How to shower

Beauty Health


Even something as simple as taking a shower requires following rules—most of us make mistakes when doing so. We advise you how to do it right.

It would seem - what wisdom can there be in such a simple procedure as a regular shower? It turns out that most people, including you and me, very often make common mistakes - and then are surprised by the appearance of irritation and dermatitis. Experts say that if you follow a few fairly simple rules and shower correctly, most problems can be avoided.

Do not wash with hot water

Lying in the hot water of a bath is always pleasant - it relaxes your muscles and clears your thoughts. But showering is a different matter. In the case of a bath, water warms the skin, but does not deprive it of an important natural protective layer, while jets of water under pressure wash away and destroy it. The result of washing off the lipid barrier is dryness, various types of peeling and irritation. Next, we vigorously rub ourselves with a towel - and the skin remains completely defenseless.

The correct thing to do is this: the water temperature should be barely warm, to such an extent that the body does not feel the difference. And if you try, pull yourself together and wash with cool water, you can also go through the hardening procedure at the same time, which is very useful for the body as a whole.

Don't take a long bath

If you are using shower gel or any other foam cleanser, there is no need to spend too much time in the shower: five minutes is more than enough. Walk in, soap yourself up, rinse your body with not-too-hot water - and it’s time to go out. In this case, the skin will not have time to lose too much moisture - no matter how paradoxical it may sound in the case of a water procedure - to become deformed and suffer a temperature shock.

An obvious bonus is that in this case water is also saved, which is also not bad in itself. And the family will stop impatiently jumping under the door waiting for their turn, and there will also be more time for getting ready in the morning.

No need to wash with soap every time

Our grandmothers also assured us that creaking body and hair is a sign of high-quality washing, but this is not at all true. Such a manifestation, on the contrary, means that the skin is completely dehydrated and deprived of its natural protective coating - therefore, infections and sun rays penetrate it more quickly. There is only one way out - to use the most gentle and moisturizing shower products and thoroughly moisturize the body with a generous layer of nourishing cream after each procedure.

No need to shower twice a day

Sometimes we greatly exaggerate the degree of contamination of our body - unless, of course, we are talking about miners, trainers of strength programs at fitness clubs, or those whose professional activities are in one way or another connected with active sweating or working in conditions of increased pollution.

If you take a shower with gel in the evening, in the morning it is quite enough to simply rinse with cool water - this will be enough to finally wake up and invigorate. A washcloth and foaming agents are completely unnecessary.

You should stop using a washcloth

Dermatologists around the world are unanimous - washcloths are fraught with much more dangers than we can imagine even in our worst nightmare. Firstly, there is no point in rubbing and rubbing every day, and more than once - you just need to wash with your palms. It is best to carry out procedures for exfoliating dead skin particles once or twice a week using a soft exfoliant scrub, this is enough.

The second reason to immediately and forever stop using a washcloth is that millions of bacteria accumulate in it and on its surface, which actively multiply in a warm, humid environment - and some of them are very dangerous to humans. In other words, it’s not so much cleaning that’s happening as it’s contamination—nobody completely disinfects this item before each use?

Do not use strongly scented products

Yes, we choose them specifically for their smell - but there are many other ways of aromatherapy; even in the bathroom while taking a shower, you can light a candle with your favorite scent, for example, or even combine such pleasure with a massage session.

The fact is that shower care cosmetics with too strong a scent are most often too aggressive for the skin - often in this way they mask the shortcomings of low-quality components in the composition. It is best to choose neutral gels or mild soaps, and inhale aromas in any other way.

The second point is purely psychological: the habit of inhaling a favorite scent forces us to make the same purchase again and again, even if the cosmetic properties of the product are far from being of the best quality, and even if we use such a fragrant gel, we tend to spend much more time in the shower.

Our body is designed in such a way that it requires a gradual increase in the time of inhaling a certain smell, otherwise the necessary combination of hormones will not be synthesized and we will not feel as happy as before.

No need to wash your hair every time

First, we thoroughly wet the hair, then vigorously foam the applied shampoo, then rinse it until it completely disappears from the hair, and then repeat the same procedure with the balm. This is unless, for example, a hair mask is used. Then comes the turn of the scrub and shower gel. All these substances - often of completely opposite nature of influence - appear one after another on the skin. If it is dry and sensitive, it is not surprising that after a long time of taking such procedures, it will look and feel less than its best.

