
Arms, Legs: How to maintain health and beauty

Feet and hands are parts of our body that we often forget to take care of until pain and problems begin to bother us. However, in order to maintain healthy and strong legs and arms into old age, you need to pay special attention to them. In this article, we'll look at some tips on how to properly care for your hands and feet to keep them beautiful and healthy.


To maintain healthy and strong legs, there are several important factors to consider. Firstly, you should avoid high-heeled shoes, which can lead to curvature of bones, calluses, papillomas and other diseases. It is better to choose shoes with a small toe-thick heel or no heel at all. High-heeled shoes should only be worn temporarily, in exceptional cases.

You should also avoid silk and nylon stockings, which can cause abnormal sweating and loss of elasticity in the legs. It is better to choose stockings made from natural materials that will allow the skin to breathe. After standing for a long time or walking for a long time, you can soak your feet in hot water with sea or Epsom salt for 10 minutes, and then lie down or sit so that your feet are higher than your head. This will help relieve fatigue and restore blood circulation.

To prevent calluses, you should thoroughly wipe your soles with Vaseline after a bath and especially between your toes to prevent diaper rash. If there are already hints of the formation of calluses, you can wipe them with a pumice stone and then spread them with Vaseline. Finally, it is helpful to sprinkle your feet with talcum powder before putting on shoes to prevent sweating and blisters.


To keep your hands healthy and beautiful, you also need to consider several important factors. When doing physical work, your hands should be wiped with glycerin and water or petroleum jelly every day to prevent them from drying out. After a bath, it is also good to wipe your palms with the indicated composition.

If there are wounds or cracks on your hands, during physical work you should lubricate these places with almond oil to prevent them from becoming infected. It is also recommended to use protective gloves when working with chemicals or other substances that may be harmful to the skin.

In conclusion, to maintain the health and beauty of your hands and feet, you need to pay special attention to them and take care of them regularly. This includes choosing the right shoes and stockings, regular hygiene, using protective equipment when necessary, and caring for your skin and nails. Also remember to eat right and exercise to strengthen the muscles in your legs and arms. By following these tips, you can keep your hands and feet healthy and beautiful for many years to come.