Exercises Without Dumbbells To Strengthen Arm And Chest Muscles

Exercises Without Dumbbells To Strengthen Arm And Chest Muscles

Exercises without using dumbbells can effectively strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest. Let's consider several options for such exercises of varying degrees of complexity.

  1. Pushups

This is the simplest version of push-ups. Starting position - sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands resting on the floor shoulder-width apart. Options:

  1. fingers pointing forward (load on arm muscles)
  2. fingers to the sides (works the muscles of the arms and chest)
  3. fingers on each other (arm and chest muscles)
  4. palms side by side, thumbs touching (triceps load)

Perform 10-20 push-ups. Change the position of your legs so that the load is distributed evenly.

  1. Knee push-ups

A more difficult option is to rest on your knees, hands shoulder-width apart. The options are the same. Do 10-20 push-ups, pressing your elbows to your body. Can be performed in 4 counts to increase the load.

  1. Lying push-ups

The most difficult option, recommended only for trained people. The execution is similar, the number of push-ups is 5-15.

  1. Exercise for the pectoral muscles

Starting position - sitting cross-legged, palms together. Slowly press your palms against each other for 15-30 seconds, relax. Repeat 4-5 times. You can change the position of your hands.

  1. Chest exercise with palm rotation

A similar exercise, but the palms are turned in different directions. Press for 15-30 seconds, you can alternate tension and relaxation for 30-60 seconds.

These simple exercises will help strengthen your arm and chest muscles without the need for additional equipment. The main thing is regularity of classes.