

Cereals for porridge can be boiled in water, milk or meat broth. Before cooking, cereals must be cleared of foreign impurities: darkened and unhulled grains, flour. Fine grains are sifted through a sieve or colander. Muchel from semolina, buckwheat, wheat and other small cereals is sown through a fine sieve. It is better to sort large grains, such as buckwheat, oats and rice, with your hands, removing impurities and spoiled grains. After cleaning, the cereals are washed with water, with the exception of semolina, small types of wheat, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Before cooking, rice and millet are washed 2-3 times, changing the water. Buckwheat is poured into a large amount of water, mixed, removing debris and empty grains. Then quickly remove from the water so that the grains do not swell. It is not recommended to keep buckwheat in water for a long time, as it quickly absorbs moisture, the grains swell and stick together.

The washed cereals are cooked immediately after preparation. Pour into boiling water or milk and cook at low boil, stirring occasionally. Different grains swell and boil differently quickly. Rice, coarse wheat and millet do not boil well in milk, so they are first boiled in water for 20-30 minutes, and then milk is added.

To ensure that the cereal cooks evenly, cook at low boil and stir gently. Sudden movements disrupt the integrity of the grains, starch is released, slowing down swelling. When the porridge is ready, you can add butter, fruit, and honey to it.