Washing your hair once every three days is enough - and even less often for those with dry hair. For those whose scalp is prone to oiliness and seborrhea, a maximum of every other day. It is best to do this by bending forward and very carefully pouring your hair from the back of your head so that hair washing and care products do not get on your body. Even better - but this is a more expensive and less comfortable way - to wash your hair in a salon with special professional cosmetics, so it will become much more attractive and healthy in appearance.

No need to rush to dry yourself with a towel

Rubbing yourself vigorously with a towel until your skin turns red is only necessary in one case - if you have the idea to improve your health by diving into an ice hole at an air temperature of minus twenty. Or if you just swam in an icy mountain lake in early spring. In all other cases, there is absolutely no need to rush to dry yourself with a towel - remember the advice of a dermatologist. After turning off the water in the tap, you need to stand for another two minutes in the pan or bathtub, waiting until the streams of water flow down. After this, it is best to lightly blot the skin with a towel - give preference to modern options made of thin microfiber.

Next, you need to apply a nourishing moisturizer directly to damp skin - then the degree of its usefulness will increase significantly, especially for mature and aging skin and the delicate skin of young children. In order not to waste time, the smartest thing to do is to apply cream or lotion - and while it is absorbed, do something else.

For example, cut your nails, brush your teeth, apply your favorite creams to your face and neck, dry or start styling your hair if it has been washed. You can have time to use deodorant and apply a care product to your feet. Just during such manipulations, the cream will have time to be well absorbed, and the skin will dry enough so that you can put on a robe or any other home clothes without any problems.

Warm, relaxing, evening or cool, invigorating, morning? Whatever shower you choose, it is important to know a few simple rules. So that the shower is not only for the soul, but also for the benefit of the skin.

How often to shower, what to do before and after, mistakes and secrets of a competent shower, read in this post.

How often should you shower?

Showering several times a day is not as good an idea as you might think.

Beneficial bacteria live on the surface of the skin. They synthesize natural antibiotics and fight harmful bacteria. At the same time, natural antibiotics are safer and more effective than traditional conventional antibiotics, because microbes cannot quickly develop resistance to them.

Constant washing, especially with aggressive detergents, shaving and scrubbing erases beneficial bacteria and undermines the skin's protective system.

Before taking a shower

Dry massage. Before jumping into the shower, scrub dry skin with a brush or special sponge. Dry rubbing exfoliates dead cells, deeply cleanses, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. As a result, it is easier for toxins to find an “exit door”, cellulite is reduced, and the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. Remember that brushes should be made of natural materials, dry and soft. Don't rub your skin.

Comb your hair. Uncombed hair will become even more tangled during washing. And trying to comb wet hair will only damage it. Wet hair is most vulnerable. Therefore, comb your hair well with a soft brush before taking a shower.

Treat your heels. If you don't want to walk around with rough heels for the rest of your life, skip the pedicure in the shower. The skin should be dry. Treat your heels before showering.

In the shower

Correct order

It would seem that it would be difficult to take a shower. However, this simple matter has its own subtleties. First of all, this is a competent procedure.

  1. Wash your hair, pat dry and apply conditioner.
  2. Wash your face and brush your teeth. During this time, the air conditioner will have time to work.
  3. Rinse off the conditioner and pull your hair up.
  4. Wash your body.

This order guarantees maximum cleanliness. No leftover toothpaste, shampoo or conditioner. Additionally, any leftover shampoo, conditioner, or hair mask running down your back can clog your pores and cause acne. Therefore, it is important to wash them off properly.

Temperature extremes

Temperature extremes disrupt the epidermal barrier and skin pH, provoke dehydration, damage capillaries, provoke rosacea and worsen inflammation (especially acne).

The common belief that hot water opens pores and cold water closes them is nothing more than a myth. The pores do not have muscles that can open and close them. In addition, hot water destroys the lipid barrier (literally “washes” it away). This leads to dehydration, dryness and at the same time increased production of sebum.

The best option is water at room temperature. And the best thermometer is your elbow. He should be comfortable. The water should not burn your elbow, and should not be cool.

