Figure for Vacation

Figure for vacation

As a rule, we remember a good figure closer to summer, and the higher the temperature outside, the more and more often we think that it’s time to do physical exercise. However, time flies deadly quickly - and now there is nothing left before the vacation, but there is still no free time.

In this case, not every exercise can help solve the problem of appearance, because they work different muscles separately and require a lot of time. Today we offer a complex exercise that will allow you to work the muscles of the hips, buttocks and back at the same time, which will save time and tighten muscles that have been “relaxed” during the winter.

Take the starting position, lying on your back, place your legs on a chair so that the knee and hip joints are approximately at a right angle. Extend your arms along your body, palms down.

Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your pelvis so that your torso and legs are in line. Stay in this position for a bit (1-2 seconds), maintaining the balance of your body, while trying not to hold your breath (begin to exhale slowly). Then, continuing to exhale, slowly (2 times slower than you rose) lower yourself to the starting position.

Try not to overbend your lower back at the top of the exercise, as in the “bridge,” because this can lead to pain in this part of the spine.

Smoothly rise up, pause and lower down. Perform this exercise until you are tired, it is advisable to do 2-4 sets of 15-20 times. If you do the exercise more than 20 times, you can put an album with photos from your last vacation on your stomach and, holding it with your hands, perform exercises with “weights”.

If you did it 5 times and finished your “performance” in the sports arena, do not be discouraged: everything has its time, there is still time before the Olympics. Try doing the exercise we described in the article “Elastic hips and buttocks.” It works the same muscles, but is easier to perform.

Have a nice holiday!

[Picture 1]

Initial position

[Picture 2]

End position

[Picture 3]

Incorrect position