- Oz

Insight (o-oz) is a psychotherapeutic method aimed at expanding consciousness and forming in the client a more harmonious view of the surrounding reality. This term is also used in the field of information technology to describe processes associated with information processing by computer systems. Insight is like enlightenment, when a person receives new information that does not require any processing, awareness or conclusions. This is when the feeling comes that everything has become clear. Understanding of what is happening comes through insight. The person had never thought about this before, but someone else came up with the right thought, said the right words, or wrote an important phrase on the wall, and then insight occurs, a flash of light. Enlightenment comes without a trace and irrevocably, as if it had never happened. In a global sense, this is something that radically changes the vision of things, and along the way, experience in general. Directly related to the psyche and the actual state of a person’s mental health. Lack of awareness gives rise to negative emotions and unnecessary nerves, on the contrary – mental calm and ease of being.