Women spend 17 years of their lives on diets

Women spend 17 years of their lives on diets: what the study showed

A recent study in the UK showed that 90% of women have tried some kind of diet at least once in their lives, and in general it takes up to 17 years of life to try to lose weight. These results of a survey conducted among more than 2,000 women were published by the Daily Mail.

According to the study, women start dieting on average at age 18 and repeat weight loss attempts approximately 9 times throughout their lives. Each attempt lasts about seven weeks. However, less than 1% of women were able to stay on the diet for a year. A third of respondents lasted at least 6 months.

One of the main reasons why women decide to diet is that their clothes become too small for them. More than half of the ladies surveyed indicated exactly this. About the same number of women decided to lose weight because of their blurred waist.

However, not all women can easily cope with the diet. More than a third of respondents admitted that their love of food, as well as a lack of willpower, prevented them from losing weight. In addition, for 20% of women surveyed, healthy food was too expensive.

Kevin Dorren, founder of diet food delivery company Diet Chef, says making the decision to lose weight is easy when you need it for a specific goal or when you feel insecure about being overweight. However, to truly lose weight, it takes real effort.

To make the process of losing weight easier, you can try following simple steps:

  1. Remember to eat healthy and have the right balance of macronutrients.
  2. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  3. Limit your intake of sweets and fatty foods.
  4. Increase the amount of physical activity.
  5. Drink more water.
  6. Try to get enough sleep and rest.
  7. Don't try to change all your eating habits at once, start small.
  8. Don't forget about motivation - reward yourself for your achievements.

Overall, losing weight is a long and difficult process that requires effort and patience. However, if you consistently follow a healthy lifestyle, in the long run it will lead to improved health and well-being and will also help you achieve your desired figure. It is important to remember that each person is unique, and you should not compare your results with the results of others. Ultimately, the most important thing is to take care of your health and enjoy life to the fullest.