Gels instead of soap

Comfortable pH of healthy skin is from 4.7 to 5.7. A regular bar of soap has a highly alkaline pH of 9 to 11.

Alkali irritates the skin, increases bacterial growth and leads to dryness, dehydration and endless acne. The “threshold of tolerance” for body skin is higher than for facial skin, but it is still better to avoid soap.

Instead of soap, choose soft shower gels and synthetic detergents with a pH of 5-6.

Interesting: Dove soap is not actually soap, but a synthetic detergent with a neutral pH. It's just a form of soap.

Your body wash should not contain the word sulfate on the label. Instead, look for soft surfactants, for example: cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium cocoate, sodium cocoamphoacetate, lauryl glucoside.

Ideally, the pH of products for dry skin will be slightly more alkaline (5-6), and those for oily skin will be slightly more acidic (4-5). To even out the pH balance of the skin and bring it to a healthy level (about 5).

Antibacterial shower products

Do not use antibacterial products every day unless prescribed by a dermatologist to treat a specific problem. Antibacterial agents drive away not only harmful bacteria, but also beneficial ones, and there is no need to use them without a serious reason. To keep your skin clean, it is enough to competently use a good shower gel.

Wash away without a trace

Rinse off your body wash thoroughly with plenty of water. There should be no traces of surfactants left on the skin. No fluffy pieces of foam behind the ear. Residues of even the mildest cleanser, remaining on the skin, destroy the protective barrier and lead to dryness, clogged pores, inflammation and irritation.


If dry exfoliation with a brush is not your option, use a salt or sugar scrub while you shower. They will deeply cleanse the skin, improve microcirculation, saturate with minerals and nourish.

Salt scrub is an excellent choice after long holidays, before body wraps and for oily skin. If your skin is dry and “begging for care,” choose a sugar-based scrub. For sensitive dry skin, try oil scrub bars. They contain a lot of saturated fatty oils and few scrubbing particles. Therefore, they exfoliate very delicately while providing intense skin care.

Generally, body skin needs exfoliation more frequently than facial skin. However, you don’t have to be overzealous and exfoliate every day. Once or twice a week is enough for smooth, soft skin.

Shaving is also exfoliation. Therefore, scrub your legs carefully and try to space shaving and scrubs on different days. If you plan to exfoliate and wax on the same day, scrub first, then shave. This way you will minimize the risk of ingrown hairs.

Cool rinse

If you have rosacea (pronounced spider veins), weak blood vessels, or the skin tends to become very red from warm water, rinse with cool water at the end. It will help narrow blood vessels that have dilated from steam and hot water.

Sponges and washcloths

Over time, dead scales, dust, and detergent residues accumulate on washcloths and sponges. Especially on washcloths made from loofah and other natural materials. In such conditions, and even in a humid environment, bacteria happily multiply, and this is a direct road to acne and irritation.

Be sure to dry sponges and washcloths well after use and change them promptly - at least once every 6 months.

After shower

  1. Blot, don't rub. After showering, gently pat your skin dry with a towel. Don't rub. Blotting removes moisture without damaging or stretching the skin. This is especially important for dry and sensitive skin. Change towels 1-2 times a week. And if you are tormented by constant acne - even more often.
  1. Moisturize your skin. Immediately after your shower, while your skin is still damp, apply a thick layer of chocolate cream to lock in as much moisture as possible and prevent dehydration.

Briefly about the main thing

Before taking a shower, do a dry massage, treat your heels and comb your hair.

For maximum cleanliness, wash your hair first, then your face and finally your body.

Take a shower at room temperature, use soft gels instead of soap and rinse them thoroughly, do not use antibacterial products unnecessarily, use a scrub 1-2 times a week and change washcloths and towels often.

After showering, gently pat your skin dry and immediately apply moisturizer.

How do you take a shower? Share in the comments!

Every day a person needs to take care of his body and maintain hygiene. A morning shower will help you invigorate and be a great start to the day. A shower in the evening will not only help get rid of dirt and sweat, but also relieve fatigue, wash away the problems and stress of the whole day and set the body up for sound sleep. How to take a shower correctly and thereby improve your body?


