How to do a facial massage in a salon video

Time plays its inexorable role, and sooner or later you will see your wrinkles in the mirror. With age, the oval of the face will change, the corners of the eyes and mouth will narrow. You can combat these unpleasant shortcomings if you know how to do facial massage. Some of its types are quite capable of being made by yourself!

How to do facial massage correctly: techniques

How to do a facial massage in a salon

There is no doubt that only a highly qualified specialist in a beauty salon can guarantee competent and correct implementation of the procedure.

But you should approach the choice of a cosmetologist with all responsibility; it is best to pay attention to the advice of friends and acquaintances who can recommend a competent specialist.

If the massage is not carried out according to the rules, it may even worsen existing wrinkles.

A competent massage is characterized by a reduction in facial swelling. In bad cases, swelling around the eyes and new wrinkles may appear.

How to do facial massage: techniques

Several special techniques are used: rubbing, stroking, pinching, vibration, which is carried out along the main massage lines. Massage is performed in the following directions:

  1. From the chin to the earlobes.
  2. From the nose to the middle of the ear.
  3. From the corner of the mouth to the middle of the ear.
  4. From the inner corners of the eyes above the eyebrows to the temple.
  5. From the forehead to the temples.
  6. From the outer corners of the eyes, along the lower eyelids, towards the inner corners of the eyes.
  7. The neck is massaged from the collarbone gradually upward to the chin.

For different indications, the cosmetologist will offer different types of massage. For example, with reduced facial tone, with dry, dehydrated and aging skin, a classic facial massage will be prescribed, using rubbing and stroking, using a massage cream.

For hyperkeratosis, oily skin or post-acne, a pinch massage using special oil would be more appropriate.

How to properly massage the face and neck?

The facial muscles are usually overloaded from mental and physical work, and our internal state is reflected on the face. We constantly tense our facial muscles without paying attention to it, and then our face takes on a certain expression. It happens that this tension accumulated at the point between the eyebrows and in the forehead does not disappear at all, even when our body is completely relaxed.

Light rubbing with palm. Before performing a facial massage, stand behind the patient and place a towel under his head. One hand rests horizontally on the forehead, above the eyebrow line, with the fingertips directed towards the temple. Rub the area lightly with the palm of your hand: when your left hand reaches your left temple, place your right hand there where the movement of your left ended, thus beginning to slide towards the other temple. Perform slowly 10 times, alternating hands.

Light rubbing of the forehead. Fingertips at the center of the forehead. Apply gentle pressure and then slide both hands to the sides. Perform 5 times from the center to the periphery. With each slide, synchronize your breathing so that you exhale as you slide, releasing mental and physical tension.

Rubbing the cheekbones. Hands under the eyes, fingertips turned towards the nose. Gently apply pressure and slide to the sides. Then place your hands a little lower and do the same along the other line: move your middle fingers to the level of the wings of your nose and slide. Perform 3-5 times along each line smoothly and rhythmically.

Chin rubbing. Continuing the previous movement, keep your hands on your chin so that the tips of your middle fingers touch. Press and rub the area from the center to the ears along the jaw line. Perform rhythmically but smoothly 3 to 5 times. Make sliding movements as you exhale, relaxing your facial muscles.

Champi facial massage is very relaxing, smoothing out facial features so that you feel them being released from the tension accumulated in this area.

Thus, when you perform the following techniques, facial wrinkles disappear and your face radiates calmness and a good state of mind, reflecting the light that you carry within yourself.

Pressure on the jaw. Place the tips of your fingers folded together on the points in front of your ears. Press gently and, without releasing pressure, make circular movements. Perform slowly and smoothly for one minute.

Pressing on the temples. Place the tips of your middle fingers on the patient’s temples and gradually press firmly. Rub slowly in a circular motion for one minute, without releasing pressure. Breathe calmly and rhythmically.

Neck massage. Pinch your earlobes between your thumbs and forefingers. Gradually increase the pressure and massage both ears rhythmically. Move from the earlobe to the top, gradually covering the entire ear.

Light tugging on the ears. Grasp the patient's ears with two fingers and pull to the sides. Do this at different points, gradually massaging the entire ear.

Pressing on the temples. Relax your hands and place them on both sides of your head near your temples and ears. Press the base of your palms tightly and move your arms up.

