Jiakkai Syndrome

Article: Giacaki syndrome - a rare feature of human metabolism

Giakai syndrome is a rare and serious condition that is characterized by a disorder of fatty acid metabolism in the human body. This syndrome is hereditary, that is, it can be transmitted from parents to children, as well as in healthy people as a result of genetic abnormalities. This can lead to various health problems such as obesity, diarrhea, high cholesterol and other lipids in the blood.

The disease was first described by Italian radiologist Luigi Giachia in 1969. He discovered this anomaly in a genetic study of the blood of his sister, who was obese and had diarrhea. However, the exact mechanism of development of Giakako syndrome is still not clear.

To diagnose this syndrome, doctors use a fatty acid profile in the patient's blood. The presence of abnormal substances in the fatty acid composition may indicate the presence of a disease. Treatment may include dietary changes, certain medications, and, if necessary, surgery.

The consequences of Giacac syndrome can be serious for the health and life of the patient. Thus, it is important that the disease is not ignored by specialists and is taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases associated with fatty acid metabolism.

**Giakkai syndrome** - It was first described by the Italian doctor D. Giakkan in 1927 as an independent nosological form - “renal cortex syndrome”, and later renamed and identified by the Soviet radiologist L.F. Ushakova into an independent unit - “Lebanese syndrome”. In 1834, at a meeting of the Paris Medical Congress, following the report of D. Giacano, a report was made on this disease.