Taking a shower has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. a warm shower helps relieve fatigue and relax;
  2. a shower is indispensable after physical work or sports training. During physical activity, lactic acid begins to accumulate in the muscles, which causes discomfort and pain in the muscles; warm water and the massage effect of the shower will help quickly remove lactic acid and restore “clogged” muscles;
  3. It is best to wash your hair with warm water, and then your hair will always be healthy and shiny. Hot water washes away the protective layer, resulting in hair loss. It is impossible to effectively remove dirt from the scalp with cold water, so the hair quickly loses its shine and becomes unpresentable, but many claim that washing your hair with cold water helps get rid of dandruff;
  4. Washing your hair with warm water can relieve headaches and severe tension.

A shower activates metabolic processes, so the human body is cleansed of impurities and toxins, the skin is rejuvenated and, as a result, the body loses extra pounds.

A contrast shower is based on a sharp change in temperature conditions, which helps stimulate blood circulation. All systems and organs receive oxygen and nutrients, and immunity also increases. A contrast shower is the simplest means of hardening the body. Just a few treatments and you will notice significant improvements in your skin - it will become more elastic and tightened, and you will feel great.

Morning invigorating shower

A morning shower is one of the most important and mandatory morning procedures for a person, because it helps to recharge your batteries for the whole day. The best is a cool shower, but the water temperature must be selected individually for each person.

The following rules should be followed: When the water temperature drops, you need to reduce the time you spend in the shower. During the water procedure, you can rub the skin using a washcloth or terry mitten.

The best time for water procedures is around 6–8 o'clock in the morning. A cool shower will improve blood circulation, and a hormone called cortisol will enter the bloodstream faster.

A contrast shower will not only help you wake up, it will also strengthen your immune system. This procedure has rejuvenating and tonic properties. A contrast shower is characterized by alternate supply of cold and hot water.

Stages of a contrast shower:

  1. First, when taking a water procedure, you need to use warm water to feel comfortable.
  2. Then turn off the hot water for 15 seconds and turn off the cold water tap. You can count the seconds out loud.
  3. Then you need to turn on the hot water again and gradually increase the water temperature until you can stand it.
  4. This alternation must be repeated several times.
  5. At the final stage, the water temperature can be the same as the body temperature for real pleasure.

After taking a contrast shower, blood circulation immediately improves, a person feels a surge of energy and vigor. This shower is especially useful for women, because it prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat on the buttocks and sides.

Evening relaxing shower

In the evening, a shower should be relaxing to calm the nervous system and prepare the body for sleep. Therefore, it is best to use warm water.

On average, it is recommended to spend about 15 minutes in the bathroom, but you can do more if you wish.

In the evening, you should use additional accessories and hygiene products to tidy up your body. This is, first of all, soap or shower gel, scrub, washcloths and brushes.

After a hard day at work, try using cosmetics that contain natural substances that promote relaxation and relieve stress: fig extract, essential oils, medicinal herbs. An excellent relaxing effect would be to complement the shower with aromatherapy or chromotherapy.

Useful tips

When you shower, remember these things:

  1. Use mild cleansers to avoid drying out your skin. The best option would be to use hygiene products with a neutral PH value.
  2. Each family member should have their own personal washcloth. For daily use, you should choose only a soft washcloth, but a hard one can be used only once a week so as not to damage the skin. It must be remembered that after each use the washcloth must be rinsed and dried well.
  3. All hygiene products must be personal. First of all, this rule applies to towels and washcloths, but you should also remember about cosmetics. For example, face cream must be selected depending on skin type.
  4. The cleansing procedure should begin with soaping the body. Once you're completely covered in foam, don't forget to pay attention to particularly dirty areas. Next, you need to thoroughly rinse off all the foam from your body and wash your hair under warm water.
  5. It is better to finish the procedure with cool water, so that the pores of the skin narrow, because this helps retain moisture in the skin.
  6. After water procedures It is advisable to moisturize the skin with a nourishing body cream.