Shiatsu facial massage - photo step by step

Shiatsu facial massage must be performed very precisely - this way it will be more pleasant and effective. With it you complete the general massage with the help of techniques that relax and tone. The last step, touch, balances the massage and builds its ending.

Pressure. Before massaging, place your thumbs on the patient's eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Find the B12 point - the small depressions in the bone - and press into them with the side of your thumb tips. Hold for a few seconds and release. Be careful because this point is often sensitive.

Pressure. Press the tips of your thumbs along the line from the inner corners of the eyebrows to the hairline, along the Bladder meridian. Movements should be slow, relaxing and confident. Repeat the procedure.

Pressure. Press lightly with your fingertips on the line under the cheekbones, moving towards the chin. Try to press your fingers against the bone. Movements should be light.

Touch. Place one hand under the base of the patient's skull and the other on the forehead. Pull slightly towards you to level your head, then simply maintain contact. Don't think about strangers, breathe calmly. This provides a moment of peace before ending the massage and informs the patient that the session is over.

Chinese facial massage - photo lesson

Finishing a full Chinese massage with a facial helps the patient relax. The pressure can be applied quite firmly, especially when massaging the man, to stimulate the meridians and acupressure points. At the end of the Chinese facial massage, you should both feel energized.

Pressure. Place your fingertips on the patient's temples, find small indentations, about one finger away from the eye sockets. Gently press the CB 1 point with the tips of your middle fingers on both sides. Feel the energy of each point for a second and remove your hands.

Pressure. Place your thumbs just below your nose on the sides and find the depression - the Co 20 point. It is easy to find. Press the sides of your thumbs slightly at an angle toward your nose. It's good for your sinuses. Hold for a second and release the pressure.

Rolling. Rub some oil into your fingers and run your thumbs from the nostrils to the patient's chin. Both fingers should move synchronously. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times, pressing firmly enough to the skin of the face.

Rolling. Place your thumbs at the corners of the patient's lips, then move them diagonally towards the chin. Repeat the procedure. Finally, gently cup your chin in your palms.

Holistic facial massage - photo lesson

This massage is very pleasant. However, the skin of the face is quite sensitive, so movements must be precise, confident and gentle, especially in the eye area. When working with a man, you can massage harder, especially in the chin area.

Stroking. Rub some oil into your fingers. Apply it onto the patient's face in three light strokes from bottom to top, covering the forehead, cheeks and chin. Raise your hands above your eyes. There should be just enough oil to ensure smooth gliding of your fingers.

Pressure. Place your thumbs side by side on the middle of the patient's forehead. Slowly move them towards your temples. Repeat three times, covering the entire forehead - the last line should be right above the eyebrows. This technique helps you relax both physically and psychologically.

Pressure. Place the tips of your thumbs on the patient's eyebrows near the bridge of the nose, touching the skin with the side of the finger. Draw along your eyebrows to your temples and remove your hands. The pressure can be quite strong. Repeat several times to relax your forehead and eyes.

Pressure. Place the tips of your index fingers under your eyebrows, on the bony protrusions of your eye sockets. While pressing on them with both fingers at the same time, move towards the outer edge of the eye sockets. Then also run your thumbs along the lower edge of the eye sockets - from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose.

Rolling. Place your thumbs just under the bridge of the patient's nose, making slight rolls to the tip of the nose. Keep your working fingers at a slight angle and raise the rest so that they do not touch your face, especially your eyes. Alternate movements. At the end, your hands should be in the position from which the cheek massage begins.

Pressure. Place your palms on your cheeks, turning them diagonally towards your nose. Having found the correct position, move the bottom of your palms along your cheekbones. On the cheeks, moderate pressure will be pleasant, but reduce the pressure near the ears. Repeat several times. There should be enough oil so as not to stretch the skin.

Pressure. Repeat the technique described above, starting from the patient's chin, moving along the lower jaw to the ears. Your hands should follow the shape of your chin. At the end of the movement, remove your hands. Repeat 2-3 times. This technique can also be performed with your fingers and palms.

Working with energy. Bring your hands to the patient's face without touching it - palms should be approximately above the eyes. Don't think about anything and relax, concentrating on your hands and any sensations. Stay still. Then focus on the patient's face, then analyze your sensations. Finally, slowly remove your hands.

