood sugar levels and also removes toxins and waste.

Interesting: Italian scientists have proven that consuming products made from white flour increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in women by 2 times. At the same time, men can safely eat buns and cakes.


Lettuce leaves can also be used as a bread alternative. They can serve as the basis for the contents of your sandwich, giving you pleasure from your meal and protecting your figure from unnecessary pounds. Plus, combining meat or cheese with salad is delicious. And, if you think about some other healthy sauce, it will be simply “finger-licking good.”


Crisps are made from coarse grains, which means they are rich in fiber, which the body needs. In terms of calorie content, they are actually no different from the usual bread, but the quality of the calories in them is very decent. Crispbread can be eaten even during low-calorie diets. They can be used both as a base for a sandwich and as a snack.

Bran buns

Bread can also be perfectly replaced with bran buns. To prepare them you will need 3 tablespoons of bran, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 egg and a little salt. Mix all ingredients until smooth, form into cakes and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 7-8 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees.