Linoleic acid in cosmetics

An absolutely safe component when used as directed.

Colorless oily liquid. Insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform. One of the main essential fatty acids that enter the human body with food. Plays an important role in ensuring the barrier function of the skin. It is present in cosmetics in the form of triglycerides and in pure form in vegetable oils such as black currant oil, primrose oil and gimlet oil. It is present in cosmetics as a component of these oils and is used in products for dry and aging skin. Relative density 0.906.
Fragrance Ingredient; Hair Conditioning Agent; Skin-Conditioning Agent - Miscellaneous;Surfactant - Cleansing AgentSurfactant-Cleansing Agent is included as a function for the soap form of Linolenic Acid.; ANTISTATIC; EMOLLIENT; PERFUMING; SKIN CONDITIONING

An absolutely safe component when used as directed.

Colorless oily liquid. Insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform. One of the main essential fatty acids that enter the human body with food. Plays an important role in ensuring the barrier function of the skin. It is present in cosmetics in the form of triglycerides and in pure form in vegetable oils. A significant amount (up to 40-60%) is found in flaxseed, sunflower, corn and soybean oil. Also found in animal fats. Relative density 0.903
Fragrance Ingredient; Hair Conditioning Agent; Skin-Conditioning Agent - Miscellaneous;Surfactant - Cleansing AgentSurfactant-Cleansing Agent is included as a function for the soap form of Linoleic Acid.; ANTISTATIC; EMOLLIENT; SKIN CONDITIONING

Alpha-linoleic acid is classified as an essential amino acid; it has a very useful isomer - conjugated linoleic acid, otherwise called CLA. Recent studies have shown that it has a number of unique properties, therefore it is used in medicine, cosmetology and to adjust the sports diet.

Conjugated linoleic acid

What is CLA? For the first time, Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was isolated and studied from beef extract. Research has revealed the anticarcinogenic properties of CLA and its ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Conjugated linoleic acid has begun to be used in bodybuilding in recent years. CLA was thought to help burn fat and gain muscle mass. Research has proven this effectiveness, but it is so insignificant that the use of the linoleic acid isomer is rational for a general healing effect.


A very important vitamin for the cardiovascular system, an indispensable structural element for the construction of cell membranes is vitamin F, which consists of arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic acids. The listed acids are similar in structure, but a feature of the linoleic formula is the presence of two isolated double bonds. Alpha and gamma formulas of Linoleic acid are known, which have a different number of double bonds. In the body, PUFA is converted into gamma-linoleic acid with the participation of certain vitamins and is an important element of immunity.

Where is it contained?

The body cannot synthesize essential fatty acids (FA), but the body must receive the required amount to maintain strength. In order to monitor your diet and get the required amount of essential fatty acids, you need to know where linoleic acid is found. It is contained in fats (2-8%):

The main source of vitamin F is vegetable oils; the percentage of essential fatty acids in them can reach 79%, these include:

  1. oatmeal;
  2. poppy;
  3. boysenberry;
  4. grape seeds;
  5. blackberries;
  6. wheat germ;
  7. inca inchi;
  8. cranberries;
  9. cedar, hemp, coriander, corn;
  10. raspberry seeds;
  11. cloudberries;
  12. pecans;
  13. passion flowers;
  14. milk thistle;
  15. currant seeds;
  16. rosehip seeds;
  17. blueberries;
  18. black coffee;
  19. black cumin;
  20. evening primrose;
  21. lingonberry;
  22. cotton, safflower.

The following vegetable oils contain a mixture of FAs, the proportion of linoleic acid in which is less than 40%:

  1. rice;
  2. camelina, sunflower, soy, pistachio, castor;
  3. baobab;
  4. sesame, pumpkin, castor, apricot;
  5. mustard;
  6. cashew nuts;
  7. borage;
  8. coconut and coriander.

In cosmetics

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of linoleic acid, it is necessary to take it if the following symptoms appear:

  1. reduced immunity;
  2. brittle hair, nails;
  3. dry skin;
  4. memory impairment and excess weight gain.

Athletes should take fatty acid complexes to maintain body strength under conditions of increased stress. Sports nutrition manufacturers produce not only omega-3 and omega-6 acid complexes, but also a separate slim product - capsules with CLA, which is positioned as a fat burner - Softgel from Optimum Nutrition, CLA capsules from the manufacturer Dymatize. The recommended dosage for athletes is indicated in the instructions; the minimum daily dose of the vitamin is at least 12 mg, and for vitamin F – 1000 mg.

For weight loss

According to many reviews, linoleic acid is effective for weight loss. They use it as a component of a healthy diet, and together with physical activity the benefits double: a person begins to lose weight in a natural, healthy way. Losing weight without cutting back on fat in your diet has the fewest health consequences. A diet limiting plant and animal fats can cause significant harm to health, and losing weight using this method will be ineffective.

Contraindications for conjugated linoleic acid

Unlike many specialized supplements, the contraindications of conjugated linoleic acid are minimal: harm from taking CLA is possible only if taken during pregnancy or lactation. Anyone can use this substance as a supplement during a diet if you follow the basic rules:

  1. to achieve the desired effect, take CLA in its pure form, and not as part of vitamin complexes;
  2. You need to take a break between courses (the course is 2-3 months, the duration of the break should be discussed with your therapist);
  3. during the course of treatment you should not drink alcohol;
  4. if the goal of taking CLA is to lose weight, then you need to combine the course with physical activity.

Linoleic acid price

There is a wide range of CLA supplements available in pharmacies, online stores and sports nutrition stores. The price of linoleic acid depends on the manufacturer and the form of administration. Pure CLA has a higher cost than vitamin complexes. The price for portioned oils is significantly lower than for capsule forms of the supplement. According to many reviews, it is inexpensive and convenient to order the drug and buy it in an online store, having first read the catalog.

Tropicana Slim capsules (90 pcs.)

Fitmiss Tone (60 capsules)

SAN Lipidex (180 capsules)

Optimum Flaxseed Oil (100 servings)



Margarita, 28 years old She began her weight loss by calculating her diet and training with a personal trainer. When the trainer was calculating my diet for weight loss, he advised me to take CLA to achieve better results. After a month of proper nutrition, training and taking this wonderful supplement, I achieved such positive results that I did not expect at all.

Alina, 25 years old I was advised to take Vitamin F by a dermatologist. I went to the doctor with a complaint about dry skin, I didn’t think that the problem was due to a deficiency of beneficial amino acids, although I thought that I was using low-quality cosmetics. Within a month of taking the supplements, my skin returned to normal, and from now on I add natural vegetable oils to my diet.

Marina, 32 years old I don’t have enough time to go to the gym regularly due to my workload. I tried different ways to stay in shape: strict diets, pills and special teas. As a result, I just started feeling bad. A friend advised me to take a complex of fatty vitamins and CLA. After a month of taking it, I feel better and have lost 1 kg without effort.