How to do a facial massage yourself

The main requirement for self-massage is light and sliding massage movements. Stretching the skin and strong friction can lead to negative consequences.

For good results, you should massage three times a week, each session lasting about ten minutes.

If results are needed urgently, you can increase the procedure time, but not more than twenty minutes. But the best option would be to take your time and perform the procedure in an average time.

Before you begin massaging the neck and head, be sure to perform the techniques on the patient’s other arm. His body will be completely relaxed, which will facilitate a neck massage using the shiatsu technique. Confidently hold the patient's head in your hands, which will help him relax and feel trust in you.

How to do facial massage: video tutorial

Hello my dear readers. Today we’ll talk about how to keep your face fresh and young right at home. After all, our grandmothers did not visit beauty salons. This means that there were time-tested means to prolong youth. One of them is a facial massage for wrinkles; I will definitely give video examples for clarity.

Let's first look at how this massage is useful:

  1. improves blood circulation. This means that the skin of the face will begin to receive more nutrients. This will definitely have a beneficial effect on her appearance;
  2. relieves muscle tension. This leads to smoothing out wrinkles. This procedure also reduces swelling and improves skin tone;
  3. drainage of excess lymph and improved blood circulation normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the procedure allows you to get rid of seborrhea and acne.

This procedure has some contraindications. It is not performed for any skin damage, inflammation, or rashes. It is also contraindicated for warts. It is better not to touch areas with moles; the impact on them should be minimal. The procedure should not be performed in case of infectious diseases.

There are many types of different massages. I have selected the most effective ones for you. They can be easily made at home.

Before any type of procedure, the facial skin is cleansed. You can take a steam bath, apply nourishing cream or special oil.

Classic facial massage

This technique is the most popular. All finger movements take place strictly along massage lines. Otherwise, instead of elastic skin, you can get saggy skin. The classic version contains the following techniques:

  1. stroking - lightly press the skin with your hand, the pressure should not exceed its severity;
  2. trituration - also involves pressure, stronger than stroking. But so as not to cause discomfort;
  3. kneading - performed in a spiral manner, the pressure on the skin varies from minimum to maximum;
  4. patting, vibration techniques - performed with the edge of the palm. These are oscillatory movements of different rhythms.

Classic facial massage has a very simple technique. The main movements are towards the ears, from the corners of the mouth, the center of the chin, and the lower part of the nose. From the middle of the forehead to the temples. From the outer corner of the eye to the inner - along the top of the eyelid. And vice versa along the lower eyelid in the opposite direction. To better understand this technique, watch the video.

It will be useful to absolutely everyone, regardless of age.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This procedure will help get rid of swelling and improve blood circulation. Massaging is best done in the morning, at least 1-2 times a week. You can do it manually, or you can use different tools. Steel balls, spoons, rollers, special jars for face lifting. Lifting facial massage is recommended for those who have swelling and bags under the eyes. And also swelling. It will be useful for facial asymmetry. If it is caused by a violation of the water-salt balance. I recommend learning more about the technique of the procedure in my article about lymphatic drainage massage for the face.

And here is the detailed technique. Watch the video:

To restore the skin's elasticity, freshness and even tone, you only need a few sessions.

How does facial massage work?

Facial massage is akin to body fitness. It seems like nothing special, but with regular exercise, at some point you find that you look more fit, fresh and youthful than your peers. It's the same story here.

There are many types of massage. For example, medicinal helps to cope with acne, enlarged pores and marks from past rashes. Plastic - restore “floating” facial features and even shape, for example, cheekbones or make the chin more defined. But it is better to do such a massage with a specialist. Focusing on the condition of the face and age-related changes, a professional cosmetologist will be able to choose exactly the technique that will be most effective for your skin.

At home, it is better to do Japanese anti-aging Asahi massage and classic massage. These techniques do not require special dexterity, are accessible to everyone and do not take much time. Lifehacker has already written about the first one. So today, together with certified massage therapist Farida Shamsutdinova, we’ll look at the classics.

Classic massage improves blood circulation (as a result - nutrition of skin cells) and lymph outflow, increases skin elasticity, and has a tonic effect on the muscle frame. The results of this are varied and pleasant:

  1. Improves complexion.
  2. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  3. The texture of the skin after acne is smoothed.
  4. Swelling decreases.
  5. The withering of the skin slows down, the clear oval of the face remains longer (therefore, after 40 years, every woman should have a massage).

