Facial massage at home for wrinkles without harm video

Hello my dear readers. Today we’ll talk about how to keep your face fresh and young right at home. After all, our grandmothers did not visit beauty salons. This means that there were time-tested means to prolong youth. One of them is a facial massage for wrinkles; I will definitely give video examples for clarity.

Let's first look at how this massage is useful:

  1. improves blood circulation. This means that the skin of the face will begin to receive more nutrients. This will definitely have a beneficial effect on her appearance;
  2. relieves muscle tension. This leads to smoothing out wrinkles. This procedure also reduces swelling and improves skin tone;
  3. drainage of excess lymph and improved blood circulation normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the procedure allows you to get rid of seborrhea and acne.

This procedure has some contraindications. It is not performed for any skin damage, inflammation, or rashes. It is also contraindicated for warts. It is better not to touch areas with moles; the impact on them should be minimal. The procedure should not be performed in case of infectious diseases.

There are many types of different massages. I have selected the most effective ones for you. They can be easily made at home.

Before any type of procedure, the facial skin is cleansed. You can take a steam bath, apply nourishing cream or special oil.

Classic facial massage

This technique is the most popular. All finger movements take place strictly along massage lines. Otherwise, instead of elastic skin, you can get saggy skin. The classic version contains the following techniques:

  1. stroking - lightly press the skin with your hand, the pressure should not exceed its severity;
  2. trituration - also involves pressure, stronger than stroking. But so as not to cause discomfort;
  3. kneading - performed in a spiral manner, the pressure on the skin varies from minimum to maximum;
  4. patting, vibration techniques - performed with the edge of the palm. These are oscillatory movements of different rhythms.

Classic facial massage has a very simple technique. The main movements are towards the ears, from the corners of the mouth, the center of the chin, and the lower part of the nose. From the middle of the forehead to the temples. From the outer corner of the eye to the inner - along the top of the eyelid. And vice versa along the lower eyelid in the opposite direction. To better understand this technique, watch the video.

It will be useful to absolutely everyone, regardless of age.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This procedure will help get rid of swelling and improve blood circulation. Massaging is best done in the morning, at least 1-2 times a week. You can do it manually, or you can use different tools. Steel balls, spoons, rollers, special jars for face lifting. Lifting facial massage is recommended for those who have swelling and bags under the eyes. And also swelling. It will be useful for facial asymmetry. If it is caused by a violation of the water-salt balance. I recommend learning more about the technique of the procedure in my article about lymphatic drainage massage for the face.

And here is the detailed technique. Watch the video:

Closer to thirty, a woman comes face to face with the first signs of aging. But not every representative of the fairer sex is ready to put up with the fact that her youth is gone forever.

There are many remedies in the women's arsenal to combat wrinkles, and massage at home is considered one of the most effective and simple methods.

How to do a facial massage correctly


Facial massage will be most effective only if the skin is properly prepared for the procedure. The general rule to follow is to cleanse and moisturize the skin before the session. The preparatory stage consists of several steps:

  1. Wash your hands and wrists. You can wear special gloves for cosmetic procedures.
  2. Gather your hair into a bun and tuck your bangs under the headband.
  3. Remove makeup from your face, then apply cleanser.
  4. Warm up muscle fibers and open pores with a hot compress.
  5. Apply a rich cream or a little oil to your face. The skin of the face must be pre-tested for the presence or absence of an allergy to the product used.

Another important rule is to study the technique you are going to use. To remember the location of the massage lines, sketch a face on a piece of paper.

The ability to draw beautifully in this case is of secondary importance, the main thing is to correctly make the markings according to the location of massage points and lines.

If the massage is carried out thoughtlessly, there is a risk of stretching and damaging the delicate skin of the face.

More information about massage lines:

  1. from the middle of the chin to both earlobes;
  2. from the depression in the middle of the chin to both earlobes;
  3. from the center of the upper lip to both temples;
  4. from the corners of the mouth to the tragus on both ears;
  5. from the space between the eyebrows to the temples along the line above the eyebrows;
  6. from the outer corner of the eye to the inner along the lower eyelid,
  7. back - along the upper eyelid.

Indications and contraindications

Anti-wrinkle massage is a popular cosmetic procedure. It is done by women who have noticed the first signs of aging on their faces.

Signs of age-related changes include:

  1. wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  2. crow's feet;
  3. nasolabial folds;
  4. loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  5. dull and unnatural skin tone.


All these signs are more typical of aging skin. For women who are already 40, 50 or even 60 years old, anti-wrinkle massage is a therapeutic procedure. Regular visits to a cosmetologist at this age become necessary.

However, you can also conduct anti-aging massage sessions at home. This will save time and money.

Sessions of this procedure become an excellent preventative against aging.

