
Dietetics is a field of medicine that studies nutritional mechanisms and develops therapeutic diets for various diseases.

Nutritionists monitor nutritional balance, control the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food, determine food consumption standards and take into account the individual characteristics of the body during the diet. To achieve the necessary effectiveness in treatment, dietetics practices several treatment methods - mono-diet (eating exclusively on one product) and cyclic (several days of a strict diet alternated with moderate consumption of nutrients).

The basic principles of modern dietetics are an individual approach to each patient, determining the specific needs of the body for each patient based on the results of the examination, drawing up a nutrition program based on the characteristics of the client’s body. Such measures are very effective, as they make it possible to achieve the desired effect and solve almost any nutritional problem, for example, solve problems with excess weight, and help the body adapt to difficult living conditions for it.