Ebola and Marburg fevers

Ebola and Marburg fevers

What it is?

Hemorrhagic fevers caused by the Marburg and Ebola viruses have much in common, since their causative agents are filoviruses and there are only minor antigenic differences between them. The disease caused by these viruses is highly contagious, severe and has almost 100% mortality, and is therefore considered a particularly dangerous infection.

The first outbreak of the disease was registered in the German city of Marburg in 1967. Subsequently, similar cases were also observed in Zaire (near the Ebola River, which also gave one of the names to the infection), as well as in South Africa, Sudan, and Kenya.


The causative agent of fever is RNA-containing filoviruses, which differ significantly from all known viruses in ultrastructure and antigenic composition. Viral particles can be detected in the blood for up to 12 weeks after introduction. The pathogen spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream.

The source of infection and the reservoir of the virus in nature during all recorded outbreaks were African green monkeys (Cercopitacus aethiops). The participation of other animals in natural foci has not been studied. Infection occurs through contact with an infected primate (during hunting, when cutting carcasses). A sick person poses a danger to others - the virus is released through nasal mucus and urine. Blood is also contagious, which is especially important for medical workers.

These viruses are considered as biological weapons; in addition, on their basis it is possible to create other, more powerful pathogens that can be used, among other things, for bioterrorist purposes.

The incubation period ranges from 2 to 16 days.

What's happening?

The clinical pictures of fevers caused by the Marburg and Ebola viruses are no different from each other. The disease begins acutely, with a rapid increase in body temperature to 39-40°C, often with chills. From the very first days, signs of general intoxication develop: headache, weakness, weakness, muscle and joint pain.

After a few days, gastrointestinal tract lesions appear in the form of diarrhea, hemorrhagic syndrome with bleeding of varying localization and intensity. Dehydration gradually develops, and consciousness may be impaired.

In half of the patients, in the first week of the disease, a measles-like rash appears, affecting the face, palms and soles. Occasionally there is skin itching.

In severe cases, death can occur between the 4th and 27th days (most often on the 10th). The recovery period is very long, with persistence of asthenia, headaches and muscle pain, discomfort in the throat, and possible hair loss.


Diagnosis is difficult. Clinical, epidemiological and laboratory data must be taken into account. Special studies are carried out to detect the virus itself - only after this can a final diagnosis be made.


Treatment of patients is carried out in special premises with strict adherence to all precautions, isolation of patients and a set of sanitary and epidemiological measures among contact persons. Therapy comes down to maintaining vital functions, as well as eliminating the symptoms of the disease - mainly the fight against intoxication, dehydration and hemorrhagic syndrome.