A few tips regarding the timing and nature of water procedures in the shower:

  1. If you wash several times a day, then do not use soap or shower gel every time you shower. This can dry out the skin and strip away the skin's protective layer.
  2. There are no special time frames for taking a shower. For some people, just a few minutes is enough. Just remember not to stay under cold or hot water for a long time.
  3. You need to shower every day This rule should especially be followed during the hot season. Just to freshen up, the water temperature should be comfortable for the body.
  4. After a hard day at work You can take a relaxing shower. To do this, you need to stand so that the water flows onto your back. First, the water temperature should be warm, and then gradually increase the temperature. Thus, you can perform a kind of massage of the central point of the nerve ganglion. Then you need to dress warmly and lie down for a while.
  5. For a sound sleep It’s better to take a warm shower; you should forget about cool water in the evening.
  6. To take a relaxing shower, The optimal water temperature should be from 25 to 40 degrees.
  7. For lovers of hot showers First you need to turn on warm water and gradually increase the water temperature to the desired degree.
  8. For everyone who loves a cool shower, At first you need to use only warm water, and then you can gradually lower the temperature.

For women and men, the procedure for taking a shower is no different, only women should carry out preliminary preparation:

  1. comb your hair so that your hair does not get tangled when you wash your hair;
  2. Using special means, remove makeup from your face.

Women love to use a lot of cosmetics during water procedures, such as scrub, shower gel, face or hair mask, milk and others.

A whole series of cosmetics has also been developed for men, but they do not always use it.

Hardening rules

A contrast shower is the best way to invigorate the body. This water procedure should be started only with warm water, then gradually increase the water temperature until steam appears. When the body is well steamed, you need to open the cold water tap for a few seconds. On average, dousing with cold water should take two or three times less time than with hot water. To achieve the desired result, the procedure must be repeated several times. And finally, douse yourself with cool water.

A contrast shower allows you to narrow and dilate blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. Only healthy, seasoned people can perform this water procedure. Beginners should first alternate between warm and hot water, lowering the water temperature by one degree each time. To harden the body with a contrast shower, you must alternately use cold and hot water. Not everyone likes this process, especially for beginners it is quite difficult to muster the courage to carry out this procedure. You need to take a contrast shower with caution so as not to harm your own health.

The main rules for taking a contrast shower:

  1. You can harden the body only if the person is completely healthy. In case of inflammatory processes, it is strictly forbidden to use changes in water temperature conditions.
  2. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the hardening process. Only a positive psychological attitude will help to adjust and calm the body before a contrast shower.
  3. It is necessary to take a contrast shower regularly and regardless of the time of year. If you pause, the hardening process will need to start all over again, while gradually lowering the level of warm water to cooler water.
  4. Hardening always begins with dousing with warm water. Next, the water temperature must be gradually increased over thirty seconds. Then turn on the cold water for thirty seconds. The process of alternating cold and hot water must be done 3 to 5 times. A contrast shower always ends with cold water. Immediately you need to dry yourself thoroughly with a hard towel and rub the skin until slightly red.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to wet your head during the contrast shower procedure, because even the healthiest person can get sick.
  6. To harden the body, you need to use a contrast shower every day. You can shower in the morning 30 minutes before going out. But you should take an evening shower no earlier than an hour before bedtime, otherwise it will be difficult for you to fall asleep.

If all of the above rules are followed correctly, then the person will always be cheerful and energetic. This state of a person indicates that the hardening process is happening correctly. If after a contrast shower you feel discomfort and cold, then the procedure is being performed incorrectly. Hardening is a health procedure and therefore has some contraindications. Every person who decides to take a contrast shower should familiarize themselves with them. The best option would be to visit qualified doctors to perform a complete examination of the whole body.


Hardening is strictly prohibited:

  1. if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  2. in inflammatory processes;
  3. if you have blood diseases;
  4. if there are tumors;
  5. with unstable blood pressure.

Beginners are always scared to start, but only the first contrast showers will cause discomfort, and then the body will get used to it, and as a result, you will only get pleasure and good health from hardening. Usually, many people decide to start hardening and take a contrast shower during the spring and summer period.

Personal care products

For daily use, you can use moisturizing and toning shower gels, which contain vegetable oils, vitamins and other elements and minerals that are beneficial for the skin.

Some shower gels contain microparticles for deep skin peeling; such products should be used no more than twice a week.

There is a huge range of washcloths on sale. You need to have both hard and soft washcloths in your home. You should use a soft washcloth every day, but once a week you can use a hard washcloth to get rid of dead skin and perform a deep skin massage.

Using a stiff washcloth made from natural materials, such as agave – This is an excellent prevention of cellulite, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Each person should have their own personal washcloth. To prevent the growth of microbes, you need to change it every few months.