Can facial massage be harmful?

Yes. Under certain conditions, the procedure can worsen the condition of not only the skin, but also the body as a whole. Therefore, cosmetologists voice a number of contraindications to massage:

  1. Infectious or allergic diseases that are accompanied by rashes: acne, eczema, dermatitis, herpes, and so on.
  2. ENT diseases: sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis and others.
  3. Malignant neoplasms on the face. In general, for any tumor processes in the body, it is necessary to consult about a massage with the doctor observing you (dermatologist, oncologist, endocrinologist).
  4. Lymphatic disorders, such as swollen lymph nodes.
  5. Reduced intracranial pressure.
  6. Increased fragility of blood vessels, which often causes bruising and minor hemorrhages on the skin.
  7. Many moles on the face.
  8. Skin after deep chemical peels and professional microdermabrasion.

If all of the above is not about you, good. It remains to understand the safety rules.

Before you start a massage, understand the main point: all movements should be performed exclusively along massage lines.

This is extremely important! Otherwise, the results may upset you: instead of the expected relief from wrinkles, you will get new “creases” on the skin.

And further. For aging or rosacea-prone skin, patting and pinching movements are not allowed: they will aggravate existing problems.

How often to massage your face

For good results, massage should be performed at least twice a week. Optimally - every other day. The massage course consists of 6–10 sessions. If necessary, you can repeat the course after 1–2 months.

How to prepare for a facial massage

Cleanse your face

Rinse off your makeup thoroughly and wash with warm water. Steam the skin if desired. For example, place a warm, damp towel on your face for a couple of minutes or sit over a bowl of hot water. This will improve the penetration of the beneficial substances contained in your massage cream or oil into the tissue.

Moisturize your skin

Under no circumstances should the massage be performed “dry”: this stretches the skin and the subcutaneous vessels really don’t like it. Using gentle movements strictly along the massage lines, apply your favorite nourishing cream (suitable for those with dry skin) or oil (for normal to oily skin): olive, sunflower, almond, grape seed, jojoba...

You can add a drop of aromatic oil to the base oil to suit your taste. For example, it is believed that the addition of cinnamon essential oil helps to more effectively eliminate puffiness, grapefruit or orange - to cleanse pores, cypress - to brighten and improve complexion, roses - to fight wrinkles. Only personal experience will show how effective these recommendations will be in your case.

In any case, a drop of your favorite aromatic oil will turn a massage into a kind of spa treatment - not only useful, but also pleasant.

How to do a facial massage

Warm up your skin a little

The massage begins from the chin, gradually moving upward along the massage lines. Movements should be soft and smooth, as if stroking. Spend 3-5 seconds massaging along each line. Try not to stretch the skin.

Relax your facial muscles

This can be done by stroking your temples in a circular motion or drawing small figure eights with your fingers. Then, for about 30 seconds, lightly press the thumb of your right hand on the point between your eyebrows.

Massage, moving from the center to the periphery

  1. Place the middle and index fingers of both hands on your forehead near the bridge of your nose. Smooth the skin along the massage lines, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples and hairline.
  2. Move to the nose: with your index and middle fingers folded, smooth the back of your nose from bottom to top. Do 4-5 movements.
  3. Place three fingers of both hands on the wings of the nose and smooth the skin towards the periphery with symmetrical movements. 4-5 movements are enough. Then, continuing to smooth the skin in the same directions and along the massage lines, go down: from the wings of the nose through the tips of the lips to the chin. And again rise to the nose.
  4. Bend your fingers and use the top knuckles of your index and middle knuckles to rub your face in symmetrical circular motions. We remind you: do not stretch the skin!
  5. Repeat the movements from step 3.
  6. Relax your cheekbones by pressing your fingers on the active points near the lobes.
  7. Continue the massage, repeating the movements from step 3 and gradually moving upward: from the chin to the forehead.
  8. Perform a neck massage: with soft stroking movements of your fingers from bottom to top, from the collarbone to the chin.
  9. Finish the massage with light patting movements of your fingers on the skin of your face. Keep an eye on the massage lines!

Cleanse your face of any remaining cream or oil

This can be done with cotton pads, again moving along the massage lines. That's it, the beauty procedure is completed. All that remains is to apply your favorite skincare products if necessary.