Women who started massaging their faces at the age of 22–24 note excellent skin condition at the time of overcoming the thirty-year mark

The procedure has contraindications that should not be ignored. Anti-aging massage should not be given to those who:

  1. has large birthmarks, warts and moles on the face;
  2. suffers from herpes on the lips;
  3. has open scratches and wounds on the skin of the face and neck;
  4. complains of inflammation and rash;
  5. received a diagnosis of “acute infection”;
  6. has large facial burns.

We carry out the procedure at home

Thanks to the Internet, almost any rejuvenating massage technique has become available to women. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Rejuvenating massage techniques

Japanese massage is actively gaining popularity among girls. Its essence is the intensive study of muscle tissue, subcutaneous tissue and ligaments. In this case, painful sensations may appear.

There are currently many video lessons on the Internet, one of which we present for study.

Classic massage It is considered the most effective method of getting rid of wrinkles. It is successfully done both in expensive beauty salons and at home.

During the session, stroking and rubbing with three fingertips are used.

Jacquet's technique is based on sharp and clear movements: pressing, pinching, vibration, gripping.

The work is done with the index fingers and thumbs of both hands.

The procedure can either work wonders on your facial skin or harm it. It's all about getting the technique right.

Другое название массажа Shiatsu – this is “dotted” or “sculpted”.

During the session, a powerful effect is exerted on the biologically active zones of the body. They are responsible for the functioning of all organs and systems as a whole.

Plasticizing massage can be done at home only after long training and considerable experience.

The massage therapist's movements are smooth, but at the same time active and purposeful. The pressure force is significant, the session duration is ten minutes, the amplitude is maximum.

Various techniques for performing the procedure

  1. Massage for wrinkles around the eyes and on the eyelids. It comes down to drawing a line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer along the upper eyelid, and from the outer to the inner corner along the lower.

  1. Massage of cheeks and cheekbones. Make forward movements along the massage lines. Outline the letter "U" from the middle of the nose to the temple.

  1. Massage the chin and corners of the mouth. Start by kneading your chin from your lips towards your neck. Then move on to working out the wrinkles near the mouth, moving your fingertips from the chin to the outer corners of the lips.

  1. A neck massage will tighten the skin and get rid of the hated double chin. Use your palm to stretch your neck, tilting your head in the opposite direction. Then start working the neck from the ears down to the collarbones. From the collarbone you need to move up to the chin.

Classic facial massage for wrinkles at home

We present a detailed video lesson on how to properly perform a classic anti-wrinkle massage at home.

Result and benefits of the procedure

Facial massage has a positive effect on a girl’s appearance, as well as on the condition and functioning of internal systems:

  1. improves complexion, adds blush;
  2. reduces wrinkles;
  3. accelerates the production of elastin and collagen;
  4. increases blood flow;
  5. eliminates swelling, controls water balance;
  6. the skin receives more oxygen and beneficial elements;
  7. pores are cleared of acne and rashes.

As a result, the face looks younger, more attractive, and more aesthetically pleasing.

In just a few anti-wrinkle massage sessions, the skin takes on a well-groomed appearance.

Anti-aging massage is available to every woman. For a good result, it is enough to study the technique and not stop there.

The main thing is not to be lazy and treat your skin with love.

After we have studied what massage styles there are and become familiar with the rules for their implementation, you can begin to independently practice rejuvenation.

Stages of performing a facial massage for wrinkles

Learning how to do almost any facial massage for wrinkles at home and doing it yourself is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to master one of the massage techniques correctly.

After choosing the style of the procedure, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of its execution. During the process, follow important recommendations:

  1. Prepare the skin: remove makeup, collect hair in a bun;
  2. Wash the hands;
  3. Apply oil or cream;
  4. For manipulation, it is preferable to use your fingertips (unless the technique suggests otherwise);
  5. All movements should be soft and smooth;
  6. Be gentle in the eye area;
  7. Perform movements strictly according to the line diagram for facial massage;
  8. Start and end with stroking techniques.

What techniques can be used at home to tighten the oval face?

At home, you can use almost all massage techniques, with the exception of those that use special tools: stones, vacuum and roller devices. But even they are freely available for purchase. The easiest to learn and perform are: honey massage, facial massage, spooning and pinch method. When used regularly, they provide an excellent rejuvenating and strengthening effect.

What to use for facial massage

Facial massage is a delicate procedure. Because the skin on the face is highly sensitive. It is thinner than on other parts of the body. Therefore, when performing movements, it is necessary to use oil or facial massage cream. This will avoid redness and irritation, and will also prevent unnecessary stretching.

Stage of classic face and neck massage

  1. Apply the oil to the skin with soft patting movements;
  2. From the wings of the nose to the ears, massage the cheeks with spiral movements;
  3. Using light patting touches, massage the eyelids from the outer edge to the inner along the lower edge and then from the inner edge to the outer along the upper eyelid;
  4. Using spiral movements, we relax the forehead in the direction from the eyebrows to the hair;
  5. Using rubbing movements, massage the contour of the lips and lower jaw.

Stage of smoothing nasolabial wrinkles

Massage the nostril and the beginning of the nasolabial fold near the nose with two middle fingers of each hand, rotating each in its own direction like a figure eight.

Squeeze the side of the nose for 30 seconds alternately, then stretch it, thereby relaxing the muscle that lifts the skin, creating the nasolabial.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”

Stage of elimination of crow's feet

The skin in the eye area is delicate, thin and sensitive. It is almost devoid of fat and hydrolipid layers. Therefore, the first signs of aging appear here first. To reduce them, we perform a facial massage of this area:

  1. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds;
  2. move the eyeball left and right without changing the position of the head;
  3. intensively rotate your eyes clockwise for about a minute, then in the opposite direction;
  4. draw a figure eight with your eyelids, move your eyes alternately in different directions: right, up, left, down, left, up, right, down;
  5. massage the outer and inner corners of the eyes with your fingertips, and then the points at the end and beginning of the eyebrow arch;
  6. massage the entire eyebrow with a strong pressing movement with the phalanx of the index finger from the inside out in one stroke;
  7. raise your eyebrows high, while trying to close your eyes.

Facelift stage

When the muscle frame on the face loses its normal tone, the skin begins to fold and sag on the spasmed muscle. Visually, this leads to drooping and displacement of the oval of the face. To restore the firmness and elasticity of the contours, it is necessary to perform the following massage techniques to tighten the oval:

  1. Using the middle and index fingers, massage with smooth pressing movements from the nose to the temples (in Fig. 12, 13, 14, 15);
  2. Using the little finger of both hands, gently draw strokes along the lines of the nose (in Fig. 10, 11);
  3. Raise your head up and use vibrating technique to activate lines 20-23;
  4. Use your middle and ring fingers to massage lines 16-19;
  5. Use delicate strokes to manipulate the eye area (in Fig. 4-9).

Facial oval lift lines

Make a dissatisfied expression on your face, tightening the corners of your mouth. Massage the tense muscles under the corners of the lips for 30 seconds.

Drawing from the book by N.B. Osminina “Anatomy of facial aging”

Holding your chin with one hand, use the edge of your index finger to press firmly with the other and move first in the direction of your ears, then in the opposite direction.

Drawing from the book by N.B. Osminina “Anatomy of facial aging”

Vacuum cupping massage is also very helpful for tightening the oval. When working with cupping in a massage to tighten the oval of the face, you should pay special attention to the area of ​​the chin, lower zygomatic arch and lateral surface of the neck.

Stage of smoothing vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Massage is a very effective way to reduce and prevent skin wrinkles on the frontal part. One of the best techniques is the spoon massage technique. Regular practice of this exercise relaxes the frontal muscles.

  1. Prepare a herbal decoction in equal proportions from chamomile and calendula. Pour into 2 glasses. Cool one, heat the other until hot;
  2. Dip a spoon into the hot broth for a few seconds and move the back side along the massage lines of the forehead, from the center to the temples, for about 1 minute;
  3. Then lower the spoon into a cold glass and repeat the manipulations;
  4. Also, spiral movements from the eyebrows towards the hairline relax the forehead muscles well, smoothing out wrinkles.

To relax the forehead, vacuum massage and self-massage of the entire head with your fingertips and pulling your hair also help.

Deep facial massage stage

The practice of deep massage of the face and neck allows you to work on all layers of the skin and muscle corset and achieve lasting rejuvenating results. The technique includes pinching and sculpting facial massage, working on every spasmodic and weakened muscle.

  1. Use pincers to walk along the contour of the lower jaw;
  2. Work the muscles in the eyebrow area from the inner corner to the outer;
  3. Lightly pinching, stretch the bridge of the nose;
  4. From the outer corner of the lips, go through the subcutaneous layers of muscles to the earlobe.

At this stage, it is good to use a map of facial muscles and a diagram of massage lines to tighten the oval.

Stage of raising the corners of the lips

Place the side of your index finger on top of the corner of your lips, and the pad of your thumb below it. Slowly connect your fingers, as if sliding across the skin.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”

Final stage

Any massage procedure should end with relaxation and light strokes. This soothes delicate skin and activates the regeneration process.

After this, you can apply a tonic lotion or wipe your face with herbal infusions. Nutrients and microelements, thanks to massage practice, will fully saturate the skin cells.

Lifting masks made from clay or seaweed will also be a good addition. This will strengthen and consolidate the result obtained.

Also, in addition to massage practice, it is recommended to perform gymnastics for the face, use the practice of applying tapes to the face and periodically undergo biomechanical stimulation of the face, use a mesoscooter for the face, then the process of natural rejuvenation will noticeably accelerate.

Video tutorials for self-massage of the face

Facial massages for wrinkles can be performed in a wide variety of ways. Here, for example, is a video lesson of the author’s technique of self-massage of the face from massage guru Elena Zemskova: