How to conduct training correctly? Concentration during classes.

At fitness and bodybuilding classes the environment is of great importance situation And training place. The best option is a spacious hall with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters, equipped with modern training complexes, and having a sufficient variety of weights of various weights (dumbbells, barbells). An important point is that the hall should be, if possible, as isolated as possible from all sorts of distractions: noise, extraneous conversations, and the like...

Quite possible conduct training and at home. But try not to be distracted during the training process. Also, the training room should be well ventilated and ventilated.

When you come to the training room, you are, first of all, obliged to adhere to its rules, norms, routines and traditions.

Here is a basic list of tips on how to conduct training correctly:

  1. Mood the training should be extremely positive. If you are in a bad mood or have no desire to train, you have nothing to do in the gym!
  2. Schedule your workout so that no one or nothing interrupts it.
  3. Doing exercises focus, leave all extraneous thoughts “for later.”
  4. Always be friendly to other visitors to the room. Try not to disturb them, and in return no one will disturb you.
  5. The best and most correct training option is training with sparring partner, even better - with two.
  6. There are no excuses for missing a workout! Never look for them.
  7. Add visualization and imagination to your work. This will help you correctly to focus on and focus all your attention on the training as much as possible.

Now you know what you need to focus on, and you can build and conduct your training correctly and productively.

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