Feet care

Feet care

First of all, comfortable shoes. The last should correspond to the natural rise of the leg. High heels do not allow you to evenly distribute the weight of the body on your feet. Especially if the shoes are without heels and the leg is deprived of any support.

Don't go to the other extreme - constantly wearing shoes without heels can lead to flat feet.

You should not neglect foot care. Regular pedicure is the best solution to this issue.

You can take care of your feet yourself. You need to make foot baths (warm and cold from herbs, sea or table salt), rub them with pumice, lubricate them with cream or vegetable oil, and take care of your nails.

It is necessary to lubricate the place where the nail begins to grow with cream and pull back the skin of the nail. Never cut off the skin. To toilet clean your nails, use a match wrapped in cotton wool moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Cut and file your nails straight, not round, otherwise they will quickly grow into the skin.

For sweaty feet, baths made from a decoction of oak bark or a weak solution of vinegar and salt help well. A foot massage with wet lemon peel is very pleasant.

You need to change your shoes and wash your socks and tights every day.

For sweaty feet, Teymurov's paste is a very good remedy. A small amount of paste is rubbed in for 1-2 minutes and left without rubbing. After 2-3 days, wash your feet.

To combat sweaty feet, you can use various recipes based on alum, talc, boric acid and other substances.

Also effective are baths and compresses made from a decoction of oak bark or serpentine rhizome. They have an astringent and drying effect.

A cream for sweating feet based on lanolin, petroleum jelly, and alum solution is useful. It helps normalize sweating.

The main thing is to maintain hygiene and regularly care for your feet. This will preserve